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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121055 Fesjian S., Percus J.K. Collective Modes in a One-Dimensional Nonuniform Fluid Model 1990
121054 Karttunen M., Provatas N., Ala-Nissila T. Nucleation, Growth, and Scaling in Slow Combustion 1998
121053 Criteria for Local Equilibrium in a System with Transport of Heat and Mass 1995
121052 Honecker A. A Perturbative Approach to Spectrum and Correlation Functions of the Chiral Potts Model 1996
121051 Hayot F. Reynolds Stresses in a Lattice Gas 1992
121050 Campbell L.J., O'Neil K. Statistics of Two-Dimensional Point Vortices and High-Energy Vortex States 1991
121049 Berestycki J. Multifractal Spectra of Fragmentation Processes 2003
121048 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1989
121047 Santis E., Newman C.M. Convergence in Energy-Lowering (Disordered) Stochastic Spin Systems 2003
121046 Bolle D., Jongen G., Shim G.M. Parallel Dynamics of Extremely Diluted Symmetric Q-Ising Neural Networks 1999
121045 Taylor J.E., Cahn J.W. Linking Anisotropic Sharp and Diffuse Surface Motion Laws via Gradient Flows 1994
121044 Destainville N., Widom M., Mosseri R. Random Tilings of High Symmetry: I. Mean-Field Theory 2005
121043 Nawa H. Two Points Blow-up in Solutions of the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation with Quartic Potential on R 1998
121042 Bovier A., Merola I., Presutti E. On the Gibbs Phase Rule in the Pirogov–Sinai Regime 2004
121041 Podgornik R. Book Review: Statistical Physics of Macromolecules 1995
121040 Nelson D.R. Statistical Mechanics of Flux Lines in High-T_c Superconductors 1989
121039 Mielke A. The One-Dimensional Hubbard Model for Large or Infinite-U 1991
121038 Jana N.K., Rao B.V. Generalized Random Energy Model 2006
121037 Rotstein H., Novick-Cohen A. Gelation and Cluster Growth with Cluster-Wall Interactions 1998
121036 Lavaud M. Estimates of General Mayer Graphs III: Upper Bounds Obtained by Means of Spanning n-Trees 1982
121035 Kutner R., Barszczak T. Distribution for Fermionic Discrete Lattice Gas within the Canonical Ensemble 1991
121034 Frachebourg L., Jacquemet V., Martin Ph.A. Inhomogeneous Ballistic Aggregation 2001
121033 Onsager L. The Lars Onsager Symposium 1993
121032 Safran S.A. Statistical Thermodynamics of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Membranes 1995
121031 Mordant N., Delour J., Michel O. Lagrangian Velocity Fluctuations in Fully Developed Turbulence: Scaling, Intermittency, and Dynamics 2003
121030 Jancovici B. Charge Correlations in a Coulomb System Along a Plane Wall: A Relation Between Asymptotic Behavior and Dipole Moment 2001
121029 Lorenz E.N. A Very Spectral Band 1984
121028 Butta P., Procacci A., Scoppola B. Kac Polymers 2005
121027 Baxter R.J. Equivalence of the Two Results for the Free Energy of the Chiral Potts Model 2000
121026 Erratum: Size Dependence of Self-Diffusion in the Hard-Square Lattice Gas 1991
121025 Carati A., Cipriani P., Galgani L. On the Definition of Temperature in FPU Systems 2004
121024 Penrose O. A Mean-Field Equation of Motion for the Dynamic Ising Model 1991
121023 Soler M., Martinez F. Integral Kinetic Method for One Dimension: The Spherical Case 1992
121022 Alabiso C., Casartelli M., Sello S. Equipartition and Rate of Energy Exchanges in a Model of a Radiant Cavity 1989
121021 Asselah A., Giacomin G. Metastability for the Exclusion Process with Mean-Field Interaction 1998
121020 Tarnawski M. An Order-by-Order Construction of Low-Temperature Phase Diagrams for Classical Lattice Systems 1987
121019 Fraser S., Celarier E., Kapral R. Stochastic Dynamics of the Cubic Map: A Study of Noise-Induced Transition Phenomena 1983
121018 Baras F., Coullet P.H. Comment on Asymptotic Properties of Coupled Langevin Equations 1986
121017 Program of the Sixth Statistical Physics Days 2000
121016 Donnay V.J. Non-ergodicity of Two Particles Interacting via a Smooth Potential 1999
121015 Namachchivaya N., Van Roessel H.J. Maximal Lyapunov Exponent and Rotation Numbers for Two Coupled Oscillators Driven by Real Noise 1993
121014 Escande D., Kantz H. Self-Consistent Check of the Validity of Gibbs Calculus Using Dynamical Variables 1994
121013 Pereira E. Orthogonality Between Scales in a Renormalization Group for Fermions 1995
121012 Diamond P., Klemm A., Kloeden P. Basin of Attraction of Cycles of Discretizations of Dynamical Systems with SRB Invariant Measures 1996
121011 Glaus U. Monte Carlo Study of Self-Avoiding Surfaces 1988
121010 Katori M., Konno N. Upper Bounds for Survival Probability of the Contact Process 1991
121009 Guérin H., Méléard S. Convergence from Boltzmann to Landau Processes with Soft Potential and Particle Approximations 2003
121008 Richter S., Werner R.F. Ergodicity of Quantum Cellular Automata 1996
121007 Connelly R., Rybnikov K. Percolation of the Loss of Tension in an Infinite Triangular Lattice 2001
121006 Tuzel E., Erzan A. Dissipative Dynamics and the Statistics of Energy States of a Hookean Model for Protein Folding 2000

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