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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121105 Taucher T., Frankel N.E. Probability Distributions for the Overlaps and Self-Correlations of the Pure States of an n-Vector Model 1993
121104 Boniila L.L. StabLe Nonequilibrium Probability Densities and Phase Transitions for Mean-Field Models in the Thermodynamic Limit 1987
121103 Maier R.S., Stein D.L. A Scaling Theory of Bifurcations in the Symmetric Weak-Noise Escape Problem 1996
121102 Hollander F., Menshikov M.V., Popov S.Yu. A Note on Transience Versus Recurrence for a Branching Random Walk in Random Environment 1999
121101 Gates D.J. Exact Stationary States of a Two-Dimensional Transport Model 2000
121100 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 67th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1992
121099 Wilson W.G., Laidlaw W.G. Microscopic-Based Fluid Flow Invasion Simulations 1992
121098 Garrod C. A Stochastic Model of Three-Dimensional Crystal Growth 1991
121097 Biskup M., Konig W. Screening Effect Due to Heavy Lower Tails in One-Dimensional Parabolic Anderson Model 2001
121096 Barreira L., Iommi G. Suspension Flows Over Countable Markov Shifts 2006
121095 Barber M.N., Duxbury P.M. Hamiltonian Studies of the Two-Dimensional Axial Next-Nearest-Neighbor Ising (ANNNI) Model. I. Perturbation Expansions 1982
121094 Nienhuis G. Photon Emission As a Random Event 1988
121093 Yaldram K., Binder K. Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Separation and Clustering in the ABV Model 1991
121092 Heinrichs S., Dieterich W., Maass P. Static and Time Dependent Density Functional Theory with Internal Degrees of Freedom: Merits and Limitations Demonstrated for the Potts Model 2004
121091 Porra J.M. Book Review: An Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics 1996
121090 Koch H., Piasko J. Some Rigorous Results on the Hopfield Neural Network Model 1989
121089 Romanelli L., Figliola M.A., Hirsch F.A. Deterministic Chaos and Natural Phenomena 1988
121088 Coullet P., Risler E., Vandenberghe N. Spatial Unfolding of Elementary Bifurcations 2000
121087 Fonseca P., Zamolodchikov A. Ising Field Theory in a Magnetic Field: Analytic Properties of the Free Energy 2003
121086 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1981
121085 Perram J.W., Smith E.R. Microscopic Derivation of Fluctuation Formulas for Calculating Dielectric Constants by Simulation 1987
121084 Podgornik R. Book Review: The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation 1998
121083 Mora P. The Lattice Boltzmann Phononic Lattice Solid 1992
121082 Gaspard P. Trace Formula for Noisy Flows 2002
121081 Ito H.M. Ergodicity of Randomly Perturbed Lorenz Model 1984
121080 Widom H. On Asymptotics for the Airy Process 2004
121079 Ghil M., Mullhaupt A. Boolean Delay Equations. II. Periodic and Aperiodic Solutions 1985
121078 Toom A. Non-Ergodicity in a 1-D Particle Process with Variable Length 2004
121077 Forrester P.J. Positive and Negative Charged Rods Alternating Along a Line: Exact Results 1986
121076 Sasaki K., Griffiths R.B. Equivalence of Certain Convex and Nonconvex Models of Spatially Modulated Structures 1988
121075 Lebowitz J.L., Reynolds P.J. What is Quantum Chaos? Preface 1992
121074 Bunimovich L.A., Troubetzkoy S.E. Topological Dynamics of Flipping Lorentz Lattice Gas Models 1993
121073 Adams S. Complete Equivalence of the Gibbs Ensembles for One-Dimensional Markov Systems 2001
121072 Horiguchi T., Morita T. Behavior of the Effective Fields for a Regular Ising Model on the Cayley Tree 1984
121071 Fisher M.E., Gelfand M.P. The Reunions of Three Dissimilar Vicious Walkers 1988
121070 Privman V., Rudnick J. Nonsymmetric First-Order Transitions: Finite-Size Scaling and Tests for Infinite-Range Models 1990
121069 Berretti A., Celletti A., Chierchia L. Natural Boundaries for Area-Preserving Twist Maps 1992
121068 Bovier A. The Kac Version of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model at High Temperatures 1998
121067 Häggkvist R., Rosengren A., Andrén D. A Monte Carlo Sampling Scheme for the Ising Model 2004
121066 Bertini L., Cancrini N. The Stochastic Heat Equation: Feynman-Kac Formula and Intermittence 1995
121065 Chennaoui A., Liebler J., Schuster H.G. The Mechanism of the Increase of the Generalized Dimension of a Filtered Chaotic Time Series 1990
121064 Pietronero L., Wiesmann H.J. Stochastic Model for Dielectric Breakdown 1984
121063 Wolansky G. Resonance Trapping in Dissipative and Antidissipative Systems: An Ergodic Approach 1992
121062 Radin C. Classical Ground States in One Dimension 1984
121061 Horton W. Ion Acoustic Turbulence and Anomolous Transport 1985
121060 Bobylev A.V., Dukes P., Illner R. On Vlasov-Manev Equations. I: Foundations, Properties, and Nonglobal Existence 1997
121059 Martinelli F., Micheli L. On the Large-Coupling-Constant Behavior of the Liapunov Exponent in a Binary Alloy 1987
121058 Blum L. Contact Theorems for Rough Interfaces 1994
121057 Leuzzi L., Parisi G. The K-SAT Problem in a Simple Limit 2001
121056 Cataldo H.M., Hernandez E.S. Non-Markovian Quantal Brownian Motion Model 1988

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