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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121955 L. Arkeryd, N. Maslova On Diffuse Reflection at the Boundary for the Boltzmann Equation and Related Equations 1994
121954 Andreas Engel, Alexander K. Hartmann On Large Deviation Properties of Erd os–Renyi Random Graphs 2004
121953 Myung S. Jhon, Robert J. Metz Effective Medium Theory for Elastic Matrix Composites Containing Dispersed Particulates 1988
121952 Paola Calderoni, Detlef Diirr The Smoluchowski Limit for a Simple Mechanical Model 1988
121951 Arnold J. Mandell, Karen A. Selz Brain Stem Neuronal Noise and Neocortical "Resonance" 1993
121950 Cessac B., Blanchard Ph. Self-Organized Criticality and Thermodynamic Formalism 2003
121949 Aernout C. D. van Enter Ill-Defined Block-Spin Transformations at Arbitrarily High Temperatures 1995
121948 Marro J., Valles J. L. Nonequilibrium Discontinuous Phase Transitions in a Fast Ionic Conductor Model: Coexistence and Spinodal Lines 1987
121947 Manfred Requardt The Decay of Correlation of the Two-Particle Distribution Function in a Phase-Separating Layer and the Possibility of Spatial Phase Coexistence 1982
121946 Weinan E, Eric Vanden-Eijnden Towards a Theory of Transition Paths 2006
121945 Evans J. W., Hoffman D. K. Exact Kinetics for "Almost Random" Irreversible Filling of Lattices 1983
121944 Geza Gyorgyi, Robert Graham Renormalization Group Study of Quantum Fluctuations near Classical Critical Points of Hamiltonian Systems 1991
121943 Massimo Campostrini Linked-Cluster Expansion of the Ising Model 2006
121942 Vladislav Popkov, Gunter M. Schütz Shocks and Excitation Dynamics in a Driven Diffusive Two-Channel System 2003
121941 X. D. Niu, C. Shu Investigation of Stability and Hydrodynamics of Different Lattice Boltzmann Models 2004
121940 Jonathan Maehta, Raymond Greenlaw The Parallel Complexity of Growth Models 1994
121939 Paula Gonzaga, Christian Maes The Gacs-Kurdyumov-Levin Automaton Revisited 1992
121938 Sunder Sethuraman Superdiffusivity of Occupation-Time Variance in 2-dimensional Asymmetric Exclusion Processes with Density ρ = 1 / 2 ∗ 2006
121937 Orrick W. P., B. Nickel The Susceptibility of the Square Lattice Ising Model: New Developments 2000
121936 A. Latz Non-Equilibrium Projection-Operator for a Quenched Thermostatted System 2002
121935 Gary P. Morriss, Lamberto Rondoni A Dynamical Partition Function for the Lorentz Gas 1994
121934 Ph. A. Martin, Ch. Gruber A New Proof of the Stillinger-Lovett Complete Shielding Condition 1983
121933 Anton Bovier Perturbation Expansion for a One-Dimensional Anderson Model with Off-Diagonal Disorder 1989
121932 Lam P. M. A Percolation Approach to the Kauffman Model 1987
121931 Andrew J. Majda Random Shearing Direction Models for Isotropic Turbulent Diffusion 1993
121930 Avron J. E., Roepstorff G. Ground State Degeneracy and Ferromagnetism in a Spin Glass 1980
121929 V. Privman Restoration of Universality for the Rod-to-Coil Transition Scaling in the Infinite-Dimensionality Limit: Exact Results for Directed Walks 1987
121928 Bruce J. West, Michael F. Shlesinger Random Walk of Dislocations Following a High-Velocity Impact 1983
121927 van Dongen P. G. J. Fluctuations in Reaction-Diffusion Systems: A New Exactly Soluble Growth Model 1988
121926 Cummings P. T., Stell G. Random Flights in Euclidean Space. I. General Analysis and Results for Flights with Prescribed Hit Expectance Density About the Origin 1983
121925 Geoffrey L. Sewell Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order and the Meissner Effect 1990
121924 Oliffson Kamphorst S. A Mixed Phase Transition for a Hierarchical Spin Glass 1986
121923 Aizenman M., Chayes J. T. Discontinuity of the Magnetization in One-Dimensional 1/Ix _y|^2 Ising and Potts Models 1987
121922 Book Review: Fluctuations and Order: The New Synthesis 1996
121921 Thierry Dauxois, Nikos Theodorakopoulos Thermodynamic Instabilities in One Dimension: Correlations, Scaling and Solitons 2001
121920 Alexander Figotin Photonic Pseudogaps for Periodic Dielectric Structures 1993
121919 William Bialek, A. Zee Coding and Computation with Neural Spike Trains 1989
121918 F. Delyon Recurrence of the Eigenstates of a SchrOdinger Operator with Automatic Potential 1990
121917 Valsakumar M. C. Solution of Fokker-Planck Equation Using Trotter's Formula 1983
121916 Mario Feingold, Leo P. Kadanoff Passive Scalars, Three-Dimensional Volume-Preserving Maps, and Chaos 1987
121915 T. Franosch, Th. Voigtmann Completely Monotone Solutions of the Mode-Coupling Theory for Mixtures 2002
121914 Kondratiev Yu. G., Minlos R. A. One-Particle Subspaces in the Stochastic XY Model 1996
121913 Michael P . Brenner, Thomas P . Witelsk On Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse 1998
121912 Lebowitz J.L., Phani M.K., Styer D.F. Phase Diagram of Cu-Au-Type Alloys 1985
121911 Combescure M. Recurrent Versus Diffusive Dynamics for a Kicked Quantum System 1991
121910 Reichl L.E. Book Review 1981
121909 Schlijper A.G., Kikuchi R. A Variational Approach to Distribution Function Theory 1990
121908 Freidlin M.I. On Stable Oscillations and Equilibriums Induced by Small Noise 2001
121907 Tölke J., Krafczyk M., Rank E. A Multigrid-Solver for the Discrete Boltzmann Equation 2002
121906 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1998

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