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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121855 Manna S. S., Herrmann H. J. A Stochastic Method to Determine the Shape of a Drop on a Wall 1991
121854 Patrascioiu A., Seiler E. Phase Structure of Two-Dimensional Spin Models and Percolation 1992
121853 Francois Delyon, Jean-Francois Lueiani Behavior of General One-Dimensional Diffusion Processes 1988
121852 Lev V. Mikheev, Michael E. Fisher Microcanonical Density Functionals for Critical Systems: An Exact One-Dimensional Example 1991
121851 Katja Lindenberg, Wen-Shyan Sheu Scaling Properties of Diffusion-Limited Reactions on Fractal and Euclidean Geometries 1991
121850 Lesser Blum Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Mixture of Hard Ions and Yukawa Closure 1979
121849 H. Calisto, E. Cerda Effective Potential and Weak Noise Transitions 1995
121848 Veerman J. J. P., Lafferriere G. Flocks and Formations 2005
121847 Christian Gruber, Séverine Pache Two-Time-Scale Relaxation Towards Thermal Equilibrium of the Enigmatic Piston 2002
121846 Erich Ippen, John Lindner Chaotic Resonance: A Simulation 1993
121845 S. Prakash, G. Nicolis Dynamics of Fluctuations in a Reactive System of Low Spatial Dimension 1994
121844 Dominique Simpelaere Recurrence and Return Times of the Sierpinski Carpet 1994
121843 Garrido P . L . Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy , Lyapunov Exponents , and Mean Free Time in Billiard Systems 1997
121842 Achi Brandt, Dorit Ron Renormalization Multigrid (RMG): Statistically Optimal Renormalization Group Flow and Coarse-to-Fine Monte Carlo Acceleration 1999
121841 Daniel Ueltschi Analyticity in Hubbard Models 1998
121840 C. Borzi, G. Ord The Direct Correlation Function of a One-Dimensional Ising Model 1986
121839 Gorshkov K. A., Korzinov L. N. Random Pinning of Localized States and the Birth of Deterministic Disorder within Gradient Models 1993
121838 Svetlana Jitomirskaya, Abel Klein Ising Model in a Quasiperiodic Transverse Field, Percolation, and Contact Processes in Quasiperiodic Environments 1993
121837 F. Freire, Denjoe O'Connor Dimensional Crossover and Finite-Size Scaling below T_c 1992
121836 Wei-Shih Yang Debye Screening for Two-Dimensional Coulomb Systems at High Temperatures 1986
121835 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum Pattern Selection: Determined by Symmetry and Modifiable by Distant Effects 2003
121834 Hubbard J. B., McQuarrie D. A. Mobility Fluctuations and Electrophoretic Light Scattering from Macromolecular Solutions 1988
121833 Naeem Jan, Tane S. Ray "Damage" in the Low-Temperature Phase of the __. J Spin Glass in Two to Six Dimensions 1998
121832 P. Braun Monte Carlo Study of the Critical Behavior of Pure and Site-Diluted Ising Ferro- and Ferrimagnets 1988
121831 Strick T . R ., Allemand J.-F . Physical Approaches to the Study of DNA 1998
121830 Nouri A., Omrane A. Erratum on ‘‘Boundary Conditions for Scalar Conservation Laws, from a Kinetic Point of View’’ 2004
121829 Karl W. Kratky, William G. Hoover Hard-Sphere Heat Conductivity via Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics 1986
121828 Joseph G. Conlon An Upper Bound on the Critical Temperature for a Continuous System with Short-Range Interaction 1989
121827 Krug J., Garcia J. Asymmetric Particle Systems on R 1999
121826 Iarotski D. A. ‘‘Free’’ Evolution of Multi-particle Excitations in the Glauber Dynamics at High Temperature 2001
121825 David Chandler Roles of Classical Dynamics and Quantum Dynamics on Activated Processes Occurring in Liquids 1986
121824 Book Review: Random Walks and Random Environments, Volume 1: Random Walks 1996
121823 J. Schulte Thermal Helium Clusters at 3.2 Kelvin in Classical and Semiclassical Simulations 1993
121822 Collet P., Eckmann J.-P. A Rigorous Upper Bound on the Propagation Speed for the Swift–Hohenberg and Related Equations 2001
121821 Gerald Wilemski Nonequilibrium Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Shear Thinning in Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions 1990
121820 Tohru Kai Lyapunov Number for a Noisy 2^n Cycle 1982
121819 Perez J. F., Wreszinski W. F. The Mean Spherical Model in a Random External Field and the Replica Method 1983
121818 Gaspard P., Kaprai R., Nicolis G. Bifurcation Phenomena near Homoclinic Systems: A Two-Parameter Analysis 1983
121817 Evangelou S. N. A Numerical Study of Sparse Random Matrices 1991
121816 R. Beals, V. Protopopescu Half-Range Completeness for the Fokker-Planck Equation 1983
121815 B. Sriram Shastry Decorated Star-Triangle Relations and Exact Integrability of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model 1987
121814 Faria da Veiga P.A., O'CarroIl M., Schor R. On the Large-Distance Behavior of Correlations for a Hierarchical N-Component Classical Vector Model in Three Dimensions 1998
121813 Program of the 60th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1989
121812 Book Review: Renormalization Group 1996
121811 Lieb E.H., Yngvason J. The Ground State Energy of a Dilute Two-Dimensional Bose Gas 2001
121810 J . Wehr, J . Xin Front Speed in the Burgers Equation with a Random Flux 1996
121809 Anthony W. Yu, Govind P. Agrawal Power Spectra and Spatial Pattern Dynamics of a Ring Laser 1988
121808 Janssen J.A.M. The Elimination of Fast Variables in Complex Chemical Reactions. III. Mesoscopic Level (Irreducible Case) 1989
121807 Book Review: Les Houches 1984, Session 43, Critical Phenomena, Random Systems, Gauge Theory 1988
121806 Roberto H. Schonmann Critical Points of Two-Dimensional Bootstrap Percolation-Like Cellular Automata 1989

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