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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122205 Weiss G.H. Book Review: Elements of the Random Walk: An Introduction for Advanced Students and Researchers 2005
122204 Bernard D., Gawedzki K., Kupiainen A. Slow Modes in Passive Advection 1998
122203 Gitterman M. Book Review: Introduction to Nonlinear Science 1996
122202 Carroll M.S., Janke W., Kappler S. Dynamical Behavior of the Multibondic and Multicanonic Algorithm in the 3D q-State Potts Model 1998
122201 Schlijper A.G. Exact Variational Methods and Cluster-Variation Approximations 1984
122200 Georgii H.-O. The Equivalence of Ensembles for Classical Systems of Particles 1995
122199 Lu X. On Spatially Homogeneous Solutions of a Modified Boltzmann Equation for Fermi–Dirac Particles 2001
122198 Jonathan C. Mattingly The Dissipative Scale of the Stochastics Navier–Stokes Equation: Regularization and Analyticity 2002
122197 Aizenman M. On the Slow Decay of 0(2) Correlations in the Absence of Topological Excitations: Remark on the Patrascioiu-Seiler Model 1994
122196 G. W. Ford, M. Kac On the Quantum Langevin Equation 1986
122195 Wolfram Just Bifurcations in Globally Coupled Map Lattices 1994
122194 da Silva L. R. Fractal Dimension at the Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Cellular Automata 1988
122193 Per Lyngs Hansen, Jesper Lemmich, John Hjort Ipsen Two Coupled Ising Planes: Phase Diagram and Interplanar Force 1993
122192 Edoardo Milotti Survival Probabilities for Random Walks on Lattices with Randomly Distributed Traps 1992
122191 Bazhanov V. V., Baxter R. J. Star-Triangle Relation for a Three-Dimensional Model 1992
122190 Barnsley M. F., Morley T.D., Vrscay E. R. Iterated Networks and the Spectra of Renormalizable Electromechanical Systems 1985
122189 Mattis D.C. Design of a Nanomagnet 2004
122188 Nardi F. R., Olivieri E., Zahradnik M. On the Ising Model with Strongly Anisotropic External Field 1999
122187 Kiessling M.K.-H. A Complementary Thermodynamic Limit for Classical Coulomb Matter 1990
122186 Book Review: Thermodynam&s of Chaotic Systems 1994
122185 Capoeaeeia D., Cassandro M., Picco P. On the Existence of Thermodynamics for the Generalized Random Energy Model 1986
122184 Soshnikov A.B. Gaussian Fluctuation for the Number of Particles in Airy, Bessel, Sine, and Other Determinantal Random Point Fields 2000
122183 van Hemmen J. L., Brito A. A. S., Wreszinski W. F. Spin Waves in Quantum Ferromagnets 1983
122182 Kennedy T. Some Rigorous Results on Majority Rule Renormalization Group Transformations near the Critical Point 1993
122181 van Dongen P. G. J. Spatial Fluctuations in Reaction-Limited Aggregation 1988
122180 Gawedzki K., Kotecky R., Kupiainen A. Coarse-Graining Approach to First-Order Phase Transitions 1987
122179 Kazuo Sasaki Modulated Phases and Upsilon Points in a Spin Model with Helical Ordering 1992
122178 Sondergaard N., Palla G., Vattay G. Asymptotics of High Order Noise Corrections 2000
122177 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 62nd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1990
122176 Rodriguez-Romo S., Tchijov V. On Continuous-Time Self-Avoiding Random Walk in Dimension Four 1998
122175 Liu D.-J., Pavlenko N., Evans J.W. Crossover between Mean-Field and Ising Critical Behavior in a Lattice-Gas Reaction-Diffusion Model 2004
122174 Simon B. The Rate of Falloff of Ising Model Correlations at Large Temperature 1981
122173 Requardt M., Wagner H.J. Poor Decay of Correlations in Inhomogeneous Fluids and Solids and Their Relevance for the Physics of Phase Boundaries 1986
122172 Joets A., Ribotta R. Localized Bifurcations and Defect Instabilities in the Convection of a Nematic Liquid Crystal 1991
122171 Chorin A.J. Vortex Aiexandre Phase Transitions in 2(1/2) Dimensions 1994
122170 Lebowitz J.L. A Laudatio for Elliott Lieb on His Receiving the Poincaré Medal at the International Congress on Mathematical Physics in Lisbon, July 30, 2003 2004
122169 McKean H.P. Correction. Statistical Mechanics of Nonlinear Wave Equations (3). Metric Transitivity for Hyperbolic Sine-Gordon 1999
122168 Eckmann J.-P., Wittwer P. A Complete Proof of the Feigenbaum Conjectures 1987
122167 Spouge J.L. Equilibrium Ring Formation in Polymer Solutions 1986
122166 Gitterman M., Weiss G.H. A Transition in a Noisy Linear System Driven by a Periodic Signal 1994
122165 Machta J., Moriarty K. The Computational Complexity of the Lorentz Lattice Gas 1997
122164 Contucci P., Kleban P., Knauf A. A Fully Magnetizing Phase Transition 1999
122163 Golden K., Goldstein S. Arbitrarily Slow Decay of Correlations in Quasiperiodic Systems 1988
122162 Eliazar I., Klafter J. Levy, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, and Subordination: Spectral vs. Jump Description 2005
122161 Bezandry P.H., Diagana T. Fluctuation Theory for a Three-Dimensional Model of Maxwellian Molecules 2003
122160 Alexander K.S., Yoshida N. The Spectral Gap of the 2-D Stochastic Ising Model with Mixed Boundary Conditions 2001
122159 Eyink G.L., Chen S., Chen Q. Gibbsian Hypothesis in Turbulence 2003
122158 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1998
122157 Santos F., Garrido P.L. Continuum Field Model of Driven Lattice Gases 1999
122156 Bobylev A.V., Cercignani C. Self-Similar Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation and Their Applications 2002

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