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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122355 Book Review: Van der Waals Forces: A Handbook for Biologists, Chemists, Engineers, and Physicists 2006
122354 Karl W. Kratky Explicit and Implicit Finiteness Corrections of Virial Coefficients 1984
122353 Takashi Hara, Gordon Slade On the Upper Critical Dimension of Lattice Trees and Lattice Animals 1990
122352 Frohlich J. The Phase Transition in the Discrete Gaussian Chain with l/r^2 Interaction Energy 1990
122351 M. Frankowicz, G. Nicolis Transient Evolution Towards a Unique Stable State: Stochastic Analysis of Explosive Behavior in a Chemical System 1983
122350 Author Index for Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
122349 Gruber C., Ueltschi D. Molecule Formation and the Farey Tree in the One-Dimensional Falicov-Kimball Model 1994
122348 Blomberg C. Some Properties of Stochastic Equations for Coupled Chemical Reactions Far from Equilibrium 1979
122347 Chazottes J.-R., Redig F. Occurrence, Repetition and Matching of Patterns in the Low-temperature Ising Model 2005
122346 Lauwers J., Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V. A. Bose–Einstein Condensation for Homogeneous Interacting Systems with a One-Particle Spectral Gap 2003
122345 Miiller V. F. One-Dimensional Chiral Models with First-Order Phase Transitions 1992
122344 Sergei Kuksin, Oliver Penrose A Family of Balance Relations for the Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations with Random Forcing 2004
122343 Book Review: Evolution, Games, and Learning 1987
122342 Cichocki B., Felderhof B. U. Renormalized Cluster Expansion for Multiple Scattering in Disordered Systems 1988
122341 Batchelor M. T., Guan X.-W., Oelkers N. Quantum Phase Diagram of an Exactly Solved Mixed Spin Ladder 2003
122340 Bernard Helffer, Johannes Sjostrand On the Correlation for Kac-like Models in the Convex Case 1993
122339 Neal Madras, Alan D. Sokal Nonergodicity of Local, Length-Conserving Monte Carlo Algorithms for the Self-Avoiding Walk 1987
122338 Angel Alastuey Mean Field Kinetic Theory of a Classical Electron Gas in a Periodic Potential. II. Qualitative Analysis of the Mean-Field Solution in One Dimension 1987
122337 Weron A., Weron K., Woyczynski W. A. Relaxation Functions in Dipolar Materials 1994
122336 Yasuhiro Inoue, Yu Chen, Hirotada Ohashi Development of a Simulation Model for Solid Objects Suspended in a Fluctuating Fluid 2001
122335 Meunier C. Nonlinear Coupling of Waves in a Plasma in a Strong Dissipation Limit 1985
122334 Program of the 75th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1997
122333 Cummings P. T., Wright C. C. Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Soft- Core Yukawa Fluid. III. A Restricted Model for Electrolytes and Fused Salts 1980
122332 Book Review: Statistical Physics for Cosmic Structures 2006
122331 Pesheva N. C., Yitzhak Shnidman, Zia R. K. P. A Maximum Entropy Mean Field Method for Driven Diffusive Systems 1992
122330 Ilya Zaliapin, Vladimir Keilis-Borok, Michael Ghil A Boolean Delay Equation Model of Colliding Cascades. Part I: Multiple Seismic Regimes 2002
122329 Snider R. F. A Reinterpretation of Dense Gas Kinetic Theory 1990
122328 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
122327 A. Comtet, J. Desbois, C. Monthus Asymptotic Laws for the Winding Angles of Planar Brownian Motion 1993
122326 M. Broidioi, M. Van Canneyt Scaling of Fluctuations and Critical Exponents 1995
122325 Márton Balázs Microscopic Shape of Shocks in a Domain Growth Model 2001
122324 Philip W. Anderson, F. Duncan M. Haldane The Symmetries of Fermion Fluids at Low Dimensions 2000
122323 Lübeck S., Willmann R. D. Universal Scaling Behavior of Directed Percolation around the Upper Critical Dimension 2003
122322 Eugene R. Speer Asymmetric Abelian Sandpile Models 1992
122321 Twelfth West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1986
122320 Abel Klein, Stanislav Molchanov Simplicity of Eigenvalues in the Anderson Model 2005
122319 Book Review: Stability of Thermodynamic Systems 1983
122318 Nigel Goldenfeld, Alan McKane, Qing Hou Block Spins for Partial Differential Equations 1998
122317 Book Review: Approximation of Population Processes 1982
122316 van Enter A. C. D., van Hemmen Absence of Phase Transitions in Certain One-Dimensional Long-Range Random Systems 1984
122315 Alan M. Ferrenberg, Landau D. P. Statistical and Systematic Errors in Monte Carlo Sampling 1990
122314 Andrea Gamba, Igor V. Kolokolov Dissipation Statistics of a Passive Scalar in a Multidimensional Smooth Flow 1998
122313 Book Review: A Survey of Thermodynamics 1996
122312 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
122311 B. Rider Fluctuations in the Thermodynamic Limit of Focussing Cubic Schrödinger 2003
122310 Stuart A. M., Warren J. O. Analysis and Experiments for a Computational Model of a Heat Bath 1999
122309 Corrado Falcolini, Rafael de la Llave A Rigorous Partial Justification of Greene's Criterion 1991
122308 van der Sman R. G. M., Ernst M. H. Diffusion Lattice Boltzmann Scheme on a Orthorhombic Lattice 1998
122307 Bao J.-D. Semi-Integral Scheme for Simulation of Langevin Equation with Weak Inertia 2000
122306 de Monvel-Berthier A.B., Dita P. Brownian Motion Near an Absorbing Sphere 1991

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