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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122055 Rujan P. Order and Disorder Lines in Systems with Competing Interactions: I. Quantum Spins at T = 0 1982
122054 Qu X., Aldana M., Kadanoff L.P. Numerical and Theoretical Studies of Noise Effects in the Kauffman Model 2002
122053 Hoover W.G. Nonlinear Conductivity and Entropy in the Two-Body Boltzmann Gas 1986
122052 Rubi J.M., Bedeaux D. Brownian Motion in a Fluid in Eiongational Flow 1988
122051 Hooft G. Equivalence Relations Between Deterministic and Quantum Mechanical Systems 1988
122050 Jonsson T., Wheater J.F. Area Distribution for Directed Random Walks 1998
122049 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1985
122048 Chechetkin V.R., Lutovinov V.S., Turygin A.Yu. Multifractal Structure of Fully Developed Hydrodynamic Turbulence. I. Kolmogorov's Third Hypothesis Revisited 1990
122047 van Rensburg E.J.J., Orlandini E., Sumners D.W. Entanglement Complexity of Lattice Ribbons 1996
122046 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1990
122045 Kuramoto Y. Book Review: Chemical Oscillations, Waves and Turbulence 1986
122044 Brandt A., Galun M. Optimal Multigrid Algorithms for Variable-Coupling Isotropic Gaussian Models 1997
122043 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University Program of the 51st Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1985
122042 Majda A.J., Souganidis P.E. Bounds on Enhanced Turbulent Flame Speeds for Combustion with Fractal Velocity Fields 1996
122041 Bocquet L., Piasecki J., Hansen J.-P. On the Brownian Motion of a Massive Sphere Suspended in a Hard-Sphere Fluid. I. Multiple-Time-Scale Analysis and Microscopic Expression for the Friction Coefficient 1994
122040 Announcement 1989
122039 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1996
122038 Katsura S., Ide T., Morita T. The Ground States of the Classical Heisenberg and Planar Models on the Triangular and Plane Hexagonal Lattices 1986
122037 Fendley P., Lesage F., Saleur H. A Unified Framework for the Kondo Problem and for an Impurity in a Luttinger Liquid 1996
122036 Douglas J. Klein Asymptotic Distributions for Self-Avoiding Walks Constrained to Strips, Cylinders, and Tubes 1980
122035 Jiang M. The Entropy Formula for SRB-Measures of Lattice Dynamical Systems 1999
122034 S. Vaienti Ergodic Properties of the Discontinuous Sawtooth Map 1991
122033 Hannon L., Lie G. C., Clementi E. Micro-Hydrodynamics 1988
122032 Requardt M., Wagner H.J. Wigner Crystallization and Its Relation to the Poor Decay of Pair Correlations in One-Component Plasmas of Arbitrary Dimension 1990
122031 H. Cornille, A. Gervois Powerlike Decreasing Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation for a Maxwell Gas 1980
122030 Borgs C., Kotecky R., Miracle-Sole S. Finite-Size Scaling for Potts Models 1991
122029 András Süto Normal and Generalized Bose Condensation in Traps: One Dimensional Examples 2004
122028 Anita Mehta, Needs R. J. The Langevin Dynamics of Vibrated Powders 1992
122027 Dorfman J.R., Ernst M.H., Jacobs D. Dynamical Chaos in the Lorentz Lattice Gas 1995
122026 G. Hailer Universal Homoclinic Bifurcations and Chaos near Double Resonances 1996
122025 Becky A. Brown, A. Ray Brown, Michael F. Shlesinger Solutions of Doubly and Higher Order Iterated Equations 2002
122024 Hairer M., Pavliotis G. A. Periodic Homogenization for Hypoelliptic Diffusions 2004
122023 Corsten M., Poole P. Initiation of Damage in the Kauffman Model 1988
122022 Hellen E. K. O., Szelestey P., Alava M. J. Multilayer Cooperative Sequential Adsorption 1999
122021 Schutz G. Generalized Bethe Ansatz Solution of a One-Dimensional Asymmetric Exclusion Process on a Ring with Blockage 1993
122020 Wang D. F., Gruber C. On the Chiral Hubbard Model and the Chiral Kondo Lattice Model 1994
122019 S. Vaienti Computing the Pressure for Axiom-A Attractors by Time Series and Large Deviations for the Lyapunov Exponent 1989
122018 Pinson H.T. Critical Percolation on the Torus 1994
122017 Abdelazim M. S. Shock Compression of Simple Molecules 1986
122016 J. Javier Brey, James W. Dufty, Andres Santos Dissipative Dynamics for Hard Spheres 1996
122015 Misra B. Fields as Kolmogorov Flows 1987
122014 Malte' Henkel Schrodinger Invariance and Strongly Anisotropic Critical Systems 1994
122013 van Kampen N. G. Note on the Two-Slit Experiment 1993
122012 Milchev A., Heermann D.W., Binder K. Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of the Ô4 Field Theory on the Square Lattice 1986
122011 Book Review: Quantum and Statistical Field Theory 1993
122010 Gottfried Mayer-Kress, Kunihiko Kaneko Spatiotemporal Chaos and Noise 1988
122009 Christopher Boucher, Richard S. Ellis, Bruce Turkington Derivation of Maximum Entropy Principles in Two-Dimensional Turbulence via Large Deviations 1999
122008 Brian Davies A Twist on Chiral Potts 1990
122007 Baus M., Hansen J. P. Statistical Mechanics of Ionic Matter: Summary of a Workshop 1983
122006 Kipnis C., Lebowitz J.L., Presutti E. Self-Diffusion for Particles with Stochastic Collisions in One Dimension 1983

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