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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121605 Tasaki H., Hara T. Mean Field Bound and GHS Inequality 1984
121604 Spencer T. Localization for Random and Quasiperiodic Potentials 1988
121603 Chulaevsky V., Delyon F. Purely Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Almost Mathieu Operators 1989
121602 Kiessling M. On the Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Isothermal Classical Self-Gravitating Matter 1989
121601 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
121600 Cuansing E., Nakanishi H. Iterated Fully Coordinated Percolation on a Square Lattice 2001
121599 Miekisz J. Stable Quasicrystalline Ground States 1997
121598 Hede B., Privman V. Two-Spin-Majority Cellular Automaton as a Model of 2D Cluster and Interface Growth 1991
121597 Myjak J., Szarek T. A Lower Estimation of the Hausdorff Dimension for Attractors with Overlaps 2001
121596 Gerisch T. Canonical versus Grand-Canonical Free Energies and Phase Diagrams of a Bipolaronic Superconductor Model 1998
121595 Driessler W. On the Spectrum of the Rayleigh Piston II 1982
121594 Chen S., Doolen G.D., Matthaeus W.H. Lattice Gas Automata for Simple and Complex Fluids 1991
121593 Bukman D., Shore J. The Conical Point in the Ferroelectric Six-Vertex Model 1995
121592 Kutlu B., Aktekin N. Computation of Critical Exponents for Two-Dimensional Ising Model on a Cellular Automaton 1994
121591 Hinrichsen H., Rittenberg V., Simon H. Universality Properties of the Stationary States in the One-Dimensional Coagulation-Diffusion Model with External Particle Input 1997
121590 Privman V., Schulman L.S. Analytic Continuation at First-Order Phase Transitions 1982
121589 Ouared R., Chopard B. Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Blood Flow: Non-Newtonian Rheology and Clotting Processes 2005
121588 Farnell D.J.J., Bishop R.F., Gernoth K.A. Coupled Cluster Method Calculations of Quantum Magnets with Spins of General Spin Quantum Number 2002
121587 Gross E.P. Ground State of a Spin-Phonon System. I. Variational Estimates 1989
121586 Salas J., Sokal A. Absence of Phase Transition for Antiferromagnetic Potts Models via the Dobrushin Uniqueness Theorem 1997
121585 Cercignani C., Kremer G.M. Trend to Equilibrium of a Degenerate Relativistic Gas 2000
121584 de Magalhaes A.C.N., Essam J.W. The n-Component Cubic Model and Flows: Subgraph Break-Collapse Method 1990
121583 Klein D. Uniqueness of Continuum One-Dimensional Gibbs States for Slowly Decaying Interactions 1986
121582 Sali L., Bergman D. Effective Medium Approximation for Strongly Nonlinear Media 1997
121581 Szasz D. A Dynamical Theory of Brownian Motion for the Rayleigh Gas 1987
121580 Luttinger Q. Preface 2001
121579 Yalcin T., Gruber C. A Probabilistic Approach to the Models of Spin Glasses 1983
121578 Levy O., Kohn R. Duality Relations for Non-Ohmic Composites, with Applications to Behavior near Percolation 1998
121577 Kral P. Generalized Gradient Expansions in Quantum Transport Equations 1997
121576 Finel A., de Fontaine D. The Uniaxial Brickwork Model, Exact Results, and CVM Approximation 1986
121575 Balazs N.L., Schmit C., Voros A. Spectral Fluctuations and Zeta Functions 1987
121574 Derrida B., Janowsky S.A., Lebowitz J.L. Exact Solution of the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process: Shock Profiles 1993
121573 Macris N., Piguet C.-A. Long-Range Orders in Models of Itinerant Electrons Interacting with Heavy Quantum Fields 2001
121572 Wu C.C. A Note on Mean-Field Behavior for Self-Avoiding Walk on Branching Planes 1995
121571 Kratky K.W. Overlap Graph Representation of B_6 and B_7 1982
121570 MeNamara G.R., Gareia A.L., Aider B.J. A Hydrodynamically Correct Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Model 1997
121569 Pereira E., Procacci A., O'Carroll M. Multiscale Formalism for Correlation Functions of Fermions. Infrared Analysis of the Tridimensional Gross 1999
121568 Newman C.M., Schulman L.S. Infinite Clusters in Percolation Models 1981
121567 Igarashi A., McClintock P.V.E., Stocks N.G. Velocity Spectrum for Non-Markovian Brownian Motion in a Periodic Potential 1992
121566 Widom B. Note on the Interfaeial Tension of Phase-Separated Polymer Solutions 1988
121565 Brankov J., Tonchev N. On the Finite-Size Scalling Equation for the Spherical Model 1988
121564 Moore W. Schrodinger: Life and Thought 1991
121563 Theodore Cox J., Grimmett G. Central Limit Theorems for Percolation Models 1981
121562 Feigenbaum M.J. Presentation Functions, Fixed Points, and a Theory of Scaling Function Dynamics 1988
121561 Caravenna F., Giacomin G., Gubinelli M. A Numerical Approach to Copolymers at Selective Interfaces 2006
121560 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 48th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1983
121559 Eyink G. Local Energy Flux and the Refined Similarity Hypothesis 1995
121558 Laurençot P., Wrzosek D. The Discrete Coagulation Equations with Collisional Breakage 2001
121557 Bleher P.M. The Energy Level Spacing for Two Harmonic Oscillators with Generic Ratio of Frequencies 1991
121556 Lebowitz J.L. Programs of the 56th and 57th Statistical Mechanics Meetings 1987

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