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Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
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Deepak Dhar, Mustansir Barma |
Effect of Disorder on Relaxation in the One-Dimensional Glauber Model |
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Michael E. Fisher |
The Story of Coulombic Criticality |
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Remco van der Hofstad, Frank Redig |
Maximal Clusters in Non-Critical Percolation and Related Models |
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Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
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Raphael Blumenfeld |
Universality and Superuniversality of Multifractals in Nonlinear Resistor Networks |
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Marzio Cassandro, Pierre Picco |
Existence of a Phase Transition in a Continuous Quantum System |
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(Almost ) Gibbsian Description of the Sign Fields of SOS Fields |
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Universality Two-Dimensional Kauffman Model for Parallel and Sequential Updating |
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Persistent Random Walks in a One- Dimensional Random Environment |
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Metastability in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model with Free Boundary Conditions |
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Levy Walks for Turbulence: A Numerical Study |
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Diffusion with Random Traps: Transient One-Dimensional Kinetics in a Linear Potential |
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Dorothea K. Stillinger, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato |
Triangle Distribution and Equation of State for Classical Rigid Disks |
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A New Approach to Noise in Quantum Mechanics |
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Transmission Properties of Random Point Scatterers for Waves with Two-Band Dispersion Law |
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Polymer Gas Approach to N- Body Lattice Systems |
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Philippe Ruelle |
Brownian Local Time and Quantum Mechanics |
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The Order Parameter of the Chiral Potts Model |
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K. Stratford, R. Adhikari, I. Pagonabarraga |
Lattice Boltzmann for Binary Fluids with Suspended Colloids |
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Statistics of Transfer Matrices for Disordered Quantum Thin Metallic Slabs |
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Airy Distribution Function: From the Area Under a Brownian Excursion to the Maximal Height of Fluctuating Interfaces |
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Stochastic Processes Originating in Deterministic Microscopic Dynamics |
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Statistical Entropy of a Lattice-Gas Model: Multiparticle Correlation Expansion |
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Statistics of the One-Dimensional Riemann Walk |
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Fokker-Planck Equation, Molecular Friction, and Molecular Dynamics for Brownian Particle Transport near External Solid Surfaces |
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Explicit Construction of Steady State of a Model of Chemical Turbulence |
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Super-Effective-Field Theory and Coherent-Anomaly Method in Cooperative Phenomena |
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The Theory of Ostwald Ripening |
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A Model for Polyelectrolytes |
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Feynman's Ratchet and Pawl |
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Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1982 | •• |
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Kuznetsov S.P., Kuznetsov A.P., Sataev I.R. |
Multiparameter Critical Situations, Universality and Scaling in Two-Dimensional Period-Doubling Maps |
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Relaxation in Cooperative Systems: Use of Mixture Virial Coefficients |
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Morphology of Growing Interfacial Patterns |
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