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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121155 Lomdahl P. S. Solitons in Josephson Junctions: An Overview 1985
121154 James D. Hanson, John R. Cary Algebraic Decay in Self-Similar Markov Chains 1984
121153 Ferrari P.A., Martinez S., San Martin J. Phase Transition for Absorbed Brownian Motion with Drift 1997
121152 David Ruelle Smooth Dynamics and New Theoretical Ideas in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics 1998
121151 Ojima I., Hasegawa H., Ichiyanagi M. Entropy Production and Its Positivity in Nonlinear Response Theory of Quantum Dynamical Systems 1988
121150 Enting I.G., Guttmann A.J. On the Area of Square Lattice Polygons 1990
121149 Gore V.K., Jerrum M.R. The Swendsen-Wang Process Does Not Always Mix Rapidly 1999
121148 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1984
121147 Fuller G.G., Smith K., Burghardt W.R. Field-Induced Anisotropy in Concentrated Systems of Rigid Particles and Macromolecules 1991
121146 Guenter Ahlers, Christopher W. Meyer Deterministic and Stochastic Effects Near the Convective Onset 1988
121145 Bunde A., Havlin S., Roman H.E. On the Field Dependence of Random Walks in the Presence of Random Fields 1988
121144 Dash J. G., Hodgkin V. A. Dynamics of Faceted Grain Boundary Grooves 1998
121143 Cardy J., Jacobsen J.L., Sokal A.D. Unusual Corrections to Scaling in the 3-State Potts Antiferromagnet on a Square Lattice 2001
121142 Olle Häggström, Tatyana Turova A Strict Inequality for the Random Triangle Model 2000
121141 Silvio Franz, Michele Leone Replica Bounds for Optimization Problems and Diluted Spin Systems 2002
121140 Artuso R., Casati G., Guarneri I. Numerical Experiments on Billiards 1996
121139 Banavar J.R., Colaiori F., Flammini A. Scaling, Optimality, and Landscape Evolution 2001
121138 Skrypnik W.I. Correlation Functions of Infinite System of Interacting Brownian Particles; Local in Time Evolution Close to Equilibrium 1984
121137 Kapitulnik A., Gefen Y., Aharony A. On the Fractal Dimension and Correlations in Percolation Theory 1984
121136 Konno N., Katori M. Analysis of the Order Parameter for Uniform Nearest Particle System 1991
121135 O'Carroll M. Lattice and Continuum Wavelets and the Block Renormalization Group 1993
121134 Eu B.C. Book Review: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Ensemble Method 1999
121133 Evans D.J., Rondoni L. Comments on the Entropy of Nonequilibrium Steady States 2002
121132 Burkov S.E. Are Layered Two-Dimensional Quasicrystals Periodic in the Third Direction? 1991
121131 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2004
121130 Gielerak R. Existence of the Transfer Matrix Formalism for a Class of Classical Continuous Gases 1989
121129 Li W. Phenomenology of Noniocal Cellular Automata 1992
121128 Vidigal R., Dickman R. Asymptotic Behavior of the Order Parameter in a Stochastic Sandpile 2005
121127 Shiner J.S. Fluxes and the Elimination of Fast-Relaxing Variables 1981
121126 Korniss G., Schmittmann B., Zia R.K.P. Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in a Simple Three-State Lattice Gas 1997
121125 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1982
121124 Robledo A. The Renormalization Group and Optimization of Entropy 2000
121123 van Dongen P.G.J. Spatial Fluctuations in Reaction-Diffusion Systems: A Model for Exponential Growth 1990
121122 Szabo K.G., Tel T. On the Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcation of Chaotic Attractors 1989
121121 Ortiz J.S.E., de Aguiar M.A.M., de Almeida A.M.O. Scars of Periodic Orbits in the Stadium Action Billiard 1996
121120 van Dongen P.G.J., Ernst M.H. Kinetics of Reversible Polymerization 1984
121119 Vollmer J., Tel T., Matyas L. Modeling Thermostating, Entropy Currents, and Cross Effects by Dynamical Systems 2000
121118 Grynberg M.D. Continuously Infinite Commensurate-Incommensurate Phase Transition of a Two-Dimensional Competing Ising Model 1992
121117 Dunlop F., Topolski K. Cassie's Law and Concavity of Wall Tension with Respect to Disorder 2000
121116 Johnson E.A. Two-Temperature Hydrodynamics and Multiple Sound Modes in Disparate-Mass Gas Mixtures 1989
121115 Großkinsky S., Schütz G.M., Spohn H. Condensation in the Zero Range Process: Stationary and Dynamical Properties 2003
121114 Varley R.L. A NonequiUbrium Analog of the Percus-Yevick Equation 1981
121113 Cercignani C. Solution of a Linearized Kinetic Model for an Ultrarelativistic Gas 1986
121112 Caglioti E., Marchioro C. Bounds on the Growth of the Velocity Support for the Solutions of the Vlasov 2000
121111 Munoz G., Burgett W.S. Auxiliary Ghost Fields in Statistical Dynamics 1989
121110 Balescu R., Nicolis G. Foreword 1981
121109 Izus G.G., Rueda J.R., Borz C.H. Boundary Effects on the Structural Stability of Stationary Patterns in a Bistable Reaction-Diffusion System 1998
121108 Truong T.T. Structural Properties of a Z(N^2)-Spin Model and Its Equivalent Z(N)-Vertex Model 1986
121107 Sahimi M. Book Review: Statistical Physics of Fracture and Breakdown in Disordered Systems 1999
121106 Stavans J. Axial Segregation of Powders in a Horizontal Rotating Tube 1998

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