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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121355 Schrader R., Trankl E. Analytic and Numerical Evidence from Quantum Field Theory for the Hyperscaling Relation dv = 2 det - g in the d = 3 Ising Model 1981
121354 Penrose O., Lebowitz J., Marro J. Kinetics of a First-Order Phase Transition: Computer Simulations and Theory 1984
121353 Kennedy T., Lieb E., Tasaki H. A Two-Dimensional Isotropic Quantum Antiferromagnet with Unique Disordered Ground State 1988
121352 Pastur L.A. Disordered Spherical Model 1983
121351 Madden W., Glandt E. Distribution Functions for Fluids in Random Media 1988
121350 Siegel R., Read H. Models of the Temporal Dynamics of Visual Processing 1993
121349 Takesue S. Ergodic Properties and Thermodynamic Behavior Elementary Reversible Cellular Automata. I. Basic Properties 1989
121348 Mariz A., Tsallis C., Albuquerque E.L. Phase Diagram of the Ising Model on a Cayley Tree in the Presence of Competing Interactions and Magnetic Field 1985
121347 Piasecki J. Local H-Theorem for the Revised Enskog Equation 1987
121346 Dufty J.W., Rodriguez R. Mode Coupling from Linear and Nonlinear Kinetic Equations 1983
121345 Missarov M.D. The Equations of Wilson's Renormalization Group in Dimension 4 and Analytic Renormalization 1985
121344 Grasman J., Roerdink J.B.T.M. Stochastic and Chaotic Relaxation Oscillations 1988
121343 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1986
121342 Majewski W. Return to Equilibrium and Stability of Dynamics (Semigroup Dynamics Case) 1989
121341 Mandelbrot B.B. Squig Sheets and Some Other Squig Fractal Constructions 1984
121340 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
121339 Lawrence Heifer H. Further Monte Carlo Calculations for the Classical One-Component Plasma in the Range 100 =< F =< 160: The FCC Lattice 1984
121338 Evans D. On the Entropy of Nonequilibrium States 1989
121337 Barma Ì., Ramaswamy R. Escape Times in Interacting Biased Random Walks 1986
121336 Hendriks E.M., Walsh J., van Bergen A.R.D. A General Approach to Association Using Cluster Partition Functions 1996
121335 Binder K. Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics of Condensed Matter Systems 1997
121334 Kadanoff L.P. Pulled Fronts and the Reproductive Individual 2006
121333 de la Llave R. A Renormalization Group Explanation of Numerical Observations of Analyticity Domains 1991
121332 Marchetti D. Smooth Phase in the One-Dimensional Discrete Gaussian Model with 1/(i-j)^2 Interaction at Inverse Temperature b > 1 1992
121331 Cercignani C. Trend to Equilibrium of Weak Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation in a Slab with Diffusive Boundary Conditions 1996
121330 Kubo R. Statistical Physics II: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics 1986
121329 Owczarek A.L., Prellberg T. The Collapse Point of Interacting Trails in Two Dimensions from Kinetic Growth Simulations 1995
121328 Derrida B., Nadal J.P. Learning and Forgetting on Asymmetric, Diluted Neural Networks 1987
121327 Sykes M.F., Flesia S. Lattice Animals: Supplementation of Perimeter Polynomial Data by Graph-Theoretic Methods 1991
121326 Havlin S., Kiefer J.E., Leyvraz F. Probability Distribution for Percolation Clusters Generated on a Cayley Tree at Criticality 1987
121325 Fournier N. Strict Positivity of a Solution to a One-Dimensional Kac Equation Without Cutoff 2000
121324 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
121323 Ciccotti G., Tenenbaum A. Canonical Ensemble and Nonequilibrium States by Molecular Dynamics 1980
121322 Boon J.P. Foreword 1992
121321 Ramshaw J.D. Phase Space Density Representations in Fluid Dynamics 1989
121320 Vicsek T. Fractal Growth Phenomena 1992
121319 Frohlich J. Localization in Disordered, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 1986
121318 Binder P.-M., Buck B., Macaulay V.A. Time-Series Analysis of a Collective Variable in High-Dimensional Cellular Automata 1992
121317 Westcott M. Random Walks on a Lattice 1982
121316 Program of the Eighth West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1982
121315 lshii Y. Ising Models, Julia Sets, and Similarity of the Maximal Entropy Measures 1995
121314 Martin Ph.A., Yalcin T. The Charge Fluctuations in Classical Coulomb Systems 1980
121313 Cucchieri A., Mendes T. Continuum Limits and Exact Finite-Size-Scaling Functions for One-Dimensional O(N)-Invariant Spin Models 1997
121312 Henon M. Implementation of the FCHC Lattice Gas Model on the Connection Machine 1992
121311 Sakai A. Mean-Field Critical Behavior for the Contact Process 2001
121310 Broderix K., Hundertmark D. The Fate of Lifshits Tails in Magnetic Fields 1995
121309 Baras F., Malek Mansour M., Van den Broeck C. Asymptotic Properties of Coupled Nonlinear Langevin Equations in the Limit of Weak Noise. II: Transition to a Limit Cycle 1981
121308 Mirin N. Effect of Detachments in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes 2003
121307 Nagle J.F. Onsager, Ice, Biomembranes, Dimer Models and the F-Model 1995
121306 Prohofsky E. Statistical Mechanics and Stability of Macromolecules 1997

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