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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121005 Bovier A., Niederhauser B. Stochastic Symmetry-Breaking in a Gaussian Hopfield Model 1999
121004 Ruge C., Dunkelmann S., Wagner F. Study of the Three-Dimensional Ising Model on Film Geometry with the Cluster Monte Carlo Method 1993
121003 Bazhanov V.V. Spectral Determinants for Schrodinger Equation and Q-Operators of Conformal Field Theory 2001
121002 Hua F.A. Multifractal Analysis of Infinite Products 1997
121001 Fernandez-Feria R. Solution of the Fokker-Planck Equation for the Shock Wave Problem 1987
121000 Mecke K.R., Wagner H. Euler Characteristic and Related Measures for Random Geometric Sets 1991
120999 Maes C., Netocny K. Time-Reversal and Entropy 2003
120998 Miiller M., Paul W. Ordering Kinetics in Quasi-One-Dimensional Ising-Like Systems 1993
120997 Momoi T. Quantum Fluctuations in Quantum Lattice Systems with Continuous Symmetry 1996
120996 Bao J.-D., Jia Y. Last Passage Time Statistics for Barrier-Crossing Processes 2006
120995 Maioli M., Sacchetti A. Two Level Systems Driven by a Stochastic Perturbation 2005
120994 Fritz J., Lebowitz J.L., Szasz D. Book Review: Random Fields 1983
120993 Ginoza M., Silbert M. Analytic Equation of State of a Quasi One-Dimensional Model Lipid Monolayer 2003
120992 Author Index for Journal of Statistical Physics(2002) 2002
120991 Fiala J., Kleban P., Özlük A. The Phase Transition in Statistical Models Defined on Farey Fractions 2003
120990 Littlejohn R.G. The Van Vleck Formula, Maslov Theory, and Phase Space Geometry 1992
120989 Cassandro M., Gaives A., Olivieri E. Metastable Behavior of Stochastic Dynamics: A Pathwise Approach 1984
120988 Goldstein S., Misra B., Courbage M. On Intrinsic Randomness of Dynamical Systems 1981
120987 Honig A., Niethammer B., Otto F. On First-Order Corrections to the LSW Theory I: Infinite Systems 2005
120986 Rowlinson J.S. The Properties of Connected Graphs and Some Corrections to the List of Uhlenbeck and Ford 1986
120985 Kratky K.W., Drexler H. Intersecting Disks (and Spheres) and Statistical Mechanics. II. The Hard-Disk System 1982
120984 Foster D.P. Location of the Collapsed Phase for Two-Dimensional, Directed, Interacting Polymers 1993
120983 Rundle J.B., Brown S.R. Origin of Rate Dependence in Frictional Sliding 1991
120982 Maes C. Kinetic Limit of a Conservative Lattice Gas Dynamics Showing Long-Range Correlations 1990
120981 Chen Sh., Wang Zh., Shan X. Lattice Boltzmann Computational Fluid Dynamics in Three Dimensions 1992
120980 Khandekar D.C., Wiegel F.W. Statistical Mechanical Properties of Polymer Configurations which Enclose a Constant Area 1988
120979 Samaj L. Surface Tension of an Ideal Dielectric-Electrolyte Boundary: Exactly Solvable Model 2001
120978 Blekher P.M., Jauslin H.R., Lebowitz J.L. Floquet Spectrum for Two-Level Systems in Quasiperiodic Time-Dependent Fields 1992
120977 Larkin A., Verlamov A. Book Review: Theory of Fluctuations in Superconductors 2006
120976 Seshadri V., Lindenberg K. Extrema Statistics of Wiener-Einstein Processes in One, Two, and Three Dimensions 1980
120975 Berche B., Turban L. Conformal Invariance and Perturbations in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model: Surface Defects 1989
120974 Esipov S.E., Newman T.J. New Formulation of Restricted Growth Processes 1993
120973 Kawashima N., Gubernatis J.E. Generalization of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Transformation and Its Application to Quantum Spin Simulations 1995
120972 Fellner K., Poupaud F., Schmeiser C. Existence and Convergence to Equilibrium of a Kinetic Model for Cometary Flows 2004
120971 Ñàóëèñ Ë. (îòâ. ðåä.) Ïÿòàÿ Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ Âèëüíþññêàÿ Êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî Òåîðèè Âåðîÿòíîñòåé è Ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîé Ñòàòèñòèêå. Òåçèñû äîêëàäîâ. Ò. IV: Ì-ß 1989
120970 Skrypnik W.I. LRO in Lattice Systems of Linear Classical and Quantum Oscillators. Strong Nearest-Neighbor Pair Quadratic Interaction 2000
120969 Baker T., Chayes L. On the Unicity of Discontinuous Transitions in the Two-Dimensional Potts and Ashkin-Teller Models 1998
120968 Rasmussen H.O. On the Determination of Box Dimensions by Means of Wavelet Transforms 1993
120967 Schinazi R. On Multiple Phase Transitions for Branching Markov Chains 1993
120966 Mahler P. VoIP Telephony with Asterisk 2005
120965 Feldman M. Nonlinear Functionals of Multi-D Discrete Velocity Boltzmann Equations 2004
120964 Rozikov U.A. A Constructive Description of Ground States and Gibbs Measures for Ising Model with Two-Step Interactions on Cayley Tree 2006
120963 Rosario N., Mantegna H. An Introduction to Econophysics, Correlations, and Complexity in Finance 2000
120962 Îñèïüÿí Þ.À. (ãë. ðåä.) Êâàíò (¹7 1989) 1989
120961 de Arcangelis L. Abstracts from the CECAM Workshop on Computer Simulations of Cellular Automata 1989
120960 Jancovici B. Surface Correlations in a Quantum Mechanical One-Component Plasma 1985
120959 Kiirten K.E., Beer H. Inhomogeneous Kauffman Models at the Borderline Between Order and Chaos 1997
120958 Áàíêåâè÷ Ë.Â. Ñïîðò: ïîñîáèå äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèõ èíñòèòóòîâ 1964
120957 Destri C., de Vega H.J., Giacomini H.J. The Six-Vertex Model Eigenvectors as Critical Limit of the Eight-Vertex Model Bethe Ansatz 1989
120956 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1990

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