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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120305 Attard Ph. The Explicit Density Functional and Its Connection with Entropy Maximization 2000
120304 Burkov S.E. Ground States of Two-Dimensional Quasicrystals 1988
120303 Holovatch Yu., Shpot M. Critical Exponents of Random Ising-Like Systems in General Dimensions 1992
120302 Burschka M.A. Fluctuations in Diffusion Reaction Systems. I: Adiabatic Elimination of Transport Modes from a Mesoscopic N-Body System and the Omega-Expansion 1986
120301 Reuse F.A., de Coulon V., Maschke K. Coherent and Dissipative Spin Dynamics in N-Electron Systems 2004
120300 Filho A.G. da S., Moreira F.G.B. Dynamical Critical Exponent for the Majority-Vote Model 2002
120299 Aharony A., Gefen Y., Kantor Y. Magnetic Correlations on Fractals 1984
120298 Busoni G., Emamirad H. Stationary Scattering Theory for a Charged Particles Transport Problem 1999
120297 Garrido P.L., Gallavotti G. Billiards Correlation Functions 1994
120296 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2002
120295 Sinai Ya.G., Fomin S.V. Book Reviews: Two from Sinai 1984
120294 Fletcher J.E., Shlomo Havlin S., Weiss G.H. First Passage Time Problems in Time-Dependent Fields 1988
120293 Bavaud F. The Wall Theorem for Elastic Moduli 1986
120292 Palffy-Muhoray P., Barrie R., Bergersen B. Tunneling Resistivity of a One-Dimensional Random Lattice and the Petersburg Problem 1984
120291 van Beijeren H. Long-Range Spatial Correlations in a Simple Diffusion Model 1990
120290 Crowdy D., Tanveer S. The Effect of Finiteness in the Saffman–Taylor Viscous Fingering Problem 2004
120289 Canright G., Watson G. Disordered Ground States for Classical Discrete-State Problems in One Dimension 1996
120288 Angelescu N., Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Quantum n-Vector Anharmonic Crystal II: Displacement Fluctuations 2000
120287 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University Program of the 83rd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 2000
120286 Abenda S., Turchetti G. Duality in Parameter Space and Approximation of Measures for Mixing Repellers 1990
120285 Berry G.C., Srinivasarao M. Rheology of Nematic Solutions of Rodlike Chains: Comparison of Theory and Experiment 1991
120284 Ito K.R. Clustering in Low-Dimensional SO (N)-Invariant Statistical Models with Long-Range Interactions 1982
120283 Manzo F., Nardi F.R., Olivieri E. On the Essential Features of Metastability: Tunnelling Time and Critical Configurations 2004
120282 Lang R. Effective Conductivity and Skew Brownian Motion 1995
120281 Aliouche J.-P., France M.M. Quasicrystal Ising Chain and Automata Theory 1986
120280 Derrida B., Hakim V., Vannimenus J. Effect of Disorder on Two-Dimensional Wetting 1992
120279 Oji H., Smith H. Magnetotransport in Simple Metals. An Exactly Soluble Model 1984
120278 Garrod C., Hurley J.P. Symmetry Properties of Nonlinear Barrier Coefficients 1982
120277 Schmitz R., Cohen E.G.D. Fluctuations in a Fluid under a Stationary Heat Flux. I. General Theory 1985
120276 Nelkin M. What Do We Know about Self-Similarity in Fluid Turbulence? 1989
120275 Evans M.R., Foster D.P., Godreche C. Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Two Species: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 1995
120274 Klein D., Yang W.-Sh. Phase Transition for a One-Dimensional Lattice Gas with Hard Core 1988
120273 Eizenberg A., Kifer Y. Large Deviations for Probabilistic Cellular Automata 2002
120272 Benioff P. The Computer as a Physical System: A Microscopic Quantum Mechanical Hamiltonian Model of Computers as Represented by Turing Machines 1980
120271 Guiol H. Some Properties of k-Step Exclusion Processes 1999
120270 de Leeuw S.W., Perram J.W., Petersen H.G. Hamilton's Equations for Constrained Dynamical Systems 1990
120269 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1983
120268 Calderoni P., Diirr D., Kusuoka S. A Mechanical Model of Brownian Motion in Half-Space 1989
120267 Benfatto G., Gentile G., Mastropietro V. Peierls Instability for the Holstein Model with Rational Density 1998
120266 Courbage M., Kaminski B. Intrinsical Randomness of Kolmogorov Z^d -Actions on a Lebesgue Space 1999
120265 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
120264 Ruelle D. Must Thermodynamic Functions Be Piecewise Analytic? 1981
120263 Program of the Statistical Physics at the 45th Parallel Meeting 1997
120262 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2004
120261 So B.Ch., Yoshitake N., Okamoto H. Correlations and Spectra of an Intermittent Chaos Near Its Onset Point 1984
120260 Klein A., Lacroix J., Speis A. Regularity of the Density of States in the Anderson Model on a Strip for Potentials with Singular Continuous Distributions 1989
120259 Kastner M. Existence and Order of the Phase Transition of the Ising Model with Fixed Magnetization 2002
120258 Cornille H. Discrete Velocity Models and One Continuous Relation 2004
120257 Csordas A. Integrable Limits of Dynamics in Trapped Bose-Condensates 2000
120256 Mackey M.C. Book Review: Time's Arrow; The Origin of Thermodynamic Behavior 1992

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