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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120255 Cohen E.G.D., Gallavotti G. Note on Two Theorems in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics 1999
120254 Gupalo D., Kaganovich A.S., Cohen E.G.D. Symmetry of Lyapunov Spectrum 1994
120253 Bazhanov V.V., Stroganov Yu.G. Chiral Potts Model as a Descendant of the Six-Vertex Model 1990
120252 Germinet F., Klein A. New Characterizations of the Region of Complete Localization for Random Schrodinger Operators 2006
120251 Salmhofer M., Wieczerkowski C. Positivity and Convergence in Fermionic Quantum Field Theory 2000
120250 Ricci T.F., Scherer C. Linear Response and Stochastic Resonance of Superparamagnets 1997
120249 Mandel P., Erneux T. The Slow Passage through a Steady Bifurcation: Delay and Memory Effects 1987
120248 Komorowski T., Peszat S. Transport of a Passive Tracer by an Irregular Velocity Field 2004
120247 Bagarello F., Trapani C. "Almost" Mean-Field Ising Model: An Algebraic Approach 1991
120246 Kierlik E., Rosinberg M.L., Tarjus G. A Self-Consistent Ornstein-Zernike Approximation for the Random Field Ising Model 1999
120245 Buschle J., Maass P., Dieterich W. Wall-Induced Density Profiles and Density Correlations in Confined Takahashi Lattice Gases 2000
120244 Keizer J. On the Relationship between Fluctuating Irreversible Thermodynamics and "Extended" Irreversible Thermodynamics 1983
120243 Abraham D., Collet P., Coninck J.D. Langevin Dynamics of an Interface near a Wall 1990
120242 Journal of Statistical Physics Introduction 1986
120241 Eder O.J., Posch M. Solution of the One-Dimensional Linear Boltzmann Equation for Charged Maxwellian Particles in an External Field 1988
120240 Jiang M., Mazel A.E. Uniqueness and Exponential Decay of Correlations for Some Two-Dimensional Spin Lattice Systems 1996
120239 Gouyet J.-F. Book Review: Physics and Fractal Structures 1997
120238 Barkema G.T., McCabe J. Monte Carlo Simulations of Conformal Theory Predictions for the Three-State Potts Model 1996
120237 van Beijeren H., Dorfman J.R. Kinetic Theory of Hydrodynamic Flows. II. The Drag on a Sphere and on a Cylinder 1980
120236 Chvosta P., Pottier N. One-Dimensional Diffusion in a Semiinfinite Poisson Random Force 1999
120235 Homma M., Itoi Ch. Ferromagnetic Domain Wall and Spiral Ground States in One-Dimensional Deformed Flat-Band Hubbard Model 2004
120234 Sung W., Karkheck J., Stell G. Microscopic Theory of Intrinsic Shear and Bulk Viscosities 1982
120233 Hansel D., Meunier C., Verga A. Transient Dynamical Behavior and Phase Transitions in Magnetic Systems 1990
120232 Alexander F.J., Eyink G.L., Restrepo J.M. Accelerated Monte Carlo for Optimal Estimation of Time Series 2005
120231 Achahbar A., Marro J. Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas in Two Planes 1995
120230 Bhanot G. A Numerical Method to Compute Exactly the Partition Function with Application to Z(n) Theories in Two Dimensions 1990
120229 van Hemmen J.L., Grensing D., Huber A. Nonlinear Neural Networks. II. Information Processing 1987
120228 Caideroni P., Caprino S. Time Evolution of Infinitely Many Particles: An Existence Theorem 1981
120227 Hilhorst H.J., Bakker A.F., Bruin C. Special Purpose Computers in Physics 1983
120226 Machlup S. Lars Onsager Was My Thesis Director 1993
120225 Gutowitz H.A., Victor J.D. Local Structure Theory: Calculation on Hexagonal Arrays, and Interaction of Rule and Lattice 1988
120224 Kumar S., Kurtz S.K. A Monte Carlo Study of Size and Angular Properties of a Three-Dimensional Poisson-Delaunay Cell 1994
120223 Wolfram S. Cellular Automaton Fluids 1: Basic Theory 1986
120222 Stell G. Criticality and Phase Transitions in Ionic Fluids 1995
120221 Pagonabarraga I., Wagner A.J., Cates M.E. Binary Fluid Demixing: The Crossover Region 2002
120220 Alicki R., Fannes M., Haegeman B. Coherent Transport and Dynamical Entropy for Fermionic Systems 2003
120219 De Simone C., Diehl M., Junger M. Exact Ground States of Ising Spin Glasses: New Experimental Results with a Branch-and-Cut Algorithm 1995
120218 McDonald E.T. General Asymptotics of the Density of a Restricted Coalescing Random Walk System 2001
120217 Weiss G.H., Havlin S. Trapping of Random Walks on the Line 1984
120216 Levine E., Ziv G., Gray L. Phase Transitions in Traffic Models 2004
120215 Holloway J.P., Dorning J.J. The Dynamics of Coupled Nonlinear Model Boltzmann Equations 1987
120214 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
120213 Fridkin V., Stroganov Yu., Zagier D. Finite Size XXZ Spin Chain with Anisotropy Parameter delta=1/2 2001
120212 Anzaido-Meneses A.M. Shell Effects in Small Metal Particles 1994
120211 Nagle J.F. Regarding the Entropy of Distinguishable Particles 2004
120210 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
120209 Weissman H., Weiss G.H., Havlin S. Transport Properties of the Continuous-Time Random Walk with a Long-Tailed Waiting-Time Density 1989
120208 Kaiser Ch., Peschei I. Surface and Corner Magnetizations in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model 1989
120207 Mukhamedov F., Rozikov U. On Gibbs Measures of Models with Competing Ternary and Binary Interactions and Corresponding von Neumann Algebras 2004
120206 Benzi R., Sueci S. Bifurcations of a Lattice Gas Flow under External Forcing 1989

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