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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120355 Lebowitz J.L. (ed.) In Memoriam. Pieter Willem Kasteleyn 1996
120354 Wreszinski W.F., Casmeridis S. Models of Two-Level Atoms in Quasiperiodic External Fields 1998
120353 Sehmitz R., Cohen E.G.D. Fluctuations in a Fluid Under a Stationary Heat Flux II. Slow Part of the Correlation Matrix 1985
120352 Penrose R. On the Second Law of Thermodynamics 1994
120351 Giacomin G., Lebowitz J.L., Maes C. Agreement Percolation and Phase Coexistence in Some Gibbs Systems 1995
120350 Brito R., Ernst M.H., Kirkpatrick T.R. Staggered Diffusivities in Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1991
120349 Bricmont J., Fontaine J. Correlation Inequalities and Contour Estimates 1981
120348 Kuchanov S.I., Tarasevich K.V., Zharnikov T.V. Configurational Effects in Statistical Theory of Branched Non-Random Polycondensation 2006
120347 Jansons K.M., Rogers L.C.G. Probability Theory and Polymer Physics 1991
120346 Bovier A., Gayrard V., Picco P. Gibbs States of the Hopfield Model with Extensively Many Patterns 1995
120345 Bovier A., Kiiiske C. Stability of Hierarchical Interfaces in a Random Field Model 1992
120344 Wang F., Cohen E.G.D. Diffusion on Random Lattices 1996
120343 Chang M. Equilibrium Measure and Brownian Escape Process 1982
120342 Hanggi P., Jung P., Zerhe C. Can Colored Noise Improve Stochastic Resonance? 1993
120341 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
120340 Program of the 82nd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 2000
120339 Gujrati P.D. Lower Bounds on Entropy for Polymer Chains on a Square and a Cubic Lattice 1982
120338 Maasjost W., Elsasser K. Stochastic Particle Acceleration 1982
120337 Jancovici B., Manificat G., Pisani C. Coulomb Systems Seen as Critical Systems: Finite-Size Effects in Two Dimensions 1994
120336 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1999
120335 Reiehl L.E. Transition in the Floquet Rates of a Driven Stochastic System 1988
120334 Junker W., Wagner M. Thermodynamics of Phonon-Modulated Tunneling Centers 1989
120333 Knessl C., Matkowsky B.J., Schuss Z. A Singular Perturbation Approach to First Passage Times for Markov Jump Processes 1986
120332 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1993
120331 Kramli A., Lukacs P., Szasz D. A Non-Wiener Random Walk in a Two-Dimensional Bernoulli Environment 1988
120330 Leonenko N.N., Ruiz-Medina M.D. Scaling Laws for the Multidimensional Burgers Equation with Quadratic External Potential 2006
120329 Cerny G., Kotecky R. Interfaces for Random Cluster Models 2003
120328 Neumayr A., Metzner W. Reduction Formula for Fermion Loops and Density Correlations of the 1D Fermi Gas 1999
120327 Privman V. Initial Decoherence of Open Quantum Systems 2003
120326 Rondoni L., Morriss G.P. Applications of Periodic Orbit Theory to N-Particle Systems 1997
120325 Kampen N.G. Book Review: Theory and Applications of Stochastic Differential Equations 1981
120324 Poland D. The One-Dimensional Kinetic Ising Model: A Series Expansion Study 1990
120323 Barkai E. Stable Equilibrium Based on Lévy Statistics: A Linear Boltzmann Equation Approach 2004
120322 Barrett A.J., Domb C. Virial Expansion for a Polymer with a Realistic Pair-Potential Interaction 1994
120321 Chang S., Shrock R. Reliability Polynomials and Their Asymptotic Limits for Families of Graphs 2003
120320 Gade S., Gade E. III Natural Frequencies of the Classical Two-Spin XXZ System 1992
120319 Keirstead W.P., Ceccatto H.A., Huberman B.A. Vibrational Properties of Hierarchical Systems 1988
120318 Vliet C.M.V. On van Kampen's Objections Against Linear Response Theory 1988
120317 Ladd A.J.C., Alder B.J. Decay of Angular Correlations in Hard-Sphere Fluids 1989
120316 Wood W.W., Erpenbeck J.J. On the Linearity of the Self-Diffusion Process 1982
120315 Seydel R., Hagedorn P. Book Reviews: Dealing with Real-World Nonlinearities 1990
120314 Gaveau B., Schulman L.S. Anomalous Diffusion in a Random Velocity Field 1992
120313 Yau H. Metastability of Ginzburg-Landau Model with a Conservation Law 1994
120312 Constantin P. Scaling Exponents for Active Scalars 1998
120311 Reiner A., Kahl G. Infinite Compressibility States in the Hierarchical Reference Theory of Fluids. II. Numerical Evidence 2005
120310 Zhang M.Q. A Fast Vectorized Multispin Coding Algorithm for 3D Monte Carlo Simulations Using Kawasaki Spin-Exchange Dynamics 1989
120309 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1988
120308 Palmeri J. Exact Solutions to the Time-Dependent Lorentz Gas Boltzmann Equation: The Approach to Hydrodynamics 1990
120307 Boon J.P. How Fast Does Langton's Ant Move? 2001
120306 de Schepper I.M., Ernst M.H., Cohen E.G.D. The Incoherent Scattering Function and Related Correlation Functions in Hard Sphere Fluids at Short Times 1981

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