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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120155 Messer J., Spohn H. Statistical Mechanics of the Isothermal Lane-Emden Equation 1982
120154 Íîâîñåëüöåâ Â.Í. Òåîðèÿ óïðàâëåíèÿ è áèîñèñòåìû 1978
120153 Forrester P.J. Charged Rods in a Periodic Background: A Solvable Model 1986
120152 Gallavotti G., Cohen E.G.D. Dynamical Ensembles in Stationary States 1995
120151 Ìèðçîåâ Ð.Ã., Õàð÷åíêî À.Ô. Îñíîâíûå ïðîöåäóðû ñèñòåìíûõ èññëåäîâàíèé 2000
120150 Constantin P. Absence of Proper Nondegenerate Generalized Self-Similar Singularities 1998
120149 Pettersson R. On Solutions to the Linear Boltzmann Equation with General Boundary Conditions and Infinite-Range Forces 1990
120148 Spouge J.L. Polymers and Random Graphs: Asymptotic Equivalence to Branching Processes 1985
120147 Rothschild W.G. Book Review: Dynamics of Molecular Liquids 1986
120146 Kikuchi R. Continuous Displacement Formulation of Alloys 1999
120145 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1984
120144 Bricmont J., Lebowitz J.L. Wetting in Potts and Blume-Capel Models 1987
120143 Martina E., Stell G. System of Magnetic Particles in an External Magnetic Field: Surface and Bulk Structure 1982
120142 Rivasseau V. The Two Dimensional Hubbard Model at Half-Filling. I. Convergent Contributions 2002
120141 Pesehel I., Truong T.T. The Kinetic Potts Chain and Related Potts Models with Competing Interactions 1986
120140 Bishop M. Collective Modes of One-Dimensional Lennard-Jones Systems 1982
120139 Franceschini V., Russo L. Stable and Unstable Manifolds of the Henon Mapping 1981
120138 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2003
120137 Grinstein G. Stability of Nonstationary States of Classical, Many-Body Dynamical Systems 1988
120136 Landim C., Ramirez J.A., Yau H.-T. Superdiffusivity of Two Dimensional Lattice Gas Models 2005
120135 Hof A. A Remark on Schrodinger Operators on Aperiodic Tilings 1995
120134 Jeon I. Spouge's Conjecture on Complete and Instantaneous Gelation 1999
120133 Martin O. Lyapunov Exponents of Stochastic Dynamical Systems 1985
120132 Narnhofer H., Thirring W. Mixing Properties of Quantum Systems 1989
120131 Joyce G.S. Asymptotic Behavior of Mayer Cluster Sums for the One-Dimensional Ising Model 1990
120130 Kolokoltsov V.N. Hydrodynamic Limit of Coagulation-Fragmentation Type Models of k-Nary Interacting Particles 2004
120129 Tidriri M. Rigorous Derivation and Analysis of Coupling of Kinetic Equations and Their Hydrodynamic Limits for a Simplified Boltzmann Model 2001
120128 Mikosch T., Wang Q. A Monte Carlo Method for Estimating the Correlation Exponent 1995
120127 Valles J.L., Marro J. Errata: Nonequilibrium Second-Order Phase Transitions in Stochastic Lattice Systems: A Finite-Size Scaling Analysis in Two Dimensions 1988
120126 Panja D., Dorfman J.R., van Beijeren H. Long-Time-Tail Effects on Lyapunov Exponents of a Random, Two-Dimensional Field-Driven Lorentz Gas 2000
120125 Mountford T.S. Generalized Voter Models 1992
120124 Priezzhev V.B., Ktitarev D.V. Minimal Sandpiles on Hexagonal Lattice 1997
120123 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2002
120122 Kager W., Nienhuis B. A Guide to Stochastic Löwner Evolution and Its Applications 2004
120121 van Hemmen J.L., Grensing D., Huber A. Nonlinear Neural Networks. I. General Theory 1988
120120 Levesque D., Verlet L. Molecular Dynamics and Time Reversibility 1993
120119 Celletti A., Chierchia L. Invariant Curves for Area-Preserving Twist Maps far from Integrable 1991
120118 De Sanctis L. Random Multi-Overlap Structures and Cavity Fields in Diluted Spin Glasses 2004
120117 Lemanski R., Freericks J.K., Banach G. Charge Stripes Due to Electron Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Spinless Falicov–Kimball Model 2004
120116 Nicolo F., Radin C. A First-Order Phase Transition between Crystal Phases in the Shift Model 1982
120115 Choquard Ph., Piller B., Rentsch R. On the Dielectric Susceptibility of Classical Coulomb Systems 1986
120114 Gardiner C.W. Diffusive Traversal Time of a One-Dimensional Medium 1987
120113 Nickel B.G., Rehr J. High-Temperature Series for Scalar-Field Lattice Models: Generation and Analysis 1990
120112 Doi Sh. A Chaotic Map with a Flat Segment Can Produce a Noise-Induced Order 1989
120111 Nordhol S., Gibson J., Hooper M.A. Generalized van der Waals Theory VIII. An Improved Analysis of the Liquid/Gas Interface 1982
120110 Crawford J.D. Amplitude Expansions for Instabilities in Populations of Globally-Coupled Oscillators 1994
120109 De Masi A., Ferrari P.A., Lebowitz J.L. Reaction-Diffusion Equations for Interacting Particle Systems 1986
120108 Belitsky V., Pechersky E.A. Uniqueness of Gibbs State for Non-Ideal Gas in R^d : The Case of Multibody Interaction 2002
120107 Delale C.F. The Hilbert Expansion to the Boltzmann Equation for Steady Flow 1982
120106 de Sehepper I.M., Cohen E.G.D., Kamgar-Parsi B. On the Calculation of Equilibrium Time Correlation Functions in Hard-Sphere Fluids 1989

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