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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120105 Evans D.J., Cohen E.G.D., Searles D.J. Note on the Kaplan-Yorke Dimension and Linear Transport Coefficients 2000
120104 Süto A. Thermodynamic Limit and Proof of Condensation for Trapped Bosons 2003
120103 Calisto H., Cerda E., Tirapegui E. Weak Noise Expansions through Functional Integrals for Colored Noise 1993
120102 Anh V.V., Leonenko N.N., Sakhno L.M. Higher-Order Spectral Densities of Fractional Random Fields 2003
120101 Yukhimets A., Frisch H.L., Percus J.K. Molecular Fluids at High Dimensionality 2000
120100 Weinstein E.M., Benaroya H. The van Kampen Expansion for the Fokker-Planck Equation of a Duffing Oscillator 1994
120099 Luck J.M., Petritis D. Phonon Spectra in One-Dimensional Quasicrystals 1986
120098 Nyberg A.M., Percus J.K. Density Functional Approximations for Classical Fluids with Long-Range Interactions 1994
120097 Straley J.P., Kolomeisky E.B., Milne S.C. The Bose Molecule in One Dimension 2004
120096 Radin C. Correlations in Classical Ground States 1986
120095 Jen E. Invariant Strings and Pattern-Recognizing Properties of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata 1986
120094 Aldea A., Dulea M., Gartner P. Long-Time Asymptotics in the One-Dimensional Trapping Problem with Large Bias 1988
120093 Goidstein S., Penrose O. A Nonequilibrium Entropy for Dynamical Systems 1981
120092 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1997
120091 Monroe J.L. Upper Bounds on the Critical Temperature for Various lsing Models 1985
120090 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
120089 Tarjus G., Schaaf P., Talbot J. Random Sequential Addition: A Distribution Function Approach 1991
120088 Friedli S., Pfister C.-E. Non-Analyticity and the van der Waals Limit 2004
120087 Brand H.R., Doering C.R., Ecke R.E. External Noise and Its Interaction with Spatial Degrees of Freedom in Nonlinear Dissipative Systems 1989
120086 Feigenbaum M. An Interview with Stan Ulam and Mark Kae 1985
120085 Liboff R.L., Greenberg J. The Hexagon Quantum Billiard 2001
120084 Hasegawa H., Nakagomi T. On the Characterization of the Stationary State of a Class of Dynamical Semigroups 1980
120083 Muche L. Distributional Properties of the Three-Dimensional Poisson Delannay Cell 1996
120082 Dykman M.I., Luchinsky D.G., Mannella R. Stochastic Resonance: Linear Response and Giant Nonlinearity 1993
120081 Bobylev A.V. Quasistationary Hydrodynamics for the Boltzmann Equation 1995
120080 Jacobsen J.L., Salas J., Sokal A.D. Transfer Matrices and Partition-Function Zeros for Antiferromagnetic Potts Models. III. Triangular-Lattice Chromatic Polynomial 2003
120079 Lieb E.H., Seiringer R. Equivalent Forms of the Bessis–Moussa–Villani Conjecture 2004
120078 Brankov J.G., Tonehev N.S. An Investigation of Finite-Size Scaling for Systems with Long-Range Interaction: The Spherical Model 1990
120077 Ilya Mikhailovich Lifshitz 1985
120076 Marsili M. Run Time Statistics in Models of Growth in Disordered Media 1994
120075 Chopard B., Marconi S. Lattice Boltzmann Solid Particles in a Lattice Boltzmann Fluid 2002
120074 Preface 1987
120073 Berg M., Lewis J.T., Smedt P. Condensation in the Imperfect Boson Gas 1984
120072 Lubachevsky B.D., Stillinger F.H., Pinson E.N. Disks vs. Spheres: Contrasting Properties of Random Packings 1991
120071 Lipowsky R., Jaster N. Molecular Motor Cycles: From Ratchets to Networks 2003
120070 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
120069 Nishimori H. Spin Quantum Number in the Ground State of the Mattis-Heisenberg Model 1981
120068 Enter A.C.D., Adler J., Duarte J.A.M.S. Addendum: Finite Size Effects for Some Bootstrap Percolation Models 1991
120067 Bernardes A.T. Can Males Contribute to the Genetic Improvement of a Species? 1997
120066 Anagnostopoulos K.N., Bialas P., Thorleifsson G. The Ising Model on a Quenched Ensemble of c=-5 Gravity Graphs 1999
120065 Puri S., Parekh N., Dattagupta S. Phase Ordering Dynamics in a Gravitational Field 1994
120064 Paveri-Fontana S.L., Mee C.V.M., Zweifel P.F. A Neutral Gas Model for Electron Swarms 1989
120063 Sauermann G., Turschner H. Variational Principle for Derivation of Macroscopic Equations 1981
120062 Weiss H. Some Variational Formulas for Hausdorff Dimension, Topological Entropy, and SRB Entropy for Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems 1992
120061 Chayes J.T., Chayes L. On the Validity of the Inverse Conjecture in Classical Density Functional Theory 1984
120060 Santos L.O.E., Wolf F.G., Philippi P.C. Dynamics of Interface Displacement in Capillary Flow 2005
120059 Landsberg P.T. Is Equilibrium Always an Entropy Maximum? 1984
120058 Yang W., Zhang Y. A Note on Differentiability of the Cluster Density for Independent Percolation in High Dimensions 1992
120057 Bonvin J.C., Martin Ph.A., Piasecki J. Statistics of Mass Aggregation in a Self-Gravitating One-Dimensional Gas 1998
120056 Sikkenk J.H., lndekeu J.O., van Leeuwen J.M.J. ',Simulation of Wetting and Drying at Solid-Fluid Interfaces on the Delft Molecular Dynamics Processor 1988

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