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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120405 Bazzani A., Siboni S., Turchetti G. A Model of Modulated Diffusion. I. Analytical Results 1994
120404 Hara T., Slade G., Sokal A.D. Erratum: New Lower Bounds on the Self-Avoiding-Walk Connective Constant 1995
120403 Marchetti M.C., Dufty J.W. Tagged Particle Fluctuations in Uniform Shear Flow 1983
120402 Kougias Ch.F., Sehulte J. Simulating the Immune Response to the HIV-1 Virus with Cellular Automata 1990
120401 Melnikov V.I. Enhancement of Activated Decay of Metastable States by Resonant Pumping 1992
120400 Velzen G.A., Brito R., Ernst M.H. Stress-Stress Correlation Functions in Lattice Gases Beyond Boltzmann's Approximation 1993
120399 Boguna M. Book Review: Evolution of Networks. From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW 2004
120398 Silbey R. Book Review. Density Matrix Theory and Applications 1982
120397 Pearce P.A. Mean-Field Bounds on the Magnetization for Ferromagnetic Spin Models 1981
120396 Arndt P.F., Heinzel T., Rittenberg V. First-Order Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Steady States 1998
120395 Barak L., Braester C. Mathematical Games and Sampling Inspection Plans 1995
120394 Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Pierre Le Doussal Numerical Study of a D-Dimensional Periodic Lorentz Gas with Universal Properties 1985
120393 John D. Weeks Comment on the Capillary Wave Model in Three Dimensions 1991
120392 Cedric Bernardin, Stefano Olla Fourier’s Law for a Microscopic Model of Heat Conduction 2005
120391 Keyes T. Microscopic Theory of the Liquid-Wall Boundary Conditions; Thermophoresis 1983
120390 Morris J. R., Gooding R. J. Finite-Size Scaling Study of a First-Order Temperature-Driven Symmetry-Breaking Structural Phase Transition 1992
120389 Kari Eloranta Diamond Ice 1996
120388 Theunissen M., Nicolis C., Nicolis G. Recurrence Times in Quasi-Periodic Motion: Statistical Properties, Role of Cell Size, Parameter Dependence 1999
120387 Rolf J., Wieczerkowski C. The Hierarchical ô^4-Trajectory by Perturbation Theory in a Running Coupling and its Logarithm 1996
120386 Forrester P.J. Solvable Isotherms for a Two-Component System of Charged Rods on a Line 1988
120385 Fox R.F., Roy R. Erratum: Tests of Numerical Simulation Algorithms for the Kubo Oscillator 1990
120384 Aqua J.N., Cornu F. Classical and Quantum Algebraic Screening in a Coulomb Plasma near a Wall: A Solvable Model 1999
120383 Laanait L., Masaif N., Ruiz J. Phase Coexistence in Partially Symmetric q-State Models 1993
120382 Gaspard P., Nicolis G. What Can We Learn from Homoclinic Orbits in Chaotic Dynamics? 1982
120381 Percus J.K. Free Energy Models for Nonuniform Classical Fluids 1988
120380 Yan J. Harmonic Interaction Model and Its Applications in Bose–Einstein Condensation 2003
120379 Martinellil F. On the Two-Dimensional Dynamical Ising Model In the Phase Coexistence Region 1994
120378 Oppenheim I. Book Review: The Maximum Entropy Formalism 1980
120377 Peixoto C. Metastable Behavior of Low-Temperature Glauber Dynamics with Stirring 1995
120376 Rodrigues E.S., Oliveira P.M.C. Spin-Glass Energy Landscape 1994
120375 Datta N., Fernandez R., Frohlich J. Effective Hamiltonians and Phase Diagrams for Tight-Binding Models 1999
120374 Yoshida T., Mori H., Shigematsu H. Analytic Study of Chaos of the Tent Map: Band Structures, Power Spectra, and Critical Behaviors 1983
120373 Neishtadt A.I., Sinai Y.G. Adiabatic Piston as a Dynamical System 2004
120372 Tij M., Santos A. Perturbation Analysis of a Stationary Nonequilibrium Flow Generated by an External Force 1994
120371 Holicky P., Kotecky R., Zahradnik M. Rigid Interfaces for Lattice Models at Low Temperatures 1988
120370 Schaertl W., Sillescu H. Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Colloidal Hard Spheres. Effects of Sample Dimensionality on Self-Diffusion 1994
120369 Zhang Y.H., Qin R.S., Sun Y.H. Gas Flow in Microchannels – A Lattice Boltzmann Method Approach 2005
120368 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2002
120367 Gaveau B., Schulman L.S. Finite-Size Scaling for Mean-Field Percolation 1993
120366 Kipnis C., Marchioro C., Presutti E. Heat Flow in an Exactly Solvable Model 1982
120365 Klar A., Wegener R. Enskog-Like Kinetic Models for Vehicular Traffic 1997
120364 Lee J., Koplik J. First Passage Time in a Two-Layer System 1995
120363 Ray T.S., Klein W. Nucleation near the Spinodal in Long-Range Ising Models 1990
120362 Monroe J.L. Phase Diagrams of Ising Models on Husimi Trees II. Pair and Multisite Interaction Systems 1992
120361 Coninck J., Messager A., Miracle-Sole S. A Study of Perfect Wetting for Potts and Blume-Capel Models with Correlation Inequalities 1988
120360 Wennberg B. An Example of Nonuniqueness for Solutions to the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation 1999
120359 Kolesik M., Samaj L. Series Expansion and CAM Study of the Nonuniversal Behavior of the Symmetric 16-Vertex Model 1993
120358 Mukamel S. On the Dynamics of Excitations in Disordered Systems 1983
120357 Anderson P.W., Friedberg R.M., Kohn W. Obituary. JOAQUIN M. LUTTINGER 2001
120356 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1985

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