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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124605 Chen J. A Variational Principle for Markov Processes 1999
124604 van Enter A.C.D., Netocny K., Schaap H.G. On the Ising Model with Random Boundary Condition 2005
124603 Macris N., Nachtergaele B. On the Flux Phase Conjecture at Half-Filling: An Improved Proof 1996
124602 Dufty J.W., Boercker D.B. Classical and Quantum Kinetic Equations with Exact Conservation Laws 1989
124601 Gyorgyi G., Szepfalusy P. Properties of Fully Developed Chaos in One-Dimensional Maps 1984
124600 Ting J.J.-L., Lin S.C., Wu F.Y. Exact Analysis of a Lattice Gas on the 3-12 Lattice with Two- and Three-Site Interactions 1991
124599 Alcaraz F.C., Barber M.N. On the Critical Behavior of the Ising Model with Mixed Two- and Three-Spin Interactions 1987
124598 Welch G.R. (ed.) Book Review: The Fluctuating Enzyme 1988
124597 Zippelius A., Lucke M. The Effect of External Noise in the Lorenz Model of the B nard Problem 1981
124596 Slemrod M. Metastable Fluid Flow Described via a Discrete-Velocity Coagulation-Fragmentation Model 1996
124595 Baive D., Franceschini V. Synunetry Breaking on a Model of Five-Mode Truncated Navier-Stokes Equations 1981
124594 van Dongen P.G.J. Fluctuations in Coagulating Systems. II 1987
124593 Cao M.S. The Phase Transition of the Directed Polymer on Disordered Hierarchical Lattices 1993
124592 Pastur L.A., Shcherbina M.V. Absence of Self-Averaging of the Order Parameter in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model 1991
124591 Jensen R.V., Jessup E.R. Statistical Properties of the Circle Map 1986
124590 Harman P.M. (ed.) Book Review: The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell 1992
124589 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1985
124588 Bec J., Khanin K. Forced Burgers Equation in an Unbounded Domain 2003
124587 Lemaitre A., Chate H. Renormalization Group for Strongly Coupled Maps 1999
124586 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
124585 Belinicher V.I., Chertkov M.V. Functional Integral and Effective Hamiltonian t-J-V Model of Strongly Correlated Electron System 1992
124584 Brooks C.L., Karplus M., Pettitt B.M. Book Review: Proteins: A Theoretical Perspective of Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics 1990
124583 Krengel U. Book Review: Ergodic Theorems 1986
124582 Grimm U., Schutz G. The Spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg Chain, the Quantum Algebra Uq[sl(2)], and Duality Transformations for Minimal Models 1993
124581 Nielaba P., Lebowitz J.L., Spohn H. Behavior of a Quantum Particle in Contact with a Classical Heat Bath 1989
124580 Jancovici B., Samaj L. Coulomb Systems with Ideal Dielectric Boundaries: Free Fermion Point and Universality 2001
124579 Kehr K.W. Diffusion in Concentrated Lattice Gases 1983
124578 Jerrum M. Erratum: Two-Dimensional Monomer-Dimer Systems are Computationally Intractable 1990
124577 Guttmann A.J., Bursill R.J. Critical Exponent for the Loop Erased Self-Avoiding Walk by Monte Carlo Methods 1990
124576 Kong X.P., Cohen E.G.D. Diffusion and Propagation in Triangular Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1991
124575 Adler J., Aharony A. Percolation Cluster Numbers 1988
124574 Mattis D. Electrical Resistivity of Dilute, Interacting Fermions 1994
124573 Ingraham R.I. Book Review: A Survey of Nonlinear Dynamics ("Chaos theory") 1992
124572 On The Invariant Measures for the Two-Dimensional Euler Flow 1987
124571 Papatriantafillou C., Issigoni M.E., Paraskevaidis C.E. Influence of Disorder on the Interface Sharpness of an Ising Ferromagnetic System 1989
124570 Braga G. de A. A New Rigorous Upper Bound for the Inverse Critical Temperature of the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1991
124569 Rousset M., Stoltz G. Equilibrium Sampling From Nonequilibrium Dynamics 2006
124568 Staaden U., Fahnle M. Comment on the Calculation of Thermal Averages by Long-Time Monte Carlo Simulations 1989
124567 Dinaburg E.I., Mazel A.E. Layering Transition in SOS Model with External Magnetic Field 1994
124566 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1981
124565 Kaufman M., Stauffer D. A Dilute Bootstrap Percolation: Lattice Model for Unresponsiveness in T-Cell Immunology 1993
124564 Burlatsky S.F., Oshanin G.S. Fluctuation Kinetics of Diffusion-Controlled Processes: Strong Effects Due to Correlations and Fluctuations 1991
124563 Bershadskii A., Ching E. Classification of Multiscaling in Fracture and Fragmentation 2001
124562 Scarlatti S., Serva M., Pasquini M. Large Deviations for Ising Spin Glasses with Constrained Disorder 1995
124561 Balakrishnan V., Nicolis G. Recurrence Time Statistics in Chaotic Dynamics. I. Discrete Time Maps 1997
124560 Nishimori H. Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing 2002
124559 Owczarek A.L., Essam J.W., Brak R. Scaling Analysis for the Adsorption Transition in a Watermelon Network of n Directed Non-Intersecting Walks 2001
124558 Oono Y., Yeung C. A Cell Dynamical System Model of Chemical Turbulence 1987
124557 Belitsky V. A Stochastic Model of Deposition Processes with Nucleation 1993
124556 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000

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