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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124755 Risken H., Voigtlaender K. Eigenvalues and Eigenfunetions of the Fokker-Planek Equation for the Extremely Underdamped Brownian Motion in a Double-Well Potential 1985
124754 Gallavotti G., Nicolo F. The "Screening Phase Transitions" in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1985
124753 Nicolis G., Malek-Mansour M. Systematic Analysis of the Multivariate Master Equation for a ReactionlDiffusion System 1980
124752 Yethiraj A., Stell G. An Integral Equation Theory for the Widom-Rowlinson Mixture 2000
124751 Menon S.V.G. First Passage Time Distribution in an Oscillating Field 1992
124750 Kuroda K. Phase Separations in Ising Model with Free Boundary Condition 1983
124749 Schor R., O'Carroll M. Correlation Functions and the Goldstone Picture for the Hierarchical Classical Vector Model at Low Temperatures in Three or More Dimensions 1991
124748 Majewski W.A. Asymptotically Normal Dynamical Semigroups 1987
124747 Livi R., Politi A. Liapunov Exponents in High-Dimensional Symplectic Dynamics 1987
124746 Brightwell G., Winkler P. Nonmonotonic Behavior in Hard-Core and Widom-Rowlinson Models 1991
124745 Barkai E. Residence Time Statistics for Normal and Fractional Diffusion in a Force Field 2006
124744 Santos A. Exact Solution of the Boltzmann Equation in the Homogeneous Color Conductivity Problem 1991
124743 Gausterer H., Lee S. The Mechanism of Complex Langevin Simulations 1993
124742 O'Carroll M. Analyticity Properties and a Convergent Expansion for the Inverse Correlation Length of the Low-Temperature d-Dimensional Ising Model 1984
124741 Paiva C., Perez J. A Hierarchical Model for Random Walks in Random Media 1993
124740 Kadanoff L.P. Simulating Hydrodynamics: a Pedestrian Model 1985
124739 Sweet T. The Asymmetric Contact Process at Its Second Critical Value 1997
124738 Albeverio S. Peierls Argument and Long-Range Order Behavior of Quantum Lattice Systems with Unbounded Spins 1998
124737 Nguyen B.G. Typical Cluster Size for Two-Dimensional Percolation Processes 1988
124736 Miyazawa S., Jernigan R. Equilibrium Folding Pathways for Model Proteins 1983
124735 Nicolis G., Nicolis C., McKernan D. Stochastic Resonance in Chaotic Dynamics 1993
124734 Ruge C., Wagner F. On Scaling Properties of Cluster Distributions in Ising Models 1992
124733 Sumedha, Dhar D. Efficiency of the Incomplete Enumeration Algorithm for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Linear and Branched Polymers 2005
124732 Jitomirskaya S., Landrigan M. Zero-Dimensional Spectral Measures for Quasi-Periodic Operators with Analytic Potential 2000
124731 Arguin L.-P. Homology of Fortuin–Kasteleyn Clusters of Potts Models on the Torus 2002
124730 Elston T.C., Doering C.R. Numerical and Analytical Studies of Nonequilibrium Fluctuation-Induced Transport Processes 1996
124729 Koza Z. The Long-Time Behavior of Initially Separated A + B -> 0 Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Arbitrary Diffusion Constants 1996
124728 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
124727 Povolotsky A.M., Priezzhev V.B., Hu C.-K. The Asymmetric Avalanche Process 2003
124726 Dorea C.C.Y., Medino A.V. Anomalous Diffusion Index for L´evy Motions 2006
124725 Korepin V.E., Bogoliubov N.M., Izergin A.G. Book Review: Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions 1998
124724 Fifteenth West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1989
124723 Zegarlinski B. Strong Decay to Equilibrium in One-Dimensional Random Spin Systems 1994
124722 Zhizhina E.A. Two-Particle Spectrum of the Generator for Stochastic Model of Planar Rotators at High Temperatures 1998
124721 Tasaki H. The Coefficient of Restitution Does Not Exceed Unity 2006
124720 Boidrighini C., Cosimi G.C., Frigio S. Diffusion and Einstein Relation for a Massive Particle in a One-Dimensional Free Fas: Numerical Evidence 1990
124719 Alien S. Interface Formation and a Structural Phase Transition for the Spherical Model of Ferromagnetism 1995
124718 Dekeyser R., Stella A. Differential Renormalization of van der Waals Spin Models 1980
124717 Spigler R. Nonlinear Parametric Oscillations in Certain Stochastic Systems: A Random van der Pol Oscillator 1985
124716 Koukiou F., Picco P. Poisson Point Processes, Cascades, and Random Coverings of R^n 1991
124715 Hovi J.-P., Aharony A. Different Self-Avoiding Walks on Percolation Clusters: A Small-Cell Real-Space Renormalization-Group Study 1997
124714 Aslangul C., Bouchaud J.-P., Georges A. Exact Results and Self-Averaging Properties for Random-Random Walks on a One-Dimensional Infinite Lattice 1989
124713 Lebowitz J.L., Spohn H. Steady State Self-Diffusion at Low Density 1982
124712 Ioffe D., Velenik Y., Zahradnik M. Entropy-Driven Phase Transition in a Polydisperse Hard-Rods Lattice System 2006
124711 Levy O., Bergman D.J. Weakly Nonlinear Conductivity of Random Composites: A Series Expansion Approach 1996
124710 Lopez de Haro M. Chapman-Enskog Velocity Distribution for Tracer Diffusion 1989
124709 Yip S. Commentary on the Self-Consistent Mode-Coupling Approximation 1989
124708 Chaves M., Gawedzki K., Horvai P. Lagrangian Dispersion in Gaussian Self-Similar Velocity Ensembles 2003
124707 Bacry E., Muzy J.F., Arneodo A. Singularity Spectrum of Fractal Signals from Wavelet Analysis: Exact Results 1993
124706 Karner G. The Simplified Fermi Accelerator in Classical and Quantum Mechanics 1994

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