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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124905 Barreira L., Doutor P. Birkhoff Averages for Hyperbolic Flows: Variational Principles and Applications 2004
124904 Nannelli F., Succi S. The Lattice Boltzmann Equation on Irregular Lattices 1992
124903 Causo M.S. Cut-and-Permute Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks in the Presence of Surfaces 2002
124902 Betancort-Rijo J. Generalized Negative Binomial Distributions 2000
124901 Kuscer I., Beenakker J.M. Diffusion in Zeolites as Flow of Lattice Gas 1997
124900 Ernst M.H., Binder P.M. Lorentz Lattice Gases: Basic Theory 1988
124899 Elskens Y. Microscopic Derivation of a Markovian Master Equation in a Deterministic Model of Chemical Reaction 1984
124898 De Coninck J., de Gottal Ph. New Inequalities for lsing Ferromagnets 1984
124897 Collet P., Lesne A. Renormalization Group Analysis of Some Dynamical Systems with Noise 1989
124896 Swendsen R.H. Statistical Mechanics of Classical Systems with Distinguishable Particles 2002
124895 Kottalam J., Lindenberg K., West B.J. Statistical Replacement for Systems with Delta-Correlated Fluctuations 1986
124894 Pandey R.B. Computer Simulation of a Cellular Automata Model for the Immune Response in a Retrovirus System 1989
124893 Yokoi C.S.O., Nagle J.F., Salinas S.R. Dimer Pair Correlations on the Brick Lattice 1986
124892 Kumar S., Kurtz S. Properties of a Three-Dimensional Poisson-Voronoi Tesselation: A Monte Carlo Study 1992
124891 Haake F., Wilkens M. Quasiprobabilities Based on Squeezed States 1988
124890 Fort J., Roura P. A Comparison Between Information-Theoretic and Phenomenological Descriptions of Nonequilibrium Radiation 1999
124889 Nachtergaele B., Spitzer W., Starr S. Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels 2004
124888 Dean D.S., Horgan R.R., Sentenac D. Boundary Effects in the One-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1998
124887 Sawada Y. A Thermodynamic Variational Principle in Nonlinear Systems Far from Equilibrium 1984
124886 Mittag L., Stephen M.J. Motion and Diffusion of a Passive Scalar in a Two-Dimensional Fluid 1995
124885 Gross E.P. Upper Bounds for Density Matrices Using Path Integrals 1983
124884 Procacci A., Scoppola B. Statistical Mechanics Approach to Coding Theory 1999
124883 Statistical Mechanics at the 45th Parallel: 4th Annual Meeting 1991
124882 Ross lI C. CVM Modeling of the Square Ising Lattice with One Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interaction 1987
124881 Simiu E. Chaotic Transitions in Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems 2003
124880 Tateno T. Characterization of Stochastic Bifurcations in a Simple Biological Oscillator 1998
124879 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1988
124878 Jesfis Salas, Alan D. Sokal Dynamic Critical Behavior of the Swendsen-Wang Algorithm: The Two-Dimensional Three-State Potts Model Revisited 1997
124877 Brankov J., Tonchev N. On Finite-Size Scaling in the Presence of Dangerous Irrelevant Variables 1990
124876 Benoit Vanderheyden, Gordon Baym Self-Consistent Approximations in Relativistic Plasmas : Quasiparticle Analysis of the Thermodynamic Properties 1998
124875 Meyer J., Schroter J. Comments on the Grad Procedure for the Fokker-Planck Equation 1983
124874 Abraham D.B. Corner Spontaneous Magnetization 1995
124873 Peter Fratzl Statistical Model of the Habit and Arrangement of Mineral Crystals in the Collagen of Bone 1994
124872 Fisher M.E., Gelfand M.P. The Reunions of Three Dissimilar Vicious Walkers n/a
124871 Pechersky E., Zhukov Yu. Uniqueness of Gibbs State for Nonideal Gas in R^d: The Case of Pair Potentials 1999
124870 Christian Maes, Frank Redig Positivity of Entropy Production 1999
124869 Dudynski M. On the Linearized Relativistic Boltzmann Equation. II. Existence of Hydrodynamics 1989
124868 Bellissard J., Schulz-Baldes H. Subdiffusive Quantum Transport for 3D Hamiltonians with Absolutely Continuous Spectra 1999
124867 Tidriri M. Hydrodynamic Limit of a B.G.K. Like Model on Domains with Boundaries and Analysis of Kinetic Boundary Conditions for Scalar Multidimensional Conservation Laws 2004
124866 Wreszinski W.F., Bolina O. A Self-Averaging “Order Parameter” for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass Model 2004
124865 Takashi Hara, Gordon Slade The Scaling Limit of the Incipient Infinite Cluster in High-Dimensional Percolation. I. Critical Exponents 2000
124864 Merola I. Asymptotic Expansion of the Pressure in the Inverse Interaction Range 1999
124863 Hogg T., Huberman B. A. Parallel Computing Structures Capable of Flexible Associations and Recognition of Fuzzy Inputs 1985
124862 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1998
124861 Fujimoto M. Erratum: Hard-Hexagon Model: Anisotropy of Correlation Length and Interfaeial Tension 1991
124860 Phan-Thien N., Zheng R., Graham A. L. The Flow of a Model Suspension Fluid Past a Sphere 1990
124859 Pompe B. Measuring Statistical Dependences in a Time Series 1993
124858 Park Y., Yoo H.J. A Characterization of Gibbs States of Lattice Boson Systems 1994
124857 Rouet J. L., Blasco F., Feix M. R. The One-Dimensional Boltzmann Gas: The Ergodic Hypothesis and the Phase Portrait of Small Systems 1992
124856 Grimm U., Baake M. Nonperiodic lsing Quantum Chains and Conformal Invariance 1994

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