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Название: Applications of Reflection Amplitudes in Toda-Type Theories
Авторы: Ahn C., Kim C., Rim C.
Reflection amplitudes are defined as two-point functions of certain class of conformal field theories where primary fields are given by vertex operators with real couplings. Among these, we consider (Super-) Liouville theory and simply and non-simply laced Toda theories. In this paper we show how to compute the scaling functions of effective central charge for the models perturbed by some primary fields which maintains integrability. This new derivation of the scaling functions are compared with the results from conventional TBA approach and confirms our approach along with other non-perturbative results such as exact expressions of the on-shell masses in terms of the parameters in the action, exact free energies. Another important application of the reflection amplitudes is a computation of one-point functions for the integrable models. Introducing functional relations between the one-point functions in terms of the reflection amplitudes, we obtain explicit expressions for simply-laced and non-simplylaced affine Toda theories. These nonperturbative results are confirmed numerically by comparing the free energies from the scaling functions with exact expressions we obtain from the one-point functions.