Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Angular momentum, spin
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics | 10 | Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy | 42—45, 58, 59 | Getzlaff M. — Fundamentals of Magnetism | 8, 21 | Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics | 154 | Thaller B. — The Dirac equation | 8 | Heitler W. — Elementary Wave Mechanics With Applications to Quantum Chemistry | 59 | Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids | 206ff., 232, 426, 577 | Kleppner D., Kolenkow R. — An introduction to mechanics | 262 | Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics | 188 | Griffits D. — Introduction to elementary particles | 13, 17—1, 116, 252 | Gautreau R., Savin W. — Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics | 127 | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 105 | Shankar R. — Principles of quantum mechanics | 373 | Gilmore R. — Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Some of Their Applications | 23 | Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — Quantum Mechanics | 231, 305 | Bertotti G. — Hysteresis in Magnetism: For Physicists, Materials Scientists, and Engineers | 84 | Corson E.M. — Perturbation Methods in the Quantum Mechanics of N-Electron Systems | 42, 45, 115 | Nouredine Z. — Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications | 280—287 | McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics | 87, 88 | Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Field quantization | 45, 120 | Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics | 1414—1415, 1417, 1471, 1521 | Leighton R.B. — Principles of Modern Physics | 185, 667 | Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics | 15, 36, 39 | Ashby N., Miller S.C. — Principles of modern physics | 240 | Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory. I. Elements | 49 | Adler S.L. — Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields | 84 | Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory | 200 |