Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Field quantization |
Предметный указатель |
100 109—115 160 167
104 105 109—115
106 109—115
theory 261—267 295—299 392—398
theory, triviality 262
action 4 32 344
Action, effective 402 406
Action, euclidian 374
Adiabatic switching 221 360
Advanced Green's function 113
Advanced propagator 273
Amputated Green's function 404
Amputation of external lines 286 298
Angular momentum, Klein — Gordon field 83
Angular momentum, orbital 45 85 120
Angular momentum, spin 45 120
Angular-momentum operator, Dirac field 131
Angular-momentum operator, Klein — Gordon field 85—91 93
Angular-momentum tensor 45 85 99
Angular-momentum tensor, Dirac field 119
Angular-momentum tensor, electromagnetic 148
Angular-momentum tensor, modified 48
Annihilation operator 9 61 67 77 83 127 162 214 276
Anticommutation relations 65 125 408
Anticommuting numbers 408
Antilinear operator 307
Antiparticles 94 127
Antiunitary operator 325
Antiunitary transformation 307
Asymptotic completeness 271
Asymptotic condition for field operator 275 276
Axial gauge 144
Axiomatic quantum field theory 269
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff relation 25 27 215 390
Bare mass 270 272 295
Basis 59 60 76
Basis function 12
Belinfante tensor 47 148
Bethe — Salpeter equation 320
Bilinear covariants 328 330
Bilinear forms 103 139
Bose particles, quantization 58
Bose — Einstein statistics 64 68 76 123 130 323 329
Boson loop 265
Boson-boson scattering 298
Box diagram 242 429
Box normalization 79 127 179
Branching ratio 333
Canonical commutation relations 9 215 269
Canonical commutation relations, Dirac field 123
Canonical commutation relations, electromagnetic field 176
Canonical commutation relations, Klein — Gordon field 76 92 102
Canonical commutation relations, Proca field 159
Canonical commutation relations, Schroedinger field 58
Canonical energy-momentum tensor 43
Canonical quantization 58 177
Canonical quantization, Coulomb gauge 196
Canonical quantization, electromagnetic field 176
Canonical quantization, massive vector field 158
Canonical transformation 6 128
Canonically conjugate field 34 172 251
Canonically conjugate field, Dirac 118
Canonically conjugate field, Klein — Gordon 75
Canonically conjugate field, Proca 158
Canonically conjugate field, Schroedinger 57
Canonically conjugate momentum 5
Casimier effect 82
Chain rule for functional derivatives 37
Charge conjugation 301
Charge conjugation, Dirac field 313
Charge conjugation, scalar field 305 309
Charge conjugation, vector field 319
Charge operator, Dirac 130
Charge parity 305 320
Charge parity, positronium 322
Charge, Bose field 93
Charge, Dirac field 120
Charge, Noether 46
circular polarization 161 166
Classical field 401 407
Classical field theory 31—51
Classical limit 344
Classical path 346
Closed loops 297
Coherent state 10 26
Commutation relations see "Equal-time commutation relations"
Commutation relations, general, Dirac field 138—139
Commutation relations, general, electromagnetic field 205
Commutation relations, invariant 100
Completeness 63 339
Completeness relation 7 13
Completeness relation, polarization vectors 155 157
Complex rotation 358 359
Compton scattering 239 247—249 430
Compton scattering of positron 248
Compton scattering, Spin 0 259
Connected Green's function 383 387 398—400
Conservation laws 43
Conservation laws in classical field theory 39
Constraint condition 141 153
Continuity equation 42 142 143 146
Continuous matrix 376 403
continuum limit 11
Continuum threshold 281
Contracted normal product 230
Contraction 228
Convergence, strong 274
Convergence, weak 274 275 278 284
Coordinate operator 338
Coordinate-space representation 8
Correlations 74
Coulomb gauge 144—145 171 196 197 208 319
Coulomb interaction 69 187 200 202
Coulomb photon 187
Coulomb potential 145 203
Coulomb propagator 186
Counter term 296
Coupled fields, Maxwell and Dirac 150
Coupled fields, scalar electrodynamics 251
Coupled fields, Yukawa model 424
Covariant commutation relation 160
Covariant notation 33
Covariant photon propagator 187
Covariant quantization 171
Covariant quantization, Proca field 160
CPT theorem 326—331
Creation operator 9 61 67 77 83 127 162
Cross section 267
Current conservation 143 146 153
Current operator 139
Current operator, symmetrized 134
Current, conserved 42 46 47
Current, Dirac 120
Degeneracy factor 268
Degrees of freedom, Lorentz gauge 144
Degrees of freedom, photon field 171
Degrees of freedom, Proca field 158
Degrees of freedom, vector field 141
Delbrueck graph 250 430
Delbrueck scattering see "Photon-photon scattering"
Dimension, Dirac field 117
Dimension, Klein — Gordon field 75
Dirac equation 117 124 129 288
Dirac field 117
Dirac picture see "Interaction picture"
Dirac sea 126 130
Dirac unit spinor 124 128 137
Dirac's hole picture 126
Disconnected graphs 243
| Discrete symmetry 301
Discretization 32
Dispersion relation, linear chain 14
Dispersion relation, photon 156
Dispersion relation, relativistic 77
Dual field-strength tensor 142
Dyson operator 215 292
Dyson product 217
Dyson propagator 113
Effective action 402 406
Effective potential 407
Electron-electron scattering 240 245—247
Electron-positron, pair annihilation 239
Electron-positron, pair creation 239
Electron-positron, scattering 240
Energy shift 219 220 222 224
Energy-momentum tensor 43
Energy-momentum tensor, Dirac field 119
Energy-momentum tensor, electromagnetic field 146 174
Energy-momentum tensor, Proca field 153
Energy-momentum tensor, symmetrical 43
Energy-momentum tensor, symmetrized 47 49 147 152
Equal-time anticommutation relation 123
Equal-time commutation relations 269
Equal-time commutation relations, electromagnetic field 176
Equal-time commutation relations, Klein — Gordon field 76 92 102
Equal-time commutation relations, Proca field 159
Equal-time commutation relations, Schroedinger field 58
Equation of continuity 42 142 143 146
ETCR see "Equal-time commutation relations"
Euclidian action 374
Euclidian coordinates 359 361 372
Euclidian field theory 371—375
Euler — Lagrange equation 5 32 33 57 118 149 152 172
Exchange graph 239 246 260
Exchange term 73
External current 146 148
External fermion line 236
External forces 20
External photon line 236
External potential 69
External source 360 367 384 420
Fermi level 71
Fermi particles, quantization 65
Fermi — Dirac statistics 68 104 123 130 246
Fermi's Lagrangian 172
Fermion loop 241 427
Fermionic quantization 65 104 159
Feynmal rules, scalar electrodynamics 260
Feynman contour 107 422
Feynman diagrams 236 239 382
Feynman gauge 173 185 189
Feynman kernel 339 345 350 360 366 371
Feynman kernel, euclidian 359
Feynman path integral 344 360 362 367 370
Feynman propagator 188 230 296
Feynman propagator, Coulomb gauge 199
Feynman propagator, Dirac 132—134
Feynman propagator, euclidian 378
Feynman propagator, gauge dependence 189
Feynman propagator, Klein — Gordon 106—109 188
Feynman propagator, momentum space 108 134 170 185
Feynman propagator, path-integral representation 375—380
Feynman propagator, photons 185—187 195
Feynman propagator, Proca 167 169 188
Feynman propagator, scalar 112—115
Feynman propagator, spectral representation 280
Feynman rules in coordinate space 241
Feynman rules in momentum space 242
Feynman rules, theory 262
Feynman rules, quantum electrodynamics 233—243
Field strength, electric 143
Field strength, magnetic 143
Field, classical 31
Field-strength tensor, dual 142
Field-strength tensor, electromagnetic 142 152
Fock space 61 67 79 83 130 182 270
Fock space, photons 179 182
Fock state, normalization 68
Four-boson vertex 263
Four-current, electromagnetic 142
Four-momentum 43 119
Four-point function 382 391 405 422
Four-point function, theory 297 397
Four-point function, bosons 429
Four-point function, fermions 429 431
Fourier decomposition 59 92
Fourier decomposition, discrete 12
Fourier decomposition, photon field 177
Fourier decomposition, Proca field operator 160
Fourier expansion 78
Frechet derivative see "Functional derivative"
Functional 31 37
Functional derivative 31 35—39
Functional derivative, chain rule 37
Functional derivative, product rule 37
Furry's theorem 320
Gauge see "Coulomb gauge" "Fermi "Feynman "Landau "Lorentz
Gauge fixing 143 172 185 189
Gauge invariance 143 153 182 210
Gauge transformation 143 146 147 171 183
Gauge, noncovariant 171
Gauge-covariant derivative 151
Gauge-fixing parameter 173
Gaussian integral 343 345 351 353—356 370 375
Gaussian integral, Grassmann 412 415
Gaussian units 142
Gell-Mann — Low theorem 219—225
Generating functional for Green's function 380
Generating functional for irreducible Green's function 383
Generating functional, fermion fields 419—421
Generating functional, free Dirac field 421—424
Generating functional, interacting 384
Generating functional, perturbation series 385—387
Generator 49 98
Generator, Grassmann algebra 408
Generator, Poincare group 50
Gradient coupling 251 253
Grassmann algebra 408 409 414
Grassmann integration 415—419
Grassmann variable 408
Grassmann variable, complex 413
Green's function 145
Green's function, amputated 404
Green's function, connected 383 387 398—400
Green's function, higher-order 382
Green's function, irreducible 383 430
Green's function, Klein — Gordon 108
Green's function, momentum space 391—392
Green's function, multi-particle 283 286 287 290
Green's function, pole structure 287
Green's function, Schroedinger equation 346
Ground state, nondegenerate 359
Gupta — Bleuler method 180—183
Hamilton density 34
Hamilton equations 5 34 36
Hamilton formalism, classical fields 34
Hamilton function see "Hamiltonian"
Hamilton's principle 4 32 344
Hamiltonian 5
Hamiltonian, classical field theory 34
Hamiltonian, Dirac 119 126 129
Hamiltonian, electromagnetic field 173
Hamiltonian, harmonic oscillator 9
Hamiltonian, interaction 291
Hamiltonian, Klein — Gordon 75
Hamiltonian, linear chain 12
Hamiltonian, normal-ordered 81 92 164
Hamiltonian, Proca 159 164
Hamiltonian, Schroedinger field 60
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