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Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Field quantization
Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Field quantization

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Название: Field quantization

Авторы: Greiner W., Reinhardt J.


Field Quantization is a thorough introduction to the physical ideas and techniques of this subject, starting from an elementary level. The initial chapters deal with the quantum mechanics of systems having many degrees of freedom and with classical Lagrangian field theory. Subsequently, both the traditional method of canonical quantization and the modern approach using path integrals are studied. The material is presented in considerable detail and accompanied by a large number of worked examples and exercises.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Общие курсы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 440

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Spin operator, Proca field      165
Spin, electromagnetic field      149
Spin-1 mesons      141
Spin-statistics theorem      130 140 159
Spinors      117
State vector, localized      62
Stationary phase approximation      344
Statistical mechanics      374
Strong operator convergence      274
Stueckelberg      109 113 249
Sum rule for spectral density      281
Superposition principle      342
Symmetrized product wave function      65
Symmetry      272
Symmetry factor      261 397
Symmetry factor, $\phi^{4}$ theory      266
Symmetry factor, quantum electrodynamics      267
Symmetry transformation      40 43 95
Symmetry transformation, internal      46
Symmetry, discrete      301
Tadpole graph      238 396 428
TCP theorem      see "CPT theorem"
Temporal gauge      144
Tensors      329
Three-point function      382 404
Time ordering      217
Time reversal      301 325
Time reversal, Dirac field      315
Time reversal, scalar field      306
Time reversal, vector field      319
Time-evolution operator      8 215—219 292 340
Time-evolution operator, adiabatic      221
Time-evolution operator, perturbation series      218
Time-ordered exponential      219 292
Time-ordered product      227 293 357 367
Time-ordered product, Grassmann fields      420
Time-ordered product, modified      258
Tomonaga picture      see "Interaction picture"
Topologically equivalent graphs      237
Trajectory      340
Trajectory, classical      337
Transfer matrix      340
Transformation, field operators      96
Transformation, infinitesimal      40 96
Transition amplitude      339 340
Transition amplitude, infinitesimal      341
Transition current      187 247
Transition matrix element      357
Translation      43 272
Transversality condition      197
Transversality condition, four-dimensional      156
Transverse delta function      197 202—205
Transverse gauge      144
Transverse photons      198
Transverse polarization vector      154
Transverse projection operator      197 208
Tree approximation      299
triplet state      322
Two-body interaction      69
Two-particle scattering      225 262
Two-point Function      357—359 381 391 394
Two-point function, $\phi^{4}$ theory      395
Two-point function, bosons      428
Two-point function, fermions      428
Two-point Green's function      295
Uncertainty relation      7 8
Unitary representation      96
Unitary transformation      22 96
VACUUM      61 129 270 279 293
Vacuum functional      362 368
Vacuum functional, euclidian      375
Vacuum persistence amplitude      360—363
Vacuum, charge      131
Vacuum, Dirac      127
Vacuum, energy      81 127
Vacuum, fluctuations      240 293 394
Vacuum, polarization      240
Vacuum, stability      244
Vacuum-vacuum amplitude      362
Variation      40
Variation of a functional      31
Variation, modified      40
Variation, total      42
Vector field, massive      154
Vector field, plane-wave expansion      154
Vector potential      143
Vector potential, plane-wave decomposition      161
Vertex function, amputated      406
Vertex function, irreducible      402
Vertex function, irreducible three-point      403
Vertex, electron-photon      236
Vertex, four-boson      263
Vertex, two-photon two-boson      254
Virtual field quanta      272
Virtual phonon      25
Virtual photon      183 187
Volterra series      380 402
Wave equation      143 173
Wave function      62
Wave packet      179 275
Weak operator convergence      274 275 278 284
Weyl ordering      341 347—350
Wick rotation      343 359 372
Wick's theorem      225—231 255 293
Wick's theorem, proof      231—233
Wiener path integral      342
Wightman function      278
Yang — Feldman equation      272 276—278
Yukawa coupling      424—431
Z      see "Renormalization constant"
Zero-point energy      9 20 80 127
1 2 3
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