Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Field quantization |
Предметный указатель |
harmonic oscillator 8—10 14 80
Hartree — Fock approximation 69—74
Heisenberg picture 8 60 212 213 215 216 252 269 275 338
Heisenberg's equation 8 58 123 159 291 338
Heisenberg's equation, four-dimensional 97
Heisenberg's quantization rule 6
Helicity 131 136 154 165 166 199 319
Hermitean operator 6 96
Hilbert space 6
Hilbert space, photons 183
Hole picture 126 130
Imaginary time 343 359 371 372
In field 270—276
Indefinite metric 176 180 181
Infinitesimal generator 44
Infinitesimal generator, electromagnetic field 148
Infinitesimal rotation 44
Infinitesimal transformation 40
Infinitesimal transformation, Dirac field 119
Initial-value problem 17
Instantaneous Coulomb potential 145
Integration, Grassmann variables 409 415—419
Interacting fields 211 272 291
Interacting ground state 22
Interaction picture 211—216 221 252
Internal fermion line 236
Internal photon line 236
Internal symmetries 46
Interpolating field 272 291
Intrinsic parity 302 312 321
Invariance, S matrix 324
Invariant amplitude 267
Invariant commutation relations 100
Invariant commutation relations, Proca field 167
Irreducible see "One-particle irreducible"
Irreducible Green's function 383 430
Irreducible vertex function 402
Jordan — Wigner quantization 65
kinetic energy 16
Klein — Gordon equation 75 76 153 168 275
Klein — Gordon field, charged 91
Klein — Gordon field, neutral 75
Ladder operators 9
Lagrange density 33
Lagrange density, Dirac field 117
Lagrange density, electromagnetic field 145
Lagrange density, Klein — Gordon field 75 92
Lagrange density, Schroedinger field 57
Lagrange function see "Lagrangian"
Lagrange functional 31
Lagrange multiplier 172
Lagrangian 4
Lagrangian, theory 261
Lagrangian, classical field theory 31
Lagrangian, Dirac 117
Lagrangian, electromagnetic 149—150
Lagrangian, electromagnetic, with gauge fixing 172 173
Lagrangian, linear chain 11
Lagrangian, Lorentz scalar 329
Lagrangian, Proca 152
Lagrangian, scalar electrodynamics 251
Lagrangian, symmetrized Dirac 120—122
Landau gauge 185
Landau — Yang rule 323
Lattice field theory 374
Legendre transformation 5 34 401 407
Lehmann — Kaellen representation 278—282
Lehmann — Symanzik — Zimmermann formalism see "LSZ formalism"
Lie algebra 45 149
Lifetime 332
Lifetime of antiparticle 333
Light cone 101 115 206 207
Linear chain, classical treatment 10—15
Linear chain, quantum treatment 18—20
linear polarization 161 166
Local field theory 33
Longitudinal photon 181 186
Longitudinal polarization state 141 145 166 178
Longitudinal polarization vector 154 157
Lorentz boost 44
Lorentz condition 153 168 172 177 180 183
Lorentz gauge 144 172 175 210
Lorentz invariance 44
Lorentz scalar 33
Lorentz transformation 97 148 272
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal generators 44 97
Lorentz — Heaviside units 142
LSZ formalism 269 282—288
LSZ reduction formula for spin- particles 290
LSZ reduction formula for spin-0 particles 286
LSZ reduction formula in momentum space 286
Many-body Schroedinger equation 64 66
Mass, bare 270
Mass, counter term 296
Mass, renormalization 238 295—297 396
Massive vector bosons 152
Massless vector field 156
Matrix representation 44
Maxwell equations 141 143
Maxwell field 154
mean field 401
Microcausality 103 104 115 139 159 207
Minimal coupling 151
Moller scattering 245—247
Momentum 43
Momentum eigenstates 7
Momentum operator, Dirac field 131 135
Momentum operator, Klein — Gordon field 82 93
Momentum operator, Proca field 164
Monte Carlo integration 374
Moving basis 339 361 366
Multi-phonon state 20 25
Multi-photon state 320
n-point function 283 359 363 367 380
n-point function, connected 383
n-point function, free 381 422
n-point function, perturbation series 293
n-point function, perturbation theory 290
Negative-energy continuum 124 126
Neumann series 217 292
Newton's equation of motion 4
Noether charge 46
Noether's theorem 40—43 82 85
Noncovariant gauge 171
Norm convergence 274
Norm, Euclidian 371
Norm, one-photon state 179
Normal coordinates 12 15—18
Normal ordering 26 81 132 164 237 253 254
Normal product 226
Normal-dependent terms 169 170 252 253 259
Normal-dependent terms, cancellation 258
Normalization 61 68 77 363
Normalization, box 79 127
Normalization, continuum 79
Normalization, polarization vectors 155
Number operator for holes 127
Occupation-number representation 61
One-particle irreducible 400
Orbital angular momentum 45
Orthogonality 14
Orthogonality, polarization vectors 154 162 177
Orthopositronium 322
Oscillator see "Harmonic oscillator"
Out field 270—276
Pair annihilation 237
Pair creation 237
Parapositronium 322
Parity, charge 305 320
Parity, intrinsic 302 312 321
| Particle-antiparticle symmetry 331
Particle-number operator 60
Particle-number operator, localized 62
path integral 339
Path integral for fermion fields 408—415
Path integral for free particle 345
Path integral for vacuum functional 362
Path integral in field theory 366 368—371
Path integral in phase space 342 351
Path integral, coordinate-space 344 352
Path integral, Feynman 344 360 362 367 370
Path integral, Grassmann fields 415
Path integral, multi-dimensional 350
Path integral, notation 342
Path integral, time-ordered product 357
Path integral, Wiener 342
Pauli matrix 120
Pauli principle 65 67 129 130
Pauli — Jordan function 100 109—115 138 160 167 256 277
Pauli — Jordan function, spectral representation 280
PCT theorem see "CPT theorem"
Periodic boundary conditions 12
Perturbation operator 220
Perturbation series, theory 392—398
Perturbation series, generating functional 385—387
Perturbation series, S operator 220 234
Perturbation series, time-evolution operator 218 292
Perturbation series, two-point function 295
Perturbation series, Yukawa model 424
Perturbation theory 211 225
Perturbation, stationary 221
Pfaffian 413
Phase factor 304
Phase factor, divergent 221 224 245
Phase transformation 46 93
Phonons 20
Photon absorption 237
Photon emission 237
Photon field, energy density 175
Photon propagator, covariant 187
Photon, longitudinal 181
Photon, scalar 181
Photon, virtual 183 187
Photon-photon scattering 249—251
Plane waves 79
Plane waves, Dirac field 288
Plane-wave basis 76
Plane-wave expansion 131
Plane-wave expansion, Dirac field 124 125
Plane-wave expansion, electromagnetic field 177
Plane-wave expansion, Klein — Gordon field 77
Plane-wave expansion, vector field 154
Poincare, algebra 51 98
Poincare, group 49 50
Poincare, transformation 96 272 324
Poisson brackets 5 15 36
Poisson brackets in classical field theory 35
Poisson distribution 26
Poisson equation 200
Polarization state, longitudinal 141 145 166 178
Polarization state, massive vector field 156
Polarization state, photon 177
Polarization vector 154 199
Polarization vector, completeness relation 155 156
Polarization vector, longitudinal 154 157
Polarization vector, time-like 155 157
Polarization vector, transverse 154 156
Polarization, circular 161 166
Polarization, linear 161 166
Position operator 7
Positron-positron scattering 240
Positronium 312 320—323
Positronium, selection rule 323
potential energy 4 16
Potential, external 69
Poynting vector 148
Principle of least action 4
Proca equation 152
Proca field 152 154
Proca field, Feynman propagator 167 169
Proca field, invariant commutation relation 167
Product rule for functional derivatives 37
Projection operator 133
Projection operator, transverse 145 197
Propagator see "Feynman propagator"
Propagator, advanced 273
Propagator, retarded 273 277
Pseudo photon 182 183
qed see "Quantum electrodynamics"
Quantization of a mechanical system 6
Quantum electrodynamics 150 320
Quantum electrodynamics, Feynman rules 233—243
quantum mechanics 6
Radiation gauge 197
Random walk 342
Reciprocity theorem 325
Reducible 400
Renormalization 231
Renormalization constant 273 281 299
Renormalization, coupling constant 266 299
Renormalization, mass 238 295—297 396
Resonance 281
Retarded Green's function 113
Retarded propagator 273 277
S matrix see "Scattering matrix"
S matrix element 220 243 267 272 283 286 288 298
S matrix, invariance 324
S operator, perturbation series 220 234
S operator, second order 237 238
S operator, unitarity 271
Scalar electrodynamics 251—261
Scalar field theory 261 384
Scalar photon 178 180 181 186
Scalar product 6 162
Scalar product, Klein — Gordon 78
Scattering cross section 267 326
Scattering matrix 219—220
Schroedinger equation 20 57 59 339 345
Schroedinger picture 212 213 338 357
Schroedinger wave function 7
Schwinger function see "Pauli — Jordan function"
Seagull graph 254
Second quantization 57
Selection rule 325
Selection rule, decay of positronium 323
Self-energy 240 254 264
Self-energy, Yukawa model 428
Self-interaction 73 262 273 430
Shift operator 22 24
Single-particle, basis 71
Single-particle, energy 73
Single-particle, state 272 273 281 287
Single-particle, wavefunction 70
Singlet state 322
Slater determinant 68 71
Smeared field operators 275
Source term 360 367 384 420
Space inversion 301
Space inversion, Dirac field 312
Space inversion, scalar field 301 309
Space inversion, vector field 319
Space-like separations 103
Spectral density 279 281
Spectral representation see "Lehmann — Kaellen representation"
Spectrum of harmonic oscillator 9
Spectrum, Dirac equation 126
Spherical basis 165 319
Spherical waves 79
Spin 45 322
Spin operator 131
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