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Adler S.L. — Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields |
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"Algebraic chromodynamics" 442n.20 473 479n.39
"Ghost" fermions 492n.48
"Mass gap" for constant quaternionic potential 126 527
"Quantization" of a classical theory 442n.20 533
, real representation of i, adjoint introduced 346
, real representation of i, defined 47
, real representation of i, transformation to bases which diagonalize 381
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra) 70 85 113 414 417 422—424 426—427 429 432 478 497 500
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra) and independent particle picture in Fock space 287
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra) and spin Hamiltonian 85—86
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra), asymptopia hypothesis 497—498 518—519 530
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra), conjugation 86 279
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra), spin matrices 84
(complex subalgebra of left-acting algebra), unitary products of left algebra units in second quantization 278
(complex subalgebra of quaternion) 34 59 61 63 66 70—72 75—76 78 80—81 115 117 119 122 132 141 148 152—156 159—160 166—167 171—174 196 207—209 230 233 242—243 245 247—248 251 253—260 262 270—272 278 287 289 291 296 314—315 329n.12 332 334 335n.14 340 340n.16 351 359—361 369 373—387 390—395 397—398 401 404—405 407 409—410 478 479n.39 527—530
(complex subalgebra of quaternion) and matrix representations of symmetry generators 68 75—77 80—81 84 141n.6 238
(complex subalgebra of quaternion) and nonrelativistic reduction of Klein — Gordon equation 321—322
(complex subalgebra of quaternion) and zeroth-order basis rediagonalization in degenerate perturbation theory 142
(complex subalgebra of quaternion) with i replaced by 116 286
(complex subalgebra of quaternion) with i replaced by general unit quaternion 93 227 254 283 322
(complex subalgebra of quaternion), bases used to span quaternionic Fock space 271
(complex subalgebra of quaternion), notation introduced 13
, reduction of wave packet operation 520 522—524
, unitary evolution operation 520 522—524
theorem 216 216n.13 531
theorem, apparent violation for 482n.42 531
theorem, restrictions on violation model 216 216n.12
in time reversal violation model 216
violation, phenomenological 215—217 508—509 531
violation, phenomenological, Kobayashi — Maskawa form 216 518
violation, phenomenological, magnitude of 215—217
violation, phenomenological, milliweak 216
violation, phenomenological, superweak 216n.12
Abelian group 90—91 99—100
Abelian monopole 97n.8
Absolute value function see "Modulus function"
Absorption see "Scattering one-dimensional"
Action and Feynman path integral 110 353
Action as integral of Lagrangian density 375
Action, classical, not fundamental in quaternionic quantum mechanics 111—112
Action, invariance under , , 384—387
Action, principle for generalized dynamics 445—447
Action, real-valued, independent variations of 375
Adiabatic approximation 145—149 195n.2
Adiabatic approximation for zero energy state 148—149
Adiabatic approximation, effective expansion parameter for 147
Adiabatic switching 229
Adjoint defined for column vector 21—22
Adjoint defined for quaternion matrix 14
Adjoint of Grassmann quaternion 16
Adjoint of operator 22—23 51
Adjoint of product 15—16
Adjoint, relation between and 484
Adjoint, use of as notation for 14 236 323 330
Albert's Theorem 7
Algebra of Dirac matrices and , , 340 340n.16—17
Algebra over reals 5—7
Algebra, "charge" for complex generator matrices 436
Algebra, "charge" for quaternionic generator matrices 434—437 452
Algebra, "color charge" 480 480n.40
Algebra, absolute valued 7
Algebra, angular momentum 65 85 90n.4 395
Algebra, angular momentum, one-dimensional representation of 396 434—435 515
Algebra, anticommutator, of Dirac matrices 330 335
Algebra, basis elements 6
Algebra, Clifford 10n.9 114n.16 514n.11
Algebra, Clifford, of (3, 1) signature and quaternions 512
Algebra, commutator, of Dirac matrices and 331 335
Algebra, complex 7
Algebra, complex, automorphism of 16n.16 30
Algebra, conformal, generators of 392
Algebra, conformal, nonzero energy quaternionic representations transformable to complex form 392
Algebra, division 8—9
Algebra, four-vector extension of quaternion 513 514n.11
Algebra, Grassmann 16
Algebra, Jordan 10—11
Algebra, Jordan, exceptional 11
Algebra, Jordan, infinite-dimensional 11
Algebra, Jordan, special 11
Algebra, left-acting 23—24 33 38—39 100n.10 see
Algebra, Lie, commutator 435—436
Algebra, Lie, generalized bracket 437 452
Algebra, multiquaternion 272n.1 479—480 511 530
Algebra, nonassociative 8 20 49—52 540
Algebra, noncommutative 7—8 11 20n.3 55 244 258
Algebra, octonion 7—8 11 49—52
Algebra, Poincare 361 388—398 429 489 530 see
Algebra, Poincare, nonzero energy quaternionic representations transformable to complex form 361—362 388—398 499 503 526 532
Algebra, Poincare, relation to locality 362 398
Algebra, quaternion 7 11—12 114
Algebra, quaternion, associativity of 12
Algebra, quaternion, automorphism of 16—17 30 515
Algebra, quaternion, complex matrix representation 495
Algebra, quaternion, real matrix representations 10n.9
Algebra, right-acting 24—25 34 38—39 100n.10 275 399 480 512 530
Algebra, simple 11n.12
Algebra, SU(2) see "Angular momentum"
Algebra, supersymmetry 361
Analyticity properties 159 175
Analyticity properties of forward scattering amplitude 179—183 358 499 526
Analyticity properties of thermal Green's functions 291—293
Analyticity properties upper half plane, in decaying state theory 202—206
Angular momentum, algebra see "Algebra"
Angular momentum, analog of left- and right-ordered Fourier transform 84n.12
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for 64—66 80 118—119
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, action in coordinate representation 64
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, action of time reversal on 118—119
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, commutation relations 65
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, eigenstates and spectrum of 65
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, eigenstates, ray convention for 65
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, rotation group constructed with 65
Angular momentum, anti-self-adjoint operator for, self-adjoint squared operator 65 80
Angular momentum, complex linear operators 66—68 351 408n.4 512
Angular momentum, complex linear operators, action of time reversal on 118—119
Angular momentum, ladder operators 66—68
Angular momentum, orbital 85 502n.6
Angular momentum, orbital, scalars with respect to 85
Angular momentum, orbital, vectors with respect to 85
Angular momentum, partial wave analysis 166 175
Angular momentum, representation 65—66
Angular momentum, representation, left-acting algebra I, J, K in 65—66
Angular momentum, representation, matrices 68
Angular momentum, representation, matrices, right action 68 80—81 503
Angular momentum, self-adjoint operator for 66—68 351 512
Angular momentum, self-adjoint operator for, action in Hilbert subspace 66 166
Angular momentum, self-adjoint operator for, commutation relations 66
Angular momentum, spin 84
Angular momentum, spin, algebra of 85
Angular momentum, spin, nonrotational invariance of J 85 130
Angular momentum, spin, operators 85 119
Angular momentum, spin, rotational invariance of 85 130
Angular momentum, total 85 90n.4
Angular momentum, total, action of time reversal on 119
Anomaly 387 387n.10 531
Anomaly, chiral 374 399 480 483 508
Anomaly, Witten 480
Anticommutation, assumption for symplectic components of fermions in charge conjugation analysis 384
Anticommutator in Foldy — Wouthuysen method 325
Anticommutator in Galilean analysis 93n.7 95
Anticommutator in uncertainty principle derivation 73
Anticommutator of , with 139
Anticommutator of annihilation and creation operators 273 417 503
Anticommutator of Dirac matrices 330
Anticommutator of quasiparticle operators 280 285—286
Anticommutator, canonical, in operator gauge invariant theory as constraint 463 512
Anticommutator, canonical, in operator gauge invariant theory biunitary transform covariant 529
Anticommutator, notation defined 16
Associator 539—540
Asymptotic completeness 265 265n.8 527
Asymptotic particle spectrum 388 391 397
| Asymptotic scattering states 4 66 128 188
Asymptotic scattering states in quantum chromodynamics 499n.3
Asymptotic scattering states, complex for suitable ray choice 63—64 159 160 172n.5 181 198 213 512
Asymptotic scattering states, dynamics of 113 497—499
Asymptotic scattering states, momentum operator definitions agree on 63—64
Asymptotic scattering states, structure, in multiparticle, multichannel scattering 254—262 see classification
Asymptotically 497—498 500 530
Asymptotically , analogy with asymptotically flat 64n.5
Automorphism of number field, defined 29n.7
Axial-vector current 374 531
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff formula 90n.4 102 105 110—111 111n.14 245 393n.14
Bargmann potentials 526
Bell inequalities 524n.19
Berry's phase see "Phase geometric"
Bessel function of imaginary argument 137 137n.3 249n.4 311
Bessel function, spherical 167
big bang 532—533
Binding energies in atoms and nuclei 208
Birkhoff — von Neumann axioms 10—11
Bogoliubov transformation 533
Born approximation 174—175
Boson 238
Bound states 159—183 356
Bound states and potential component 179n.7 526
Bound states and scattering theory 225—227 225n.1
Bound states, disappearance from spectrum 163—164
Bound states, energy shift 177
Bound states, stabilized by rest mass 164—165 171 177—179 208 258
Bound-state-associated scattering resonances (resolvent singularities) 127 159 163—164 175—179 183 356
Bracket, classical Poisson 528 536 539
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson 398—399 447—448 528 see "Operator-valued "Total
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson of general trace functional with total trace Hamiltonian 447
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson of two conserved functionals is conserved 448
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson, algebra of total trace generators under 437 452
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson, antisymmetric in arguments 447
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson, Jacobi identity for 447—448
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson, Jacobi identity invalid in octonionic Hilbert space 539—540
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson, Jacobi identity proved 535—540
Bracket, generalized or generalized Poisson, Leibnitz product rule for 448
BRST transformation 529 529n.25
c-number 33 33n.9 374 384 384n.7 399 442 475 481—482 532 536
Causality 182 499 see Kramers
Center of mass, coordinate defined 81 238 255—256
Center of mass, N-pair model 245—246
Center of mass, separation of motion 81 233
Center of mass, separation of motion, complex cluster 255—256 261
Center of mass, separation of motion, quaternionic cluster 256 261
Center of mass, separation of motion, three-body 240—242
Center of mass, separation of motion, two-body 239—240
Chaos 524n.19 526n.23
Charge conjugation invariance 381—382 384—385 482—483
Charge conjugation invariance, defined as behavior under sign reversal of imaginary terms in symplectic components 384—385
Charge conjugation invariance, analysis assumes symplectic components of fermions anticommute 384
Charge conjugation invariance, notation C in quaternionic quantum mechanics, and C in complex quantum mechanics and phenomenology 217n.14
Charge conjugation invariance, real phase factors in 385 482—483
Charge conjugation invariance, relationship between complex and quaternionic definitions 482n.42 529
Charge conjugation invariance, second, quaternionic definition for G = G' 385
Charge conjugation operation, used to relate antiparticle to particle states 502
Chiral components of fermion 387
Chiral components of fermion, coupled by quaternionic gauge interactions 388 508
Chiral projections in Majorana representation, do not commute with covariant derivative 387—388
Classical state 4—5
Classical system 4—5 519n.14 520
Classical system, Feynman formulation (versus quantum) 4—5
Classical system, Markov property of 5n.3
Cluster decomposition property 233 240 245—254 293—299 518—519 527 see
Cocycle (2-cocycle) 100 100n.9 see projective
Coherent state 5 111n.14 528
Color degree of freedom 503 532
Commutativity of complex phase shifts 516—517 517n.12
Commutator in Foldy — Wouthuysen method 325
Commutator in Galilean invariance analysis 90n.4
Commutator in Schur's Lemma derivation 103
Commutator in uncertainty principle derivation 73
Commutator in virial theorem derivation 108
Commutator of annihilation and creation operators 273
Commutator of annihilation and creation operators in Heisenberg picture 211—212
Commutator of annihilation and creation operators in interaction picture 211
Commutator of annihilation and creation operators in Schroedinger picture 210 411—412 416 422
Commutator of conformal boost and dilatation with energy 392
Commutator of conserved observables with Hamiltonian 269n.11
Commutator of covariant derivatives 364—365
Commutator of covariant derivatives with chiral projectors 388 531
Commutator of fermionic supersymmetry generators with energy 392
Commutator of permutation operator with identical particle Hamiltonian 238
Commutator of quasiparticle operators 280 286 424
Commutator of S-matrix with free particle Hamiltonian 228
Commutator of S-matrix with translation generator 267
Commutator of symmetry generators with Hamiltonian 74 238
Commutator, algebra of group generators 434—436
Commutator, algebra of Poincare generators 389—390 398
Commutator, canonical, in operator gauge invariant theory, as constraint 459 512
Commutator, canonical, in operator gauge invariant theory, biunitary transform covariant 529
Commutator, canonical, in operator gauge invariant theory, nonlocal form and Bell inequalities 524n.19
Commutator, conditions for independent particle behavior 243—245
Commutator, conditions for reduction of Hamiltonian modulus to complex self-adjoint form 125
Commutator, corrections to quaternionic path integral 110—111
Commutator, notation defined 13
Commutator, parafermion-like, of quasiparticles 504
Complete orthonormal set in complex inner product 43—45 272n.1 409—410
Complete orthonormal set in quaternionic inner product 42—43 409—410
Complete orthonormal set in real inner product 45
Complete orthonormal set, relationship of complex to quaternionic 40—44 111n.14 230 212n.1 407—410 439—440
Completeness relation 26 28 180 248 538
Completeness relation and unitarity deficiency 226—227 265
Completeness relation for energy eigenstates, applied to optical potential 128—129
Completeness relation for full scattering states and bound states 226 265
Completeness relation for in and out scattering states 223—224
Completeness relation for Klein — Gordon equation 309—310
Completeness relation, fails in octonionic Hilbert space 49—50 51n.20
Complex analyticity 18 179—183
Complex cluster 255 287 532—533
Complex conjugate or conjugation 7 13 16n.16 43 47n.19
Complex conjugate or conjugation and Frobenius — Schur classification 437
Complex conjugate or conjugation as time reversal operator 47n.19 49 112 174
Complex conjugate or conjugation, notation * used for 13 43
Complex form, transformation of quaternionic matrices to 360—361 396
Complex free particle wave equations 397
Complex function theory 526
Complex Hilbert space see "Hilbert space i)$"/>
Complex number 3n.1 289n.8 see
Complex quantum field theory see "Quantum field theory"
Complex quantum mechanics 3 19 20n.3 24 26—27 29—30 33—34 37 46—49 53 58 69 75—77 89 98 100n.9 107—108 110—111 111n.14 161 163—165 167 173 179 183 197 217n.14 233 238 255n.6 358 405
Complex quantum mechanics and indefinite inner product for Klein — Gordon equation 306
Complex quantum mechanics as effective dynamics for observed physics 498—499
Complex quantum mechanics of one degree of freedom 442n.21
Complex quantum mechanics, bound states in 168
Complex quantum mechanics, canonical commutators in, are constraints in generalized quantum dynamics 399 455—475 512
Complex quantum mechanics, classical limit of 528
Complex quantum mechanics, cluster decomposition property in 250 296 298
Complex quantum mechanics, conserved observables in 269n.11
Complex quantum mechanics, conversion of anti-self-adjoint to self-adjoint operators in 76
Complex quantum mechanics, decaying state problem in 203
Complex quantum mechanics, Ehrenfest and virial theorems 352—353
Complex quantum mechanics, embedding of real quantum mechanics in 47—49
Complex quantum mechanics, existence of multilinear tensor product and reduction to independent one-body problems 242—243 271 523
Complex quantum mechanics, existence of multilinear tensor product and reduction to independent one-body problems, second quantized treatment 283—284 286—287
Complex quantum mechanics, external potential problem obtained from multiparticle 233
Complex quantum mechanics, Feynman path integral in 110 353—354 489 531
Complex quantum mechanics, Foldy — Wouthuysen reduction of relativistic equation yields 303 322 342
Complex quantum mechanics, Galilean invariance in 89 94
Complex quantum mechanics, generalized quantum dynamics with total trace Lagrangian applied to 442 455—475
Complex quantum mechanics, harmonic oscillator in 123
Complex quantum mechanics, identical particles in 238 270—271
Complex quantum mechanics, left-acting operator I commutes with all operators in 34 456 456n.27
Complex quantum mechanics, multilinear tensor product for 243—244
Complex quantum mechanics, nonlinear corrections to 442n.21 524—525 530
Complex quantum mechanics, nonlinear corrections to, parameterization of 525 525n.20
Complex quantum mechanics, nonlinear corrections to, possible link to hierarchy problem 525
Complex quantum mechanics, perturbation theory for 131
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