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Griffits D. — Introduction to elementary particles |
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(see “Fermi constant”)
(see “ meson”)
(see “Fine structure constant”)
particle (see “Particles”)
61 77 165 27 24
76 32 3
particle (see “Electron”)
31 34 69 120
meson 38—39 170
meson 38—39 170 172 188
(scale parameter in QCD) 295
baryon 29 32—35 70
matrices (see Gell-Mann matrices)
170 172
34—36 52—53 70
meson 75 170 172 262—263
meson 42 44 75 144 262 263
meson 170 172
lepton 44 47 261
number 47 (see also “Conservation laws”)
puzzle 128
(see “Cabibbo angle”)
(see “Weak mixing angle”)
meson 44 79 144 167—169 262—263
31 33 35 78 182—184
A (see “Conservation laws” “Baryon
ABC theory 21 213
Abelian 16 354
Adjoint 223 228
Allowed energies 148
Amplitude 11 18 14—15 2—21 2 231
Anderson, C. D. 18 2 2
Angular momentum, addition 1—113
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions (see “Spherical harmonics”)
Angular momentum, eigenvalues 146
Angular momentum, matrices (see “Spin matrices”)
Angular momentum, orbital 17—1 153 252
Angular momentum, spin 13 17—1 116 252
Annihilation (see “Pair annihilation”)
Anomalous magnetic moment, electron 17 153 156 232
Anomalous magnetic moment, proton 156—157
Anticommutator 13
Antielectron (see “Positron”)
Antineutrino 24 26—28 124—125
Antineutron 21
Antiparticle 3 18—22 36—37 135 217 22—221
Antiproton 21 3—31 6—7
Antisymmetric state 112 118 174—18
Antisymmetric tensor 1 224
Antisymmetrization 231
Associated Laguerre polynomial 14
Associated Legendre function 147
Associated production 32—33
asymptotic freedom 62—64 164—165 2 27 22—25
Axial vector 126—127 224 32—33 324
B (see “Beauty”)
B meson 44 7 167
Bare (see “Charge” “Coupling “Mass”)
Barn 2
Baryon 17 2 34 36
Baryon, decuplet 34—36 38 111 17
Baryon, magnetic moment 18—182
Baryon, mass 182—184
Baryon, number (see “Conservation laws”)
Baryon, octet 33 3 111 17—18
Beautiful baryon 44
Beautiful meson 44
Beauty 44 47
Beta decay 22—24 27 46 52 56 31 3—314
Bethe, H. A. 155 15 28
Bevatron 21 6
Bhabha scattering 57—5 78 232 234
Bilinear covariants 222—225
Bispinor (see “Dirac spinor”)
Bjorken scaling 26—273 24—25
Bjorken, J. D. 42 26
Bohr energies 148 186
Bohr magneton 153
Bohr model 13
Bohr radius 14
Bohr theory 14—151
Bohr, N. 13 23 14 151
Boson 1 175
Bottom (see “Beauty”)
Bottomonium 143—144 167—168
Bound state 2 3 42 52 143—188
Branching ratio 72 1 316
Breit frame 12
Brick wall frame (see “Breit frame”)
Broken symmetry 336 (see also “Gauge invariance”)
Brookhaven 32 42 132
Bubble chamber 35
C (see “Charm” “Charge conjugation”)
c quark 42—44 122
Cabibbo angle 31 314 317—321
Cabibbo theory 317—322
Cabibbo, N. 7 317
Callan — Gross relation 27—273
Casimir’s trick 236—238 253
Center of momentum 6—8
Central potential 146
Centrifugal barrier 147 15
CERN 6 4 44 46 67 323—325 327
Chadwick, J. 14
Charge, bare 63 24
Charge, conjugation 13 128—13 134—135 162 222 252
Charge, conservation (see “Conservation laws”)
Charge, effective 63 24
Charge, electric 47 6 118
Charge, igenvector 114
Charge, independence 117
Charge, renormalization 246—25
Charge, weak 65
Charged weak interactions 301—304
Charm 42—44 47 165
Charmed baryons 43—45
Charmed mesons 43—44
Charmonium 44 143—144 162—169
Chiral states 330—333
Chromodynamics 55—56 355—357
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients 111—112
Cloud chamber 7 20
cm (see “Center of momentum”)
Coleman-Glashow formula 53
Colliding beams 6 46 98—99
Collisions 9193
COLOR 41—42 60—61 64 74 261—262 279
Color, factor 164 285—289 291
Color, octet 280 285—286
Color, sextet 288
Color, singlet 178 188 280—281 284—286 289 291 298
Color, SU(3) 178 281 355—356
Color, triplet 287—288
Colorless particle 41 64—65 280—281 singlet”)
Commutator 139
Completeness 217 221 229 237
Compton, A. H. 15
Compton, A. H., scattering 15—16 58 78 102 232 235—236
Compton, A. H., wavelength 15 63
confinement 40 42 64—65 286 289 295—296
Conservation laws 72—76 79 103 105
Conservation laws, angular momentum 105
Conservation laws, baryon number 29—31 72—74 77 118
Conservation laws, charge 32 72—73 105 128 226 313
Conservation laws, color 74
Conservation laws, electron number 27 47 74 317
Conservation laws, energy 51—52 60 91—92 105 203 230
Conservation laws, flavor 67 74—75
Conservation laws, isospin 117—120
Conservation laws, lepton number 26—27 31
| Conservation laws, mass 91—92
Conservation laws, momentum 91—92 105 203 230
Conservation laws, muon number 27 74 317
Conservation laws, parity 125—128
Conservation laws, quark number 74
Conservation laws, strangeness 32—34 74—75 118
Conservation laws, tau number 47 74 317
Conserved current 313
Continuity equation 226 347
Contraction of indices 87
Contraction theorems 239
Contravariant four-vector 85 214
Cosmic rays 4 18—20 29 100
Coulomb force 57
Coulomb gauge 227—229 281 302
Coulomb potential 148 164 194 285 287
Coupling constant 61 202
Coupling constant, bare 249
Coupling constant, dimensions 230
Coupling constant, effective 63 209—210
Coupling constant, electromagnetic 62—63 230 336 359
Coupling constant, renormalized 247—248 292
Coupling constant, running 62 77 209—210 249 292 294—295
Coupling constant, strong 61 77 279 359
Coupling constant, weak 77 302 309 324 335—337
Covariant derivative 349 352 356 365
Covariant four-vector 85—86 214 251
Cowan, C. L 26
CP violation 130—134 321
Cronin, J. W 132—133 135
Cross section 119 189—194 378 for
Cross section (Continued), pair annihilation (QCD) 292
Cross section (Continued), pair annihilation (QED) 164 187 245 261
Cross section (Continued), pion-nucleon 119—120 140
Cross section (Continued), Rutherford 194 241
Cross section (Continued), two-body 199—201
Cross section, 204—206
Cross section, hard sphere 193
Cross section, Mott 241
Cross section, nucleon-nucleon 119
Crossing symmetry 21—22 58
Current charged, color 357
Current charged, conserved 226 313
Current charged, electromagnetic 225—227 333 335—336 349
Current charged, weak 332
Current charged, weak hypercharge 334—335
Current charged, weak isospin 334—335
Cutoff 208 247
CVC hypothesis 313
Cyclotron formula 7
D meson 44 76 79 166
d quark 37 122
Davis, R 26
de Broglie wavelength 6
Decay rate 189—190 195—198 377
Decay rate, kaon 318
Decay rate, muon 304—309
Decay rate, neutron 311—312
Decay rate, pion 316
Decay rate, positronium 164 245—246
Decay rate, quarkonium 292
Decay rate, two-body 197—198
Decays 2 3 72—76 93—94 241
Decuplet (see “Baryon decuplet”)
Deep inelastic scattering 40 48 257—258 266—273
Degeneracy 149
Delbruck scattering 78
Delta function (see “Dirac delta function”)
Density of states 194 (see also “Phase space”)
Detailed balance 21—22 134
Detectors 7
Deuteron 118 143
Differential cross section 192 200 245
Differential decay rate 195
Dimensions amplitudes 200—201
Dimensions amplitudes, coupling constants 202 230
Dimensions amplitudes, fields 347
Dipole function 267
Dirac delta function 157 195—196 203 230—231
Dirac equation 18 213—222
Dirac equation, momentum space 218 228
Dirac matrices 215 380
Dirac sea 18—21 217
Dirac spinor 216 226
Dirac, P. A. M 18 208—209 214—215
Disconnected diagram 207
Discrete symmetry 103
Dot product 86
Down quark (see “d quark”)
Downness 47
Drell — Yan process 295
Dresden, M 201
d’Alembertian 227
Effective charge (see “Charge”)
effective mass (see “Mass”)
Eigenfunction 146
Eigenvalue 114 146
Eigenvector 114
Eight-baryon problem 121
Eightfold way 33—39 107 121—122
Einstein summation convention 64
Einstein, A 14—15 76
Elastic collision 91—92
electric dipole moment 135
Electric form factor 267
Electrodynamics 55—56 225—228
Electromagnetic current (see “Current”)
Electromagnetic decay 241
electromagnetic field 225
Electromagnetic force 55—56
Electromagnetic potential 226
Electron 4 11—12 230
Electron number (see “Conservation laws”)
Electron-deuteron scattering 278
Electron-muon scattering 232—233 238—240
Electron-neutron scattering 276 278
Electron-positron annihilation (see “Pair annihilation”)
Electron-positron scattering, elastic (see “Bhabha”)
Electron-positron scattering, scattering inelastic 257—262 327—330
Electron-proton scattering, elastic 262—267 269
Electron-proton scattering, inelastic 266—269
Electroweak force 3 46 56 322 330—337
Electroweak interference 326 330
Elementary particles 1
Elementary particles, kinetic 90—92 152
Elementary particles, operator 145
Elementary particles, relativistic 87—91 152
Elementary particles, rest 90
Energy-momentum Four-vector 89
Euler — Lagrange equation 344—345
Exchange of particles 16 57 61
Exclusion principle (see “Pauli”)
Exotic atom 159
Exotic particle 53
expectation value 151—152 186
External line 58—60 229—231 282—283
F meson 44
Faddeev-Popov ghost 282
Family (see “Generation”)
Fermi constant 307—309
Fermi theory of beta decay 23—24 44 46 56 307—308
Fermi, E 23 56 120
Fermion 109 175
Fermi’s Golden Rule (see “Golden Rule”)
Feynman calculus 59 189—212 361—362
Feynman diagram 55 57 59 189 194 201 203
Feynman rules 3 59 194 213 357—360 381—384
Feynman rules, ABC theory 201—204
Feynman rules, GWS 336—337
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