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Griffits D. — Introduction to elementary particles |
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Feynman rules, QCD 279—284
Feynman rules, QED 213 228—231 255
Feynman rules, weak interactions 302 317—318 322
Feynman, R. P 3 21 27 56 155 203 208
Feynman-Stueckelberg interpretation 21
Field strength tensor 225
Fifth force 296
Fine structure 151—155
Fine structure constant 9 59 148 152 230 249 294 309
Flavor 41—44 47 53 64 116—122 279 280
Flavordynamics 55—56 67
Form factor 266—269 312 315
Form factor Stiickelberg, E. C. G 21 29
Four-momentum 89
Four-vector 84—87
Four-velocity (see “Proper velocity”)
ft-value 312
Fundamental representation 121 171
G (see “G-parity”)
G-Parity 129—30
Gamma matrices 216 224 238—239 380
Gamma rays (see “Photon”)
Gauge Fields 348—349 352 356
Gauge invariance 253 298
Gauge invariance, Abelian 354
Gauge invariance, broken 362—365
Gauge invariance, global 348 350 352 354
Gauge invariance, local 348—350 352 354 365—367
Gauge invariance, nonabelian 354—355
Gauge theory 210 343—371
Gauge transformation 105 226—227 348—349
Gell-Mann matrices 282 355
Gell-Mann — Nishijima formula 118 140 334
Gell-Mann — Okubo mass formula 52
Gell-Mann, M 32—34 36—37 56 131—132
Generation 47—48 317 321—322
Ghost particle 228 282 367
GIM mechanism 44 70—71 301 319—320 322
Glashow, S. L. 42—44 56 70 322—323 330
Global gauge transformation 348 352 354
Glueball 48 61
Gluon 48 55—56 60—61 260 275 279—281
Gluon, octet 280
Gluon-gluon coupling 61 282—284 291 299
Golden Rule 189 194—201 305
Golden Rule for decays 195 305
Golden Rule for scattering 198—199
Goldstone boson 364 366—367
Goldstone’s theorem 364 371
Grand unification 31 76—77
Gravitational force 55
Graviton 16 48 55—56
Greenberg, O. W 41
Ground state baryon 176
Ground state baryon, hydrogen 186 (see also “Vacuum”)
Group theory 103 106
groups 106
Groups Accelerator 4
Groups, 334—337 355
Groups, Abelian 106
Groups, continuous 106
Groups, finite 106
Groups, infinite 106
Groups, O(n) 106 137
Groups, SO(3) 107
Groups, SO(n) 106—107 137
Groups, SU(2) 107 121 352
Groups, SU(3) 103 107 121 “Color” “SU(3)”)
Groups, SU(6) 103 121
Groups, SU(n) 106 137
Groups, U(n) 106
GUTs (see “Grand Unification”)
GWS (Glashow/Weinberg/Salam) theory 3 46 48 56 66 76 210 301 322—325 330—337
gyromagnetic ratio 153 156
Hadron 28 33 143 “Meson”)
Hadron production 257—262
Half-life 72 211 312
Hamiltonian 146 151—153 158 160 252
Hard-sphere scattering 191—193
Heaviside — Lorentz units 9 230 249 347
Heavy lepton 44
Heavy quark 165 172
Heisenberg, W 116 (see also “Uncertainty principle”)
Helicity 27 124 221 330—333 339
Hermitian conjugate 220 223
Hermitian matrix 351 355
Hidden symmetry 364
Higgs mechanism 76 330 343 354 360 365—368
Higgs particle 48 367
Higher-order processes 58 63 202 206—210 246—250 281 292—294
Hole theory 20—21
Hydrogen 143 148—159
Hypercharge 34 334—335
Hyperfine splitting in baryons 182—184
Hyperfine splitting in hydrogen 156—159
Hyperfine splitting in mesons 172
Hyperfine splitting in positronium 161
Identical particles 1 175—176
Impact parameter 191
Inclusive cross section 267—269
Indistinguishable particles 1
Inertial frame 81
Infinite momentum frame 272
Intermediate vector boson 46 56 335 “Z”)
Internal line 58—60 202 229
Internal momenta 203 231
Internal quantum number 128
Internal symmetries 103 105 116—120
Intersecting storage rings 6
Intrinsic angular momentum (see “Angular momentum spin”)
Intrinsic parity (see “Parity”)
Intrinsic strength of weak force 76 309
Invariance 105 (see also “Symmetry”)
Invariant 85 88—89 94 97 281
Inverse beta decay 26 303
inversion 125—126
Ionization 7
Irreducible representation 107
Isospin 103 116—120 335
Jets 48 258—260
K meson 29—38 128 131—133 318
Kaon (see “K meson”)
Ket 3 109
Klein — Gordon equation 213—215 227
KM matrix (see Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix)
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix 70—71 133 301 321—322 325
Kronecker delta 139
Lagrangian 343—347
Lagrangian density 344 347
Lagrangian, classical 343—344
Lagrangian, Dirac 345—346
Lagrangian, Higgs 367
Lagrangian, Klein — Gordon 345
Lagrangian, Maxwell 347
Lagrangian, Proca 346—347
Lagrangian, QCD 357
Lagrangian, QED 350
Lagrangian, Yang — Mills 354
Lagrangian, Yukawa 371
Lamb shift 17 154—156 161 209 249 294
Lamb, W. E. 32 154
Laplacian 146
Lederman, L. M 28 132
Lee, T. D 56 122 128
Left-handed doublet 334—335
Left-handed state 27 124 330—334
Lepton number 26—27 (see also “Conservation laws”)
Leptonic decay 318
Leptons 17—18 28 65—67
Leptons, families 47
| Leptons, table 28 47
Leptons, weak interactions 301—304 317 “Muon” “Neutrino” “Tau”)
Levi — Civita symbol 139 239 254 303
Lifetime, 42 52 72—73 75—76 132 189—190
Lifetime, A particle 204
Lifetime, muon 307
Lifetime, neutron 312—314
Lifetime, pion 316
Lifetime, positronium 164 187 246
Light quark baryons 172—184
Light quark mesons 143 168—172
Lightlike four-vector 86
Linear-plus-coulomb potential 165—167
local gauge invariance 3 343 348—350 352 360
Local gauge transformations 348 365
Logarithmic divergence 208 247
Longitudinal polarization 301
Loop diagram 207—210 231 246 255 281—282 292—294
Lorentz condition 226—229 281 301—302
Lorentz contraction 83
Lorentz invariance 85—86 97
Lorentz transformations 81—84
Lowering operator 140
luminosity 194 245—246
Magnetic form factor 267
magnetic moment 153
Magnetic moment Diquarks 289
Magnetic moment, baryons 180—182
Magnetic moment, electron 17 153 156
Magnetic moment, proton 156—157
Mandelstam variables 102
Marshak, R. E 18
Mass formulas, baryons 182—184
Mass formulas, Coleman — Glashow 53
Mass formulas, Gell-Mann — Okubo 52
Mass formulas, mesons 172
Mass formulas, pion 51
Mass formulas, quarkonium 165
Mass formulas, W and Z 325
Mass, bare 122
Mass, constituent 122
Mass, current 122
Mass, effective 121—122 209—210
Mass, matrix 351 371
Mass, neutral kaon 132 135
Mass, origin 368
Mass, physical 209
Mass, relativistic 90 92
Mass, renormalized 209 247
Mass, running 209
Mass, shell 60
Mass, term 360—362
Massless particle 90
Matrix element 194 (see also “Amplitude”)
Matter-antimatter asymmetry 22 134
Maximal parity violation 123 133 303
Maxwell Lagrangian 347
Maxwell, J. C 56 76
Maxwell’s equations 225—228
Mechanics 2
Mediator 16 47—48 55—57 61 301 308—309 “Graviton” “Intermediate “Photon” “Pion” “W”)
Meson 17—18 29 31 33—34 36 38—39 128 168—72
Meson, mass 171—172
Meson, nonet 36 38—39 128 169
Meson, nonet Su(n) (see “Groups”)
Meson, octet 34
Metric 85 216
Millikan, R. A. 15 39
Minimal coupling 350
Minkowski metric (see “Metric”)
Mixing, Cabibbo 70—71 74 317—322
Mixing, Kobayashi-Maskawa 70—71 321—322 325
Mixing, neutral kaons 130—134
Mixing, neutral mesons 170—171
Moler scattering 57—58 232—233
Momentum, conservation (see “Conservation laws”)
Momentum, four-vector 89
Momentum, operator 144 214
Momentum, relativistic 87—91
Momentum, space 218 228—229 358
Mott scattering 232—233 240—241 265 270 309 313
Multiplets 117—118
Multiplicative quantum number 127 129
Muon 4 18—19 24—25 27 66 100 304—309
Muon number 27 47
Muonium 159—160 168
N (see “Nucleon”)
Neddermeyer, S 18
Negative energy states 18 217—218 221
Neutral weak interactions 65—67 322—324 326
Neutrino 14 19 22—28 124—125
Neutrino-electron scattering 303 323—327
Neutrino-nucleon scattering 323—324
Neutron 14 24 27 68 116 135 309—315
Ne’eman, Y 33
Ninth gluon 280—281 296 356
Noether’s theorem 103 105 117 370
Nonabelian gauge 354—355
Nonet (see “Meson nonet”)
Nonleptonic decay 318—319
Normalization Dirac spinor 218 220—221 225 229
November Revolution 41—45 166
Nucleon 116 (see also “Neutron”)
Nucleus 12—14
O(N) (see “Groups”)
Octet 35 (see also “Baryon octet” “Color octet” “Gluon octet” “Meson octet”)
Orthogonal matrix 107
Orthogonal polarization vectors 229
Orthogonal spinors 228 251
OZI rule 75—76 79 166—167 294
P (see “Parity operator”)
Pair annihilation 58 161—162 215 232 241—245 257—262
Pair production 58 215 232
Pais, A 32 131—132
Parity 103 122—128 130—131 134
Parity (Continued), quarks 127
Parity (Continued), violation 123 131
Parity, baryon 127
Parity, conservation 125 127—128
Parity, intrinsic 127
Parity, invariance 122—123
Parity, meson 127—128
Parity, operator 125—127 224
Parity, particle and antiparticle 127 252
Parity, photon 127
Particle Data Booklet 50 111
Particles, 12—13 141
Particles, 31 34 69 120
Particles, 38—39 170
Particles, 38—39 170 172 188
Particles, 29 32—35 70
Particles, 44—45
Particles, meson 170 172
Particles, 34—36 52—53 70
Particles, meson 75 170 172 262—263
Particles, meson 42 44 75 144 262—263
Particles, meson 170 172
Particles, meson 44 79 144 167—169 262—263
Particles, 31 33 35 78 182—184
Particles, antineutrino 24 26—28 124—125
Particles, antineutron 21
Particles, antiproton 21 30—31 96—97
Particles, b (beauty or bottom) quark 44 122
Particles, B meson 44 79 167
Particles, c (charm) quark 42—44 122
Particles, d (down) quark 37 122
Particles, D meson 44 76 79 166
Particles, deuteron 118 143
Particles, electron 4 11—12 230
Particles, F meson 44 (now called )
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