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Поиск книг, содержащих: Independent random variables
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 113 | Ross S.M. — Introduction to probability models | 48—49, 56 | Doob J.L. — Stochastic processes | see Chapter III | Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnik O. — Concrete mathematics | 370, 413, 423 | Gray R.M., Davisson L.D. — Introduction to statistical signal processing | 127 | Peebles P.Z. — Probability, random variables, and random signal principles | 100—102, 133—134 | Chorin A., Marsden J. — A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics | 83 | Folland J.B. — Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications | 315 | Loeve M. — Probability Theory (part 2) | 11, 237 | Lovelock D., Mendel M., Wright A.L. — Introduction to the Mathematics of Money: Saving and Investing | 259, 270, 272, 281 | Engel K. — Sperner theory | 305 | Balakrishnan N., Nevzorov V.B. — A Primer on Statistical Distributions | 16, 17, 21—23, 40, 128, 135, 148, 152, 156, 162, 166, 185—187, 220—229, 263, 264, 270 | Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V. — Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists | 1060, 1067 | Kanatani K. — Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice | 61 | Loeve M. — Probability Theory (part 1) | 11, 237 | Ash R.B. — Information theory | 14, 39, 195 | Ross S. — A First Course in Probability | 252—253, 257—258, 259, 263—264, 292, 301 | Sandor J., Mitrinovic D.S., Crstici B. — Handbook of Number Theory II | 511 | Stone C.J.D. — Course in Probability and Statistics | 70 | Petrov V.V. — Sums of Independent Random Variables | 6, 7 | Ross Sh.M. — Topics in Finite and Discrete Mathematics | 92 | Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions | 232, 234 | Simon B. — Functional Integration and Quantum Physics | 21 | Shiryaev A.N. — Probability | 36, 77, 81, 179, 380, 513 | Jahne B. — Digital Image Processing | 83 | Elliot P.D.T.A. — Probabilistic Number Theory One | 30 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 682, 683 | Feller W. — Introduction to probability theory and its applications (volume 1) | 217, 241 | Kammler D.W. — First Course in Fourier Analysis | 764 | Billingsley P. — Probability and Measure | 66, 73, 192, 267, 284, 287, 290, 355, 454 | Gardiner C.W.W., Haken H. — Handbook of Stochastic Methods: For Physics, Chemistry and the Natural Sciences | 27 | Guiseppe Da Prato — Stochastic equations in infinite dimensions | 28 | Pinsky M.A. — Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Wavelets | 261 | Bertsekas D.P. — Dynamic programming and optimal control (Vol. 1) | 343 | Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 1036 | Rebonato R. — Interest-rate option models : understanding, analysing and using models for exotic interest-rate options | 463 | Elliot P.D.T.A. — Probabilistic Number Theory Two: Central Limit Theorems | 30 | Sachkov V.N. — Probabilistic Methods In Combinatorial Analysis | 6 | Spiegel M.R. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of probability and statistics | 45, 46, 52—56, 63 | Tsang L., Kong J.A., Ding K.- H. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 2. Numerical simulations) | 124 | Goffman C. — Calculus of several variables | 107 | Marks R.J.II. — The Joy of Fourier | 152, 420, 427 | Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. — Classical Banach Spaces I, II | see "Random variables" | Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering | 998, 1042 | Petrou M., Bosdogianni P. — Image processing: the fundamentals | 92 | Grimmett G., Welsh D. — Probability: An Introduction | 38, 41, 76, 81, 91 | Stinson D.R. — Cryptography: Theory and practice | 47 | Rao M.M., Ren Z.D. — Applications of Orlicz spaces | 273 | Bourgain J. — New Classes of Lp-Spaces | 5, 0 | Ash R. — Basic probability theory | 80 | Bichteler K. — Integration Theory | 33C, 33.4 | Allen A. — Probability, statistics, and queueing theory with computer science applications | 49—50 | Lasota A., Mackey M.C. — Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems | 221, 266 | Pier J.-P. — Mathematical Analysis during the 20th Century | 323 | Hodges J. L., Lehmann E. L. — Basic Concepts Of Probability And Statistics | 139 | Scheinerman E.A. — Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction | 269 | Hogg R.V., Craig A.T. — Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 100, 157, 167, 176 | Hoel P. — Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 26 |