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Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. — Classical Banach Spaces I, II |
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(u), property 31 32 34
Absolutely summing operators see "Operators"
Approximation property (A.P.) 33 102 113
Approximation property, bounded (B.A.P.) 112
Approximation property, compact (C.A.P.) 102 103 107 111
Approximation property, metric (M.A.P.) 33
Averaging operators see "Operators"
Banach lattice 1—4 6 7 13 18 22 29 31 45 79 93 102
Banach lattice, -order complete 4—10 12 14 15 20 25 26 29 34 38 83 89 114 118
Banach lattice, -order continuous (norm in a) 7 9 14 22 25 26 29 34—36 38 83 121
Banach lattice, atom of a 20
Banach lattice, band of a 3 9 10 23 24 35 85
Banach lattice, canonical embedding of a (in its second dual) 4 17 27 28 34 35
Banach lattice, characterizations of an order continuous 7 8 10 25 27—29
Banach lattice, complexification of a real 43
Banach lattice, definition of 1
Banach lattice, disjoint elements in a 2 6 7 9 20—24 38 39 52 82 84 89 91 141 157 165 181 182 188 198—200
Banach lattice, dual of a 3 4 17 24 25 29 83 84 96 97 121
Banach lattice, functional representation of a 25 27 28 35 36 39 40 52 83
Banach lattice, lower q-estimate (for disjoint elements) of a 79 82—85 88—92 97—99 130 132 139 140 231
Banach lattice, lower q-estimate constant of a 83
Banach lattice, monotone sequences in a 3
Banach lattice, norm-bounded sequences in a 34 35
Banach lattice, order bounded sets in a 3—8 29
Banach lattice, order complete 4 6 8 10 20 35 85
Banach lattice, order continuous (norm in a) 7 8 10 12 14 15 19 21 25—29 31 32 34—40 83 89 118 186 232
Banach lattice, p-convex 40 45 46 49 51—55 57 59 73 79—82 85 87—90 95—99 133 181 188 191 194—198 209 220—223 231
Banach lattice, p-convexification of a 53 55 58 81 89 98 99 201
Banach lattice, p-convexity constant of a 46 51 81 99 138 189 191 194 195 197
Banach lattice, projection band of a 9—11 25 34 35
Banach lattice, q-concave 40 45 46 49—51 53—56 59 73 74 79—82 85 88 92 93 95—98 126 133 162 169 170 174—176 181 186—188 195 197 198 200 201 209 220—223
Banach lattice, q-concavification of a 54 55 88 201 221 222
Banach lattice, q-concavity constant of a 46 51 77 81 133 189 193
Banach lattice, second dual of a 4 84 85
Banach lattice, separable 7 12 25 29 38 52 83 89 118 121
Banach lattice, sublattices of a 3 19 22 51 55 59 103
Banach lattice, subspaces of a 31 34 35 37—39 51 98 102 189
Banach lattice, units of a see "Strong unit and weak unit"
Banach lattice, upper p-estimate (for disjoint elements) of a 79 82—85 87 88 90 96 97 130 132 139 140 195 197 200 201 231
Banach lattice, upper p-estimate constant of a 83 202
Banach lattices, interpolation pair of see "Interpolation"
Band see "Banach lattices"
Basis, block basis of a 158 161 198
Basis, monotone 150 151 231 232
Basis, perfectly homogeneous 24
Basis, perturbation of a 38 176 179
Basis, precisely reproducible 158 162 189 190 195 198 200 201
Basis, reproducible 150 158 162
Bohnenblust's characterization of abstract and M spaces 18
Boolean algebras of projections see "Projections"
Boolean algebras, Stone's representation theorem for see "Stone"
Boolean operations 114
Boyd indices 129—131 134 139 142 144 147 157 162 167 168 175 179 188 199 200 202 212 219 220
Boyd interpolation theorem see "Interpolation"
C*-algebra, commutative 17
Caratheodory extension theorem 15
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 155 167
Central limit theorem 135 136
Concave Banach lattice see "Banach lattice q-concave"
Concave operators see "Operators q-concave"
Concavification of a Banach lattice see "Banach lattice q-concavification
Condition 64 115 120 199
Conditional basis 162
Conditional expectation 122 128 151 179 215
Cone, positive 2 3 7 12 17 36 44
Convex Banach lattice see "Banach lattice p-convex"
Convex operators see "Operators p-convex"
Convexification of a Banach lattice see "Banach lattice p-convexification
Convexification, uniform 216 231
Convexity, modulus of 59 63 65—72 78—80 88 90 97 99 229
Convexity, strict 60—62
Convexity, uniform 40 59—63 69 77 79—81 88 90 97 102 162 199 202 228 229 231 232
CoType 59 72—74 77—79 82 88 90 93 96—99 102 111 181 189 208 231
Cotype, constant 73
Cyclic space 12—16 20 26
Cyclic vector 12
Decomposition method see "Pelczynski's decomposition method"
Decomposition property 2 22 26 36 88 125 221
Differentiability, Frechet 61
Differentiability, Gateaux 61
Distribution function 116 117 132 141 142 157 160 170 205—207 209 211
Distribution, normal 135 213
Distribution, Poisson 204 205 214
Distribution, uniform 205
Distribution, vectors with the same 140—142 157 158 160
Doob's maximal inequality 153 155
Dvoretzky's theorem 63
Eberlein's theorem 35
Equi-integrable sets 216 223
Estimate, lower see "Banach lattice lower
Estimate, upper see "Banach lattice upper
Extreme points 121 124 159
Factorization of weakly compact operators 216 224
Factorization theorems 57 59 95
Fatou property 30 118—121 123 128
Fourier transform 182
Function, homogeneous of degree one 40 42 44
Function, locally integrable 29 142
Function, spaces see "Koethe Lorentz Orlicz
Function, square 126 154 156 166
Functional calculus 42 43
Functional, Hahn — Banach 25
Functional, strictly positive 25—27
Greatest lower bound (g.l.b) 1 8 21
Grothendieck's inequality 93 94
Grothendieck's universal constant 93 94 173
Haar system 2 150 151 154—158 160—162 165 168 175—179 181 182 186 187 198—200 223
Hoelder inequality 44 53 56 89 106 143 154 174 209
Hoelder type inequalities 43 49 76
Ideal see "Banach lattices"
Independent random variables see "Random variables"
Integrals see also "Space X' of integrals" 29
Interpolation method of Lions — Peetre 149 216 225 227—229 231 232
Interpolation pair of Banach lattices 218 219 221 231 232
Interpolation pair of spaces 216—218 225 227—230
Interpolation theorem, Boyd 144 147 156 168 209
Interpolation theorem, Marcinkiewicz 130 149 153 228
Interpolation theorem, Riez — Thorin 149 156 166
Interpolation theorems 114 123 124 126 127 129 130 142 144 171 215
Interpolation, real method in 216
Interpolation, spaces 215 216 218 219 227 228 230—232
Kakutani's representation theorem for abstract spaces 15 18 24 93 95
Kakutani's representation theorem for abstract M spaces 16 18 24 93 94
Khintchine's inequality 39 49 50 70 134 169 174 186 187 204
Khintchine's inequality, two dimensional 173 174
Koethe function spaces 14 28—31 36 38 83 89 104 114—118 121 123 127—130 164 188 216 218 223
Kolmogorov's consistency theorem 205
Krein — Milman theorem 121 159
Krivine's theorem 72 111 141
Lattices see "Banach and vector lattices"
Least upper bound (l.u.b) 1 3—6 8 29 35 42
Liapounoff's theorem 158
Lions — Peetre interpolation see "Interpolation method of Lions — Peetre"
Lorentz spaces 64 88 97—99 120 121 129 132 133 142
Lorentz spaces, modulus of convexity of 67 71 72
Lower q-estimate see "Banach lattice lower
Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem see "Interpolation"
Marcinkiewicz weak type, operators of see "Operators of Marcinkiewicz weak type"
Martingale 150—156
Matrices 123 124 138 173
Maurey — Rosenthal example 39 231
Measure space, automorphism of a 114—116 118 127 138 149 151 186
Measure space, complete 29
Measure space, separable 114
Modulus of convexity see "Convexity modulus
Modulus of smoothness see "Smoothness modulus
Norming subspace 29 30 118
Operators of Marcinkiewicz weak type 144 145
Operators of strong type 144 149 150 156
Operators of weak type 130 142 144 145 147—149 153 156 167 228
| Operators, automatic continuity of positive 2
Operators, averaging 122
Operators, compact 33
Operators, diagonal of 21
Operators, dilation 130 131 163 170 206 219
Operators, finite rank 33
Operators, multiplicity theory-for spectral 11
Operators, norm of 217—219
Operators, order preserving 2
Operators, p-absolutely summing 56 57 93
Operators, p-convex 45 47—49 55 57 59 95
Operators, positive 2 4 55—57 59 95 115 125
Operators, q-concave 46 48 49 55—57 59 95
Operators, quasilinear 126 127 147 149 153 228
Operators, simultaneous extension 21 22
Operators, weakly compact 216 224
Order interval 28
Order isometry 3 4 15—17 19 25 29 36 41 44 58 118 190 211
Order isomorphism 2 3 22 24 26 35 121 185
Order like relation 123 125
Orlicz functions 64 65 119 120 134 164 220
Orlicz spaces 67 115 120 131 134—136 139 140 162 163 165 181 187 188 199 200 209 223
Orlicz spacesá modulus of convexity of 67 71 72
Partition of unity 94
Pelczynski's decomposition method 172 209 220 222
Polar of a band Y 9 10 20 26 27 36
Primary space 168 179
Process with independent increments 204 206 213
Process, Poisson 202 204—207 212 213
Process, r-stable 213
Process, stationary 204 206 213
Process, symmetric 206 213
Projections of the form Px 8—10 12 13 15 16
Projections, -complete B.A. of 11—13 26
Projections, band 10 11 23—25 85
Projections, Boolean algebra (B.A.) of 11 12 14 15 20
Projections, contractive 8 10 19—21 122 123 209
Projections, orthogonal 137 138 171 172 209
Projections, positive 8 10 19 20
Projections, Riesz 166—168
Quotient space 3
Rademacher elements 92 93
Rademacher functions 29 51 72—74 77 85 104 106 134 136—138 160 162 169 198 204 213
Radon — Nikodym derivative 31
Radon — Nikodym property 69
Radon — Nikodym theorem 27 29 122
Random variables, characteristic functions of 204 205
Random variables, independent 85—87 135 160 182 185 204—207 213 214
Random variables, p-stable 181 182 185 213
Random variables, symmetric 206 207 214
Rearrangement, decreasing 117 123 125
Rearrangement, invariant (r.i.) function space 40 114 115 117—123 125 126 130—134 136 138 141 145 149—151 156 158 161 162 165—170 176 178 181—183 190 191 198—200 204 207 209 211 220
Rearrangement, invariant (r.i.) function space, analytic part of a 168
Rearrangement, invariant (r.i.) function space, complemented subspaces of a 168 170 172 175 176 178 195 199 200 209
Rearrangement, invariant (r.i.) function space, maximal 118—123 126 128 136 147 204 205 211 219
Rearrangement, invariant (r.i.) function space, minimal 118—121 123 126 128 133 147 204 205 211 219 220 223
Reflexivity 33 35 47 61 62 69 78 224 225 231
Reflexivity in Banach lattices 4 22 31 35 37
Reflexivity in r.i. function spaces 119 132 181 188 199 200
Renorming theorems 54 55 80 88 90 115
Riemann — Stieltjes integral 12 14
Riesz — Thorin interpolation theorem see "Interpolation"
Schauder decomposition 111
Schauder decomposition, finite dimensional (F.D.D.) 33 34
Schauder decomposition, unconditional 33
Separation theorem 30 58 124
Smoothness 60 61
Smoothness, modulus of 59 63 64 67 68 70 71 78—80 88 90 229 230
Smoothness, uniform 59—63 69 77 80 88 90 229
Space 6
Space 6 7 16 20 22 24 27 34—37 46 52 57 78 89 93 96 119 127 128 158 187
Space 46 47
Space 7 9 20 22 24
Space 168
Space (also ) 218—221
Space 62 74 90 92—94 124 141 157 197 201
Space 63 93 112 194 200—202
Space 20 111 112 194
Space 41 74 90 92—94 124 141 157 182 198
Space 35 36 78 82 93 118 126 132 160 161
Space 182
Space 2 4 78 118—122 125 127 128 130 156 161 167 187 191 200 215
Space 118—120 123 125 127 132 217
Space 118 119 123 132
Space 77
Space 17 25—27 29—31 35 38 39 44 93 94 153 208
Space 67—69 78 229
Space see "Orlicz spaces"
Space 142—144 148 212 228
Space 213
Space 15 22—24 46 81 87 107 108 158 178 182 195 211 213 222
Space , modulus of convesity of the 63 71 72
Space , modulus of smoothness of the 63 71
Space 2 52 63 75 77 102 106 129 134 140 151 156 161 162 166 168 169 171 172 175 178 181 182 188—191 198—200 202 203 209 211—214 223 231
Space 132—134 149 191 202 209 218
Space 132—134 147 189 191 202 209 213 214 218
Space 171 172
Space 46—48 83 193 201
Space (also ) 170 225—227 229
Space 2 4 9 10 12 13 15 16 19 20 22 38 43 45 53 55 57 59 73 114 120 142—144 153 168 182 202 207 208
Space , modulus of convexity of the 63 72 81
Space , modulus of smoothness of the 63 72
Space , sublattices of the 16
Space 6 7 13 30 36 115 118
Space 7 118—122 126—127 130 134—136 150 160 161 183 191 215
Space 47
Space 6 7 26
Space 17 25 30 44 73 96 159 214
Space 222 223
Space 46 ?7 85
Space (also ) 168—176 179 180
Space (also ) 46—48
Space (also ) 46 47
Space 217 218
Space 217 218 226 227
Space (also ) 213 214
Space 214 215
Space 226—228 230 231
Space C(0,1) 2 4 10 13 36 52 62 114 162 167
Space C(K) 2 4—6 14 16 17 20 41—43 56 57 93 94 96
Space C(K), sublattices of the 16 20 41
Space J 36 39
Space Rad X 169—172
Space X' of integrals 29—31 117—121 137
Space, abstract 17 23 24 44 95
Space, abstract 14 15 18 21 22 24 58
Space, abstract M 9 14 16—22 24 41 73
Space, Hilbert ( , , etc) 52 63 73 74 96 105 106 111 134—137 154 162 163 165 166 181 188 190 191 195 196 198 199 202 203 209 213
Space, partially ordered 1
Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras 15
Stopping time 152 153
Strong type operators see "Operators"
Strong unit 9 16 17 41
Subsymmetric basis 158
Symmetric basis 97 99 114 115 119 122 124 127 128 160 162 188
Symmetric basis, block bases generated by one vector of a 140
Symmetric basis, block bases with constant coefficients of a 121
Topological space 5
Topological space, basically disconnected 4 5
Topological space, extremally disconnected 4 5
Topological space, totally disconnected 15 26
Tree of subsets 178 179
Trigonometric system 150 165—167
Tsirelson's example 81
Tychonoff's theorem 20
TYPE 59 72—74 77—79 82 88 90 92 93 96 97 102 111 112 181 188 195 197 200 201 207 209 230 231
Type power 63 78—80 88 90
Type, constant 73 79 112 195
Type, duality of the 79 96
Ultrapower 213
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