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Loeve M. — Probability Theory (part 1) |
Предметный указатель |
-inequality 157
, completeness theorem 163
, convergence theorem 164
, spaces 162
-measurable 88
-additive 83 111
-field(s) 59
-field(s), compound 156 235
-field(s), independent 236
-field(s), induced 64
-field(s), product 61 62
-field(s), tail 241
Abel theorem 400
Addition Property 10
Additive set function 83
Additive set function, -additive 83 111
Additive set function, -finite 83 111
Additive set function, continuity 85
Additive set function, continuity theorem 85
Additive set function, countably 83
Additive set function, decomposition 87
Additive set function, decomposition theorem 88
Additive set function, extension 88
Additive set function, extension theorem 88
Additive set function, finite 83 111
Additive set function, finitely 83
Additive set function, restriction 88
Adherence 66
Adherent point 66
Alexandrov 190 409
Allard 44
Almost everywhere 112
Almost everywhere, convergence 114
Almost everywhere, mutual convergence 114
Almost sure(ly) 148
Almost sure(ly), convergence 152 248 260
Almost sure(ly), mutual convergence 153
Almost sure(ly), stability 244 249 274 260
Almost sure(ly), stability criterion 264
Almost uniform convergence 140
Andersen 368 379 404 411
Andersen and Jessen 92 408
Andersen, equivalence 377 391
Andersen, equivalence lemma 378
Andre, Desire 47
Arcsine law 379 404
Asymptotic behaviour theorem 399
Asymptotic passage theorem 36
Asymptotic uniform negligibility 302
atom 100
Attraction, domain of 360
Attraction, partial 403
Attraction, stability and—criteria 364
Attraction, standard 402
Axioms of the countable case 16
Axioms of the finite case 8
Baire, category theorem 75
Baire, functions 109
Banach 407
Banach, space 81
Base of a cylinder 62
Base, countable 72
Bawly 302 410
Baxter 369 390 411
bernoulli 407
Bernoulli, case 12 244 280
Bernoulli, extended 26
Bernoulli, law of large numbers 14 244 282
Berry 294 410
Bienayme 408
Bienayme, equality 12 246
Billingsley 196 409
Blackwell 369 411
Bochner 408 409
Bochner, theorem 220
Boltzmann 42 43
Bolzano — Weierstrass property 70
Borel(ian) 107 407 410
Borel(ian), Cantelli lemma 240
Borel(ian), cylinder 93
Borel(ian), field 93 104
Borel(ian), function 111 156
Borel(ian), functions theorem 156
Borel(ian), line 93 107
Borel(ian), sets 93 104
Borel(ian), space 93 107
Borel(ian), strong law of large numbers 18 19 26 244
Borel(ian), zero-one criterion 240
Bose — Einstein statistics 43 44
Bounded functional 80
Bounded Liapounov theorem 213 282
Bounded set 74
Bounded totally 75
Bounded variances 303
Bounded variances limit theorem 305
Bourbaki 407
Breiman 409
Brey 409
Brunk 271 410
Cantelli 20 240 409 410
Cantor theorem 74
Caratheodory extension theorem 88
Category, first 75
Category, second 75
Category, theorem 75
Cauchy mutual convergence criterion 74 104 114
Centering 244
Centering, at expectations 244
Centering, at medians 256
Centering, function 350
Central convergence criterion 323 326
Central inequalities 316
Central limit problem 302
Central limit theorem 321 322
Central statistical theorem 20
Chain 29
Chain, constant 29
Chain, elementary 29
Chain, stationary 39
Chained classes 28
Chained events 28
Chained random variables 29
Change of variable lemma 190
Characteristic function(s) 198
Characteristic function(s), and dichotomy 386
Characteristic function(s), composition theorem 226
Characteristic function(s), continuity theorem 204 224
Characteristic function(s), convergence criterion 204
Characteristic function(s), extension theorem 224
Characteristic function(s), general properties 207
Characteristic function(s), infinitely decomposable 306
Characteristic function(s), integral 202
Characteristic function(s), inversion formula 199
Characteristic function(s), self-decomposable 334
Characteristic function(s), stable 338 363
Characteristic function(s), triangular 386
Characteristic function(s), uniform convergence theorem 204
Chung 407 409 410
Chung and Fuchs 368 383 411
Chung and Ornstein 383 411
Class, closed under 59
Class, lower 272
Class, monotone 60
Class, of sets 55
Class, upper 272
Classical degenerate convergence criterion 290
Classical limit problem 286
Classical normal convergence criterion 292
Closed class of states 36
Closed model 22
| Closed set 66
Closure theorem, infinitely decomposable laws 309
Combinatorial lemma 378
Combinatorial method 47
Compact, locally 71
Compact, set 69
Compact, space 69
Compactification 71
Compactness theorem for distribution functions 181
Compactness theorem for metric spaces 76
Compactness theorem for separated spaces 70
Compactness, properties 70
Compactness, relative 195
Compactness, relative, criterion 195
Comparison, convergences theorem 117
Comparison, lemma(s) 303 320
Complement 4 56
Complete convergence 180
Complete convergence criterion 204
Complete measure 91
Complete metric space 74
Completeness theorem, 163
Completion of -field 91
Completion of a metric space 77
Complex random variable 154
composition 204 283
Composition and decomposition theorem 283
Composition, lemma 227
Composition, theorem 206
Compound(s), -field 237
Compound(s), Poisson 347
Compound(s), theorem 237
Conditional expectation 24
Conditional probability 24
Conditional regular probability 138
Consistency theorem 94
Consistent 93
Constant chain 29
Continuity, additive set functions—theorem 85
Continuity, characteristic functions theorem 204 224
Continuity, F- , interval 187
Continuity, P- , set 189
Continuous, F-function 67
Continuous, F-functional 80
Continuous, P-set function 85
Convergence criterion(ria), almost everywhere 116
Convergence criterion(ria), central 323 327
Convergence criterion(ria), complete 204
Convergence criterion(ria), degenerate 290 329
Convergence criterion(ria), iid central 348
Convergence criterion(ria), normal 292 328
Convergence criterion(ria), Poisson 308 329
Convergence criterion(ria), pr.’s on metric space 190
Convergence criterion(ria), tidy 346
Convergence criterion(ria), weak 203
Convergence theorem(s), 165
Convergence theorem(s), comparison 117
Convergence theorem(s), dominated 126
Convergence theorem(s), Fatou — Lebesgue 12
Convergence theorem(s), moments 186
Convergence theorem(s), monotone 125
Convergence theorem(s), of types 216
Convergence theorem(s), uniform 204
Convergence, almost everywhere 114
Convergence, almost sure 153
Convergence, almost uniform 140
Convergence, complete 180
Convergence, essential 262
Convergence, in quadratic mean 260
Convergence, in rth mean 159
Convergence, of sequences of sets 58
Convergence, of types 216
Convergence, uniform 114
Convergence, weak 180
Convex function 161
Correspondence, lemma 344
Correspondence, theorem 97
Countable(ly) 16
Countable(ly), base 72
Countable(ly), class 57
Countable(ly), set 57
Countable(ly), set operations 57
Countable(ly), valued 64 106
Covering, open 69
Covering, rule 16
Cramer 271 408 409
Cylinder, Borel 62
Cylinder, product 62
Daniell 94 408
Decomposable infinitely 308
Decomposable self- 334
Decomposition theorem(s), chains 37
Decomposition theorem(s), composition and, theorem 283
Decomposition theorem(s), degenerate type 283
Decomposition theorem(s), distribution functions 178 200
Decomposition theorem(s), Hahn 87
Decomposition theorem(s), Lebesgue 131
Decomposition theorem(s), normal type 283
Decomposition theorem(s), Poisson type 283
Degenerate, characteristic function 215
Degenerate, convergence criterion 290 329
Degenerate, distribution function 215
Degenerate, law 215
Degenerate, random time 376
Degenerate, random variable 215
Degenerate, random walk 370
Degenerate, type 215
Dense set 72
Dense set, nowhere 75
Denumerable 16
Denumerable, class 57
Denumerable, set 57
Denumerable, set operations 57
Denumerable, valued 64 106
Diameter of a set 74
Dichotomy 380
Dichotomy, criterion 382
Difference equations 48
Difference of sets 56
Difference proper 56
Direction(ted) 67
Direction(ted), set 68
Dirichlet 187
Disjoint, class 57
Disjoint, events 4
Disjoint, sets 57
Distance of points 73
Distance of points and sets 78
Distance of sets 77
distribution 168 172 175
Distribution, 370
Distribution, empirical distribution function 20
Distribution, function 20 96 169 177
Distribution, invariant 39
Distribution, probability 168
Doblin 30 302 354 403 410 411
Domain 62 108
Domain of attraction 360
Domain of attraction, partial 401
Domain of attraction, standard 402
Dominated Convergence Theorem 126
Doubrovsky 408
Duality rule 57
Dugue 409
Dunford 408
Egorov theorem 141
Einstein 43 44
Elementary chain 29
Elementary function 64 107
Elementary probability field 16
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