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Sachkov V.N. — Probabilistic Methods In Combinatorial Analysis |
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-partition 133
-permutation 147
-algebra 3
A-forest 226
Absolute moment 8
Aleksandrov, A.D. 49
Asymptotically normal sequence 22
Bender, E. 32
Bernoulli numbers 29
Bernoulli trials 11
Bessel function 15
Binomial distribution 11
Bonferroni inequalities 14
Boole inequality 2
Cauchy integral formula 10
Central limit theorem 21 22
Central limit theorem for sums of independent random variables 22
Central limit theorem for triangular arrays 23
Central moment 8
Characteristic function 18
Characteristic function of a lattice distribution 20
Characteristic function of a normal distribution 20
Characteristic function of a Poisson distribution 19
Characteristic function of a uniform distribution 18 19
Chebyshev inequality 8
Complement of an event 2
Complementary event 2
Complete set of events 2
Complexity of a matrix 169
Conditional probability 4
Configuration 82
Connected component 186
Continuity theorem 21
Continuity theorem for generating functions 18
Continuous random variable 5
Continuous random vector 5
Curtiss' theorem 25
Cutting number of a vertex 183
Cyclic elements 175
Decrement of a permutation 152
Degree of a vertex 174
Density of a distribution 5 6
Density of a normal distribution 5
Discrete random variable 3
Discrete space 2
Disjoint permutations 50
Distance between vertices 180
distribution 4
Distribution function 4
Distribution law 3
Distribution, binomial 11
Distribution, hypergeometric 12
Distribution, lattice 19
Distribution, limiting 18
Distribution, nondegenerate normal 6
Distribution, normal 5
Distribution, Pascal 11
Distribution, Poisson 12
Distribution, standard normal 5
Dominant function of a polynomial 38
Double generating function 32
Egorychev, G.P. 49
Euler numbers 30 31
Event 2
Event, certain 2
Event, complementary 2
Event, elementary 2
Event, impossible 2
Event, opposite 2
Events, difference of 2
Events, disjoint 2
Events, mutually exclusive 2
Events, mutually independent 4
Events, product of 2
Events, sum of 2
Evolution of a random graph 191
Expectation see "Mathematical expectation"
Factor of the first degree 191
Falikman, D.I. 49
Forest 172
Frechet formulae 16
Generating function 10
Generating function of Bernoulli numbers 29
Generating function of binomial moments 10
Generating function of factorial moments 10
Generating function of moments 10
Generating function of Morgan numbers 34
GH-equivalence 82
Global degree of a graph 192
Graph of a mapping 175
Graph, balanced 192
Graph, connected 186
Graph, Polya 191
Hall conditions 48
Height of a mapping 206
Height of a tree 174
Hypergeometric distribution 12
Incidence matrix 48
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle 13
Independent random variables 6
| Inequality, Bonferroni 14
Inequality, Boole 3
Inequality, Chebyshev 8
Integral limit theorem 22—24
Inverse image of an element 204
Inversion formula for characteristic functions 19
Inversion formula for probability distributions 13
Inversion in a random permutation 29
Koenig — Frobenius theorem 49
Labeled elements of a basis 106
Laplace formula 17
Lattice 20
Length of a path 174
Levy — Cramer theorem 21
Limiting distribution 18
Lindeberg condition 23
Local limit theorem 24
London, D. 49
Lyapunov theorem 23
Mass of a vertex 182
Matching problem 13 108
Mathematical expectation 7
Matrix, double stochastic 165
Matrix, incidence 48
Matrix, permutation 49 50
Matrix, stochastic 165
Mean 7
Mean value 7
Measurable space 3
Moment generating function of a discrete random variable 10
Moment generating function of a normal distribution 25
Moment generating function, in the general case 25
Moment of the kth order 8
Moment of the kth order, absolute 8
Moment of the kth order, binomial 8
Moment of the kth order, central 8
Moment of the kth order, factorial 8
Morgan numbers 34
Ordered sample 159
Pascal distribution 11
Permanent 49
Permanents of random matrices 55
Permutation 50
Permutation with congruent cycles 150
Permutation with cycles of even length 151
Permutation with cycles of odd length 151
Permutation, cycles in 152
Permutation, disjoint 50
Permutation, even 152
Permutation, odd 152
Poisson distribution 12
Poisson sequence 23
Primary specification 82
probability 3
probability distribution see "Distribution"
Probability of an event 2
Probability space 4
Probability, conditional 4
Probleme des rencontres see "Matching problem"
Prufer, H. 173
Random graph 185
Random variable 3 4
Random variable, continuous 5
Random variable, discrete 3
Random variable, integer-valued 9
Random variable, lattice 19
Random variable, n-dimensional 5
Random walk around a tree 183
Regular threshold function of a property 192
Residue 78
Rise in a permutation 30
Root of a tree 172
Rooted tree 172
Rooted tree, recursive 172 185
Rooted tree, unlabelled 172
Secondary specification 82
Sequence, asymptotically normal 22
Sequence, Poisson 23
Set of images 204
Skeleton of a mapping 206
Space of elementary events 2
Standard normal distribution 5
Stieltjes integral 7
Stirling expansion 41
Stirling numbers of the first kind 9
Stirling numbers of the second kind 9
Threshold distribution function 192
Threshold function 192
Threshold function, regular 192
Total probability formula 4
Transversal 48
Transversal, conditions of nonexistence 62
Transversal, limit theorems for 60 61
TREE 172
Tree, labeled 172
Unlabeled tree 172 184
Unrooted labeled tree 172
Valency of a vertex 173
Van der Waerden conjecture 49
Variance 8
Weak convergence 21
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