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Petrov V.V. — Sums of Independent Random Variables
Petrov V.V. — Sums of Independent Random Variables

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Название: Sums of Independent Random Variables

Автор: Petrov V.V.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1975

Количество страниц: 345

Добавлена в каталог: 19.05.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\sigma$-Algebra of events      1
Absolute central moment      4
Absolute moment      4
Absolutely continuous      2
Almost certainly      264
Assymptotically uniformly distributed      194
Attraction      90
Berry — Esseen inequality      112
Binomial distribution      3
Borel — Cantelli field of events      1
Borel — Cantelli function      4
Borel — Cantelli lemma      263
Borel — Cantelli set      1
Central limit theorem      93
Central limit theorem, global form      125
Central moment      5
Characteristic exponent      91
Characteristic function      7
Characteristic function of binomial distribution      8
Characteristic function of normal distribution      8
Characteristic function of Poisson distribution      8
Characteristic function, Kolmogorov’s representation      32
Characteristic function, Levy — Khintchine representation      31
Characteristic function, Levy’s representation      32
Chebyshev — Hermite polynomial      137
Chebyshev’s inequality      5 18
Class $S(k, l, \alpha)$      172
Class L      82
composition      6
Concentration function      38
Constancy in the limit      74
Convergence (of sequences of distributions), complete      14
Convergence (of sequences of random variables), almost certainly      264
Convergence in probability      16
Convergence, in variation      23
Convergence, strong      23
Convergence, weak      14
Convolution      6 7
Cramer series      220
Cramer series, generalized      220
Cramer’s condition      218
Cumulant      8
Cumulant generating function      219
de Moivre — Laplace theorem      187
density      33
distribution      2
Distribution function of a random variable      2
Distribution function of a random vector      6
Distribution, absolutely continuous      2
Distribution, binomial      3
Distribution, continuous      2
Distribution, degenerate      3
Distribution, discrete      2
Distribution, infinitely divisible      25
Distribution, lattice      2
Distribution, normal      3
Distribution, Poisson      3
Distribution, singular      2
Domain of attraction      90
Elementary events      1
Elementary events, space of      1
Esseen’s inequality      111
Events      1
Events, impossible      1
Events, mutually independent      6
Expectation      4
Fourier — Stieltjes transform      104
Growth point      3
Hajek — Renyir inequality (Theorem 13)      51
Holder’s Inequality      18
Independent events      6
Independent random variables      6 7
Infinite smallness      63
Infinitely divisible      25
Infinitely often      263
Inversion formulae      12
k-sequence      189
Kolmogorov’s formula      32
Kolmogorov’s inequality (Theorem 14)      52
Kolmogorov’s theorem      292
Kronecker’s lemma      269
Lattice distribution      2
Law of Large Numbers, strong      269
Law of large numbers, weak      256
Law of the iterated logarithm      303
Lebesgue decomposition theorem      3
Levy’s formula      32
Levy’s formula, Khintchine formula      31
Levy’s metric      22
Limit of a sequence of sets      263
Lindeberg condition      100
Lindeberg ratio      101
Local limit theorem      188
Local theorem in strengthened form      189
Lower class      292
Lyapunov condition      102
Lyapunov’s inequality      18
Mean      4
Measurable function      1
Median      5
Mills ratio      227
Minkowski’s inequality      18
moment      4
Moment generating function      5
Moment, absolute      4
Moment, absolute central      5
Moment, central      5
Normal $(a, \sigma)$ distribution      3
Normal convergence      217
Normal convergence, zone of      217
Point      1
Point of growth      3
Poisson distribution      3
Possible value      2
Power zones      217
Probabilities of large deviations      217 218
probability      1
probability density      3
probability distribution      2
Probability function of a random variable      2
Probability function of a random vector      5
Probability measure      1
Probability space      1
Random variables      2
Random variables, independent      6 7
Random variables, symmetric      8
Random variables, symmetrized      8
Random vector      5
Slowly varying function      91
Span of a lattice distribution      2
Span of a lattice distribution, maximal      2
Spectral function      32
Spectrum of a distribution      3
Stable distribution      87
Stable sequence of random variables      256
Stable sequence of random variables, strongly      268
Strong convergence      233
Symmetrized random variable      8
Three-series theorem      266
Upper class      292
Variance      5
Weak convergence      14
Zone of normal convergence      217
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