Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Product, cartesian
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bass H. — Algebraic K-theory | 9 | Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and applications | 4, 56, 92, 92—100 | Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications | 4, 87, 99, 100 | MacLane S. — Categories for the working mathematician | 2 | MacLane S., Moerdijk L. — Sheaves in Geometry and Logic | 14 | Benson D. — Mathematics and music | 303 | Lee J.M. — Introduction to Topological Manifolds | 340, 346 | Adams R.A. — Sobolev Spaces | 8 | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry | 176n | Mill J.V. — The Infinite-Dimensional Topology of Function Spaces | 457 | Scheinerman E.R., Ullman D.H. — Fractional graph theory: a rational approach to the theory of graphs | 165 | Lau D. — Function Algebras on Finite Sets | 127 | Searcid M. — Metric Spaces | 254, 260 | Petersen P. — Riemannian Geometry | 17, 60 | Dugunji J. — Topology | 22, 98 | Kurosh A.G. — Theory of Groups (vol 1) | 122 | Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 10 | Sierpinski W. — Cardinal and ordinal numbers | 22 | Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics | 33 | Brickell F., Clark R.S. — Differentiable Manifolds | 2 | Rall D. — Computational Solution to Nonlinear Operator Equations | 5 | Boas R.P. — A Primer of Real Functions | 79 | Kolman B., Busby R.C., Cutler S.C. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 103, 104 | Hein J.L. — Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability | 32 | Hu S.-T. — Elements of real analysis | 13 | Hu S.-T. — Elements of general topology | 12 | Hein J.L. — Theory of Computation: An Introduction | 16 | Whitehead G.W. — Elements of Homotopy Theory | 19 | Williamson J.H. — Lebesgue Integration | 3 | Grosche C. — Path integrals, hyperbolic spaces, and Selberg trace formulae | 12, 40 | Cairns S.S. — Introductory topology | 45 | Brickell F., Clark R.S. — Differentiable manifolds | 2 | Hu S.T. — Introduction to general topology | 12, 40 | Hu S.-T. — Introduction to contemporary mathematics | 24 | Aliprantis C. — Principles of real analysis | 6 | Semadini Z. — Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions. Vol. 1 | 19, 25 | Choquet-Bruhat Y., DeWitt-Morette C., Dillard-Bleick M. — Analysis, manifolds and physics. Part I. | 2 | Hille E. — Methods in classical and functional analysis | 56 | McShane E.J., Botts T.A. — Real Analysis | 43 | Bass H. — Algebraic K-theory | 9 | Iverson K.E. — A Programming Language | 30 | Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E. — Mathematical Methods in Linguistics | 28, 29, 30, 60, 62 | Herstein I.N. — Topics in algebra | 5, 6 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 895 | Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 10 | Elliott Mendelson — Introduction to mathematical logic | 5, 110, 179 | Godsil C. — Algebraic Combinatorics (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series) | 127, 196, 231 | Canuto C., Tabacco A. — Mathematical analysis | 21 | Falconer K. — Fractal geometry: mathematical foundations and applications | 4, 87, 99, 100 | Kolman B., Busby R.C., Ross S. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 102, 103 | Golan J.S. — The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences) | 2 | Choquet-Bruhat Y., Dewitt-Morette C. — Analysis, manifolds and physics | 2 | Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 10 | Jorgensen P.E.T. — Analysis and Probability: Wavelets, Signals, Fractals | 43, 257 |