Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Dugunji J. — Topology |
Предметный указатель |
-set 74
-space 138
-space 138 156
-space 138
-space 141
-space 144
-compact space 240
-ring 76
Absolute neighborhood, retract 152
Absolute retract 151
Abstract simplicial complex 171
Accessible point 362
Accumulation point of filterbase 212
Accumulation point of net 210
Accumulation point of sequence 209
Adams, J.F. 383 407
Adherent point 69
Adjoin last element 31
Admissible topology 274
Affine space 416 ff.
Affine space of type m 187 417
AHEP 326
Alexander, J.W. 321 358
Alexandroff, P. 246
Algebra, boolean 6
Algebra, generated 281
Algebra, in 279
Algebra, unitary 279
Algebraic invariant 367
Analytic function 301
Anderson, R.D. 192
ANR (normal) 152 158 333
Antipodal (antipodal-preserving) map 347
AR (normal) 151 158 333
Arens, R. 214 229 260
Arhangel’skii, A. 169 196
Arzela — Ascoli theorem 267 276
Associate of a map 261
Attaching 127 ff
Attaching map 127 262
Attaching of spaces 127 135 145
Axioms of set theory 18 ff.
Baire metric 294
Baire space 249
Baire, R. 250 299
Ball of radius r 182
Banach space 415
Banach, S. 60 305
Barycentric coordinates 171
Barycentric mapping 172
Barycentric refinement 167 173
Barycentric subdivision 418
Base space, of fibering 392
Base, for uniform structure 201
Basis, for topology 64 67
Bernstein-Schroeder theorem 47 112 118
Binary relation 14 ff.
Binary relation, composition of 201
Bivalent set 92
Bolzano — Weierstrass property 229
Boolean algebra 6
Boolean ring 6
Borel family 56 61
Borel sets 76
Borsuk map 357
Borsuk, K. 346
Borsuk’s antipodal theorem 347 354
Borsuk’s separation theorem 357
Boundary 71
Boundary operator 74
Bounded metric 185
Bounded set 185
Brouwer domain-invariance theorem 358
Brouwer fixed-point theorem 341 353
Brouwer, L.E.J. 340 343
Brown, M. 157 358
Bruns, G. 213
C(Y) 284
C(Y;c) 284
c-topology 257
Canonical homeomorphism, in fiber structures 409
Canonical map, in direct spectra 421
Canonical map, in inverse spectra 428
Cantor diagonal process 231
Cantor set 22 104 112
Cantor, G. 296
Cardinal arithmetic 49 ff.
Cardinal, inaccessible 49
Cardinal, number 46
Cardinal, transfinite 47
Cardinals, class of 48
Carrier 332
Cartesian product topology 98 106
Cartesian product: family of sets 22
Cartesian product: family of spaces 98
Cartesian product: two sets 7
Category, first 250
Category, second 250
Cauchy filterbase 296
Cauchy sequence 292
Cech, E. 243
Cells, of polytope 418
Chain 30
Chain, maximal 58
Characteristic function of set 46
Characteristic of vector field on sphere 342
Choice function 23
Choice, axiom of 21 23 25 31 49 58
class 18
Class-formation, axiom of 18
Closed map 86
Closed operator 74
Closed relation 126
Closed set 68
Closure 69
Cluster point 70
Cofinal 424
Cohen, D.E. 248
Cohen, P.J. 21 49
Compact Hausdorff topology 226
Compact space 222 ff.
Compact, countably 228
Compact, locally 237
Compact, metric space 233
Compact, pseudo 231
Compact, relatively 237
Compact-open topology 257
Compact-open topology, metrization of 272
Compactification 242
Compactification, one-point 246
Compactification, Stone — Cech 243
Complement 5
Complete gauge space 309
Complete gauge structure 309
Complete metric 293
Complete metric space 294
Complete subspaces 308
Complete system of neighborhoods 63
Complete, topologically 294
Completely normal space 146
Completely regular space 153 159 200 208
Completion of gauge space 310
Completion of metric space 304 313
Complex, abstract simplicial 171
Complex, geometric realization of 172
Complex, vertex scheme of 172
Component 111
| Component, path- 115
Component, quasi- 118
Composition, in H-structures 379 389
Composition, of maps 12
Composition, of relations 28 201
Condensation point 179
Cone 126
Cone over sphere 227
Conjoining topology 274
Connected 107 117 124
Connected, locally 113 125
Connected, path 114
Constant map 11
Constant path 376
Continuous at a point 80
Continuous convergence 268
Continuous in each variable separately 256
Continuous map 79
Continuous map into euclidean line 84
Continuous uniformly 234
Continuum Hypothesis 49
Contractible space 316
Convergence, in compact-open topology 267
Convergence, pointwise 272
Convergence, uniform 271
Convergence, uniform on compact sets 267
Convergent filterbase 212
Convergent net 210
Convergent sequence 209
Convex closure 415
Convex hull 411
Convex set 411
Coordinate function, in cartesian products 101
Coordinates of point 22
Countability, first axiom of 186
Countability, second axiom of 173
Countable basis at a point 186
Countable compactness 228
Countable connected Hausdorff space 157
Countable set 47
Countably paracompact 178
Covering 13
Covering homotopy 393
Covering homotopy, stationary 393
Covering map 393
Covering, closed 162
Covering, irreducible 160
Covering, neighborhood-finite 81
Covering, open 162
Covering, point-finite 152
Covering, star-finite 177
Cozero-set 400
Cube, Hilbert 192
Curtis, M.L. 396
Curve 105
Curve, spacefilling 105
De Morgan rules 5 9
Decomposition space, of map 129
Deformation retract 324 325 330
Deformation, of one set into another 324
Degree of map (of sphere in itself) 339
Dense 72
Dense, nowhere 92 250
Derived homotopy type 388
Derived set 70
Derived set operator 73
Diagonal 14
Diagonal enumeration 60
Diagonal process of Cantor 231
Diameter 185
Dieudonne, J. 131
Difference of sets 5
Direct limit map 423
Direct limit space 421
Direct limit space, generalized 426
Direct spectrum 420
Direct spectrum, generalized 426
Directed set 210
Discrete subspace 78
Discrete topology 63
Disjoint 3
Dispersion point 156
Distance 181
Distance between sets 185
Distance, Hausdorff 205 253
Domain invariance 358
Domination 374
Dowker, C.H. 132 136 170 416
Dual ideal 213
Dugundji, J. 188 229 419
Ecart 182 198
Eckmann, B. 407
Eilenberg, S. 361 374
Embedding map 89
Equiconnected 334
Equiconnected, locally 334 405
Equicontinuous 266
Equipotence class 45
Equipotent 45
Equivalence class 15
Equivalence relation 15 16
Equivalence, homotopy 366
Equivalence, pair homotopy 368
Equivalent basis 68
Equivalent metric 184
Equivalent uniformity 201
Euclidean line 63
Euclidean n-space 64
Evaluation map 260
Evaluation map, continuity of 274
Extended lifting function 397
Extended real line 77 85
Extension by continuity 216 218
Extension of function 13
Extension of uniformly continuous maps 302
Extension, Tietze Theorem 149
Exterior 92
Fadell, E. 398
Family of sets 8
Family of sets, lim inf and lim sup of 27
Family of sets, neighborhood-finite 81
Feldbau, J. 398
Fiber 392
Fiber space 393
Fiber structure 392
Fiber structure, cross section 393
Fiber structure, induced 395
Fiber-homotopic maps 398
Fiber-homotopy equivalence 398
Fiber-preserving map 398
Fibration 393
Fibration, Hurewicz 393
Fibration, local Hurewicz 403
Fibration, regular 393
Filter 213
Filterbase 211
Filterbase, Cauchy 296
Filterbase, determined by a net 211
Filterbase, maximal 218
Filterbase, neighborhood 211
Filterbase, subordinate 212
Finer topology 64
Finite character, property of 58
Finite intersection property 23
Finite set 2
Finite topology in vector space 131 133 416
Finitely additive measure 36
First axiom of countability 186
First category 250
First countable space 186
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