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Dugunji J. — Topology
Dugunji J. — Topology

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Название: Topology

Автор: Dugunji J.


In this book, my aim is to provide the reader with a foundation in general topology that will adequately prepare him for further work in a broad variety of mathematical disciplines. The arrangement of the material is such that the book can also serve as a reference for the more advanced mathematician.
The reader is assumed to have a background of at least one semester of rigorous analysis; for such persons, the treatment herein is self-contained and the material can easily be covered in a two-semester course.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1966

Количество страниц: 447

Добавлена в каталог: 09.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
First uncountable ordinal      54
Fixed point      305
Fixed-point theorem in complete metric spaces      305
Fixed-point theorem, Brouwer’s      341 353
Fixed-point theorem, Tychonoff      414
Flat      412
Foundation, axiom of      20 42
Fox, R.H.      275
Free union      127 132
Freudenthal, H.      314 350
Function      10
Function space      257
Function space, admissible topology      274
Function space, c-topology      257
Function space, conjoining topology      274
Function space, metric topology      269
Function space, p-topology      272
Function space, proper topology      274
Function space, splitting topology      274
Function, equality of two      11
Function, range and domain of      10
Fundamental group      381 388 389
Fundamental theorem of algebra      342
G-hereditary property      206
G.,-set      74
Gauge      198
Gauge derived from a map      198
Gauge induced in cartesian product      198 200
Gauge space      199
Gauge, separating family of      198
Gelfand — Kolmogoroff theorem      287 289
Gelfand, I.      287
General extension theorem      149
General position      412
Generalized Continuum Hypothesis      49
Generalized convergence      235
Geodesic distance      206
Geometric complex      418
Geometric nerve      172
Geometric realization      172
Germs of continuous maps      422
Godel, K.      21 49
Grating      177
Group      410
H-equivalent H-structures      382
H-homomorphism      381
H-isomorphism      382
H-space      383
H-structure      379
H-structure with inversion      386
H-structure with unit      384
H-structure, H-abelian      388
H-structure, H-associative      387
H-structure, induced on components      381
H-structure, induced on function space      381 391
H-structure, principal component of      380
Halo      327
Hamel basis      35
Hanai, S.      235
Hausdorff metric      205 253
Hausdorff space      137
Hausdorff, F.      286
Hilbert cube      192
Hilbert space      192
Holladay, J.C      284
Homeomorphism      87
Homeomorphism type      88
Homotopic spaces      365
Homotopy      315
Homotopy class      317
Homotopy equivalence      366
Homotopy equivalence (pair)      368
Homotopy extension property      326
Homotopy groups      388 389
Homotopy inverse      366
Homotopy rel A      321
Homotopy type      365
Hopf fiber structures      407
Hopf map      408
Hopf, H.      352 407 408
Hurewicz fibration      393 395
Hurewicz, W.      314 396 400
Ideal, dual      213
Ideal, in ring      288
Ideal, in well-ordered set      36
Ideal, maximal      288
Identification      121
Identification map      121 123
Identification of subset to point      125
Identification topology      120 262
Identification topology in cartesian products      262 ff.
identity map      11
Identity relation      14
Implicit function theorem      306 313
Inclusion map      11
Indexing set      8
Indiscrete topology      63
Induced fiber structure      395
Induced gauge structure in cartesian products      198 200
Induced map of function spaces      259
Induced set map      11
Induction, transfinite      40
Inductive limit space      421
Inductive property      180
Inductive spectrum      420
Infinity, axiom of      20
Initial interval      36
Interior      71
Interior, operator      74
Intersection      3 8
Invariance of dimension number      350 359
Invariant, algebraic      367
Invariant, positional      355
Inverse image      11
Inverse limit map      431
Inverse limit space      427
Inverse spectrum      427
Inverse spectrum, generalized      434
Irreducible covering      160
Irreducible map      394
Isolated point      92
Isometry      285 314
Isomorphism of metric spaces      285
Isomorphism of well-ordered sets      37
Janiszewski, S.      362
Join      128 135
Joint topological invariant      257
Jones, F.B.      144
Jordan curve theorem      362
Jordan separation theorem      358
k-space      248 263
Kneser, H.      58
Kolmogoroff, A.      287
Krull’s Theorem      36
Kuratowski, C      112 286 363
Larger topology      64
Lattice      57
Lattice, complete      91
Lavrentieff, M.      314
Lebesgue non-measurable set      36
Lebesgue number      234 (196)
Lexicographic order      57
Lifting function      396
Lifting function, extended      397
Lifting function, regular      396
Lifting of map      393
Limit of filterbase      212
Limit of net      210
Limit ordinal      44
Limit space, direct      421
Limit space, inverse      427
Lindelof space      174
Linear T-approximation      344
Linear topological space      413 ff.
Linear topological space, locally convex      414
Linear topological space, normed      414
Linearly independent      412
Load      122
Local Hurewicz fibration      403
Locally compact      237
Locally connected      113 125
Locally convex linear topological space      414
Locally equiconnected space      334 405
Locally Euclidean space      364
Locally starring sequence      169
Locally trivial fiber structure      404 ff.
Loop      376
Loop space      377 382
Lower semi-continuous      84 170
Lusternik — Schnirelmann theorem      349
MAP      10 14
Map, closed      86
Map, composition of      12
Map, constant      11
Map, continuous      79
Map, embedding      89
Map, extension of      13
Map, identity      11
Map, inclusion      11
Map, injective      13
Map, lower semi-continuous      84
Map, open      79 86
Map, perfect      235
Map, relation-preserving      16
Map, restriction of      12
Map, surjective      13
Map, upper semi-continuous      84
Mapping cylinder      368
Mapping of direct spectra      422
Mapping of inverse spectra      430
Maximal element      30
Maximal filterbase      218
Maximum modulus theorem      96
Mazur, B.      358
Mazurkiewicz, S.      308
Meager set      250
Metacompact      229
Method of complements      6
Metric      181
Metric space      183
Metric topology in function spaces      269
Metrizable space      183
Metrization of topological spaces      194—196 200 207 233 235 253
Michael, E.A.      163 165 191 206
Minkowski’s inequality      182
Monomorphism of well-ordered sets      37
Montgomery, D.      207
Morgenstern, D.      301
Morita, K.      174 196 255
Morse, M.      358 374
Mrowka, J.      244
Nagata — Smirnov theorem      194
Nbd (neighborhood)      63
Nbd filterbase      211
Nbd of equicontinuity      266
Nbd-finite family      81
Nbd-finite subcovering      223
Nbds, complete system of      67
Nerve      172
Nerve, geometric      172
Net      210
Non-meager      250
Non-vanishing vector field      342
Norm      414
Normal space      144
Normal, completely      146
Normal, perfectly      148
Normed linear space      414
Novak, J.      244 245
Nowhere analytic functions      301
Nowhere dense      92 250
Nowhere differentiable functions      300
Null set      2 19
Nullhomotopic      315 317 318
Number, cardinal      46
Number, ordinal      42
One-to-one map      13
Onto map      13
Open map      86
Open relation      126
Open set      63
Ordered pair      7
Ordered simplex      336
Ordering, lexicographic      57
Ordering, partial      30
Ordering, pre-      29
Ordering, total      30
Ordering, well      31
Ordinal      31
Ordinal number      42
Ordinal space      66
Ordinal, comparability of      38
Ordinal, first uncountable      54
Ordinal, limit      44
p-load      122
P-topology      272
Pair homotopy equivalence      368
Pair homotopy inverse      366
Pair homotopy type      368
Pair nomotopic spaces      368
Pairing, axiom of      19
Paracompact space      162
Paracompact, countably      178
Parallelotope      155
Parameter transformation      377
Parametric representation of curves      101
Partial ordering      30
Partial ordering by inclusion      30
Partition of set      13
Partition of unity      169
Partition of unity subordinated to a covering      170 173
Passage to quotient      17
Path      114 376
Path space      377
Path, inverse of a      376
Path, rectifiable      206
Path-connected      114
Paths, equivalent      378
Paths, product of      376
Peano curve      105
Perfect map      235
Perfect set      92
Perfectly normal      148
Picard successive approximations      305
Piecewise definition of map      83
Poincare, H.      343
Point-finite covering      152
Pointwise convergence, metrizability of      273
Pointwise convergence, topology of      272
Polytope      172 418
Polytope, triangulation of      418
Popisil, B.      244
Positional bound      355
Positional invariant      355
Postnikov, M.M.      368
Power set      10 19
Power set, axiom of      19
Precise refinement      161
Precompact      298
Preordering      29
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