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Kurosh A.G. — Theory of Groups (vol 1) |
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, group of type 56
Abel, N.H. 30
Abelian group 30
Abelian group of finite rank 140
Abelian group of infinite rank 140
Abelian group, complete 163
Abelian group, completely decomposable 211
Abelian group, divisible 163
Abelian group, finitely generated 145
Abelian group, free 142
Abelian group, of type 56
Abelian group, primary 137
Abelian group, reduced 164
Abelian group, separable 218
Additive group of integers 38
Additive notation 37
Automorphisms 85
Automorphisms, group of 87
Automorphisms, identity 85
Automorphisms, inner 86
Automorphisms, inner, group of 88
Automorphisms, operator 108
Automorphisms, outer 86
Baer, R. 8 35 67 103 158 167 168 198 205 211 212 216 217 218 220
Basic subgroup 181
Basis of abelian group 142 148
Bauer, M. 70
Birkhoff, G. 89 151
Bourbaki, N. 231
Burnside, W. 11
Cancellation 34
Cancellation in words 125
Cauchy, A. 11
Cayley, A. 44 45 132 133
Center 81
Center, group without 81
centralizer 84
Cernikov, S.N. 9 170
Chain, derived 102
Chain, lower central 103
Chain, normal, ascending 113
Chain, normal, descending 113
Characteristic 207
Class, of conjugate elements 80
Class, of conjugate subgroups 82
Class, of partition 28
Class, of residues 75
Closure 184
Commutator 99
Commutator of subsets 103
Commutator subgroup 101
Complete group 92
Complete group, abelian 163
Complex of elements 46
Component of direct decomposition 120
Composition factor 112
Composition length 112
Composition series 112
Consequences of defining relations 129
Correspondence, one-to-one 72
Coset, double 63
Coset, left 60
Coset, representative of 60
Coset, right 61
Decomposition of group, left 60
Decomposition of group, right 61
Decomposition, direct 117
Decomposition, direct, isomorphic 124
Decomposition, into cosets 71
Derived group 101
Derry, D. 158 221
Direct factor 118
Direct product 117
Direct product with prescribed subgroups 122
Direct product, cartesian 122
Direct product, complete 122
Direct product, restricted 122
Direct product, unrestricted 122
Direct sum 137
Direct, decomposition 117
Direct, isomorphic 124
Divisible abelian group 163
Double module 63
Element of finite order 36
Element, central 81
Element, divisible 163
Element, finite, height of 170
Element, generating 46
Element, infinite, height of 170
Element, invariant 81
Element, inverse 32
Element, inverse, left (right) 33
Element, normalizer 79
Element, null 24
Element, of infinite order 36
Element, rational 98
Element, unit 24
Element, unit, left (right) 33
Elements of equal type 95
Elements, conjugate 64
Elements, conjugate, class of 80
Elements, per mutable 31
Elementwise permutable 59
Embedding of group into group 43
Endomorphisms 85
Endomorphisms, addition 152
Endomorphisms, multiplication of 87
Endomorphisms, null 85
Endomorphisms, operator 108
Endomorphisms, subtraction of 152
Endomorphisms, summable 152
Everett, C.J. 161
Exchange theorem, Steinitz 139
Extension, of group by another 76
Extension, of isomorphism 168
Factor group 35 72
Factor of normal series 110
Factor set 29
Factor, direct 118
Factor, Ulm 187
Fitting, H. 153
Four-group, Klein's 71
Free generators 128
Free group 127
Free group, abelian 142
Free module 161
Frobenius, G. 11 148
Galois, E. 11 68
Gauss, C.F. 148
Generators 46
Generators, system of 48
Generators, system of, free 128
Genus 207
Gol'fand, Yu. A. 95
Golovin, O.N. 103
Graev, M.I. 122
Group 30
Group of automorphisms 87
Group of homomorphisms 55
Group of matrices 38
Group of operator automorphisms 109
Group of roots of unity 38
Group of rotations, of circle 38
Group of rotations, of cube 41
Group of transformations 40
Group of type 56
Group table, Cayley's 132
Group with operator domain 104
Group without center 81
Group, abelian 30
| Group, additive, of integers 37
Group, additive, of rationals 37
Group, alternating 39
Group, commutative 30
Group, commutator 101
Group, complete 92
Group, countable 57
Group, cyclic 46
Group, cyclic, finite 46
Group, cyclic, infinite 46
Group, decomposition of 58
Group, derived 101
Group, elementary 97
Group, extension 76
Group, finite 31
Group, finitely generated 50
Group, free 127
Group, hamiltonian 67
Group, indecomposable 122
Group, locally infinite 37
Group, metabelian 99
Group, mixed 37
Group, multiplicative, of rationals 38
Group, nilpotent of class 2 99
Group, periodic 37
Group, primary 137
Group, quasi-cyclic 56
Group, quaternion 67
Group, simple 68
Group, symmetric 39
Group, torsion-free 37
Groups, ascending sequence of 51
Groups, limit of sequence of, direct 55
Groups, limit of sequence of, inverse 227
Haimo, F. 228
Hall, P. 89 103
Hamilton, W.R. 67
Hausdorff, F. 13
Height of element 170
Height of element, finite 170
Height of element, infinite 170
Higman, G. 228
Hoelder, O. 11 92 95 112 116
Holomorph 90
Homomorphism theorem 155
Homomorphism theorem for operators 128
Homomorphisms 27
Homomorphisms, canonical 29
Homomorphisms, group of 155
Homomorphisms, natural 29
Homomorphisms, operator 107
Hopkins, C 88
Ideal 105
Image 27
Image, inverse 27
Image, inverse, complete 73
Indecomposable group 122
Intersection of subgroups 45
Invariants of finitely generated abelian group 151
Isomorphism 25
Isomorphism of direct decompositions 124
Isomorphism of normal series 111
Isomorphism theorem 76
Isomorphism theorem for operator groups 108
Isomorphism, extension of 168
Isomorphism, type preserving 194
Join of subgroups 48
Jonsson, B. 221
Jordan, C 11 112 116
Kaloujnine, L. 186 221
Kaplansky, L 231
Kernel 73
Kiskina, Z.M. 156 158
Klein, R 71 230
KontoroviC, P.G. 220
Krull, W. 8
Kulikov, L.Ya. 8 167 168 171 173 174 179 180 181 182 186 189 198 199 202 205 214 216
KuroS, A.G. 181 221
Lagrange, J.L. 62 63 80
Layer 170
Lemma for operator groups 108
Lemma, Zassenhaus' 77
Length, of normal series 110
Length, of product 51
Length, of reduced word 125
Levi, F.W. 35 99 221
Limit of sequence of groups, direct 55
Limit of sequence of groups, inverse 227
Linearly dependent 138 140
Linearly independent 138 140
Lorenzen, P. 35
Lowest 170
Lyapin, E.S. 89 205 211
Mackey, G. 231
Mal'cev, A.I. 9 103 221
Mapping of set, into itself 23
Mapping of set, onto itself 40
Mapping, homomorphic 27
Mapping, induced 43
Mapping, inverse 87
Mapping, inverse, left (right) 87
Mapping, isomorphic 25
Mapping, single-valued 23
Matrices, group of 40
Miller, G.A. 11
Mills, W.H. 95
Misina, A.P. 205 217
Module, double 63
Module, free 161
Module, over ring 158
Monogenic subgroup 107
Neumann, B.H. 8
Noether, Emmy 12
normalizer 79
Operation, algebraic 21
Operation, associative 22
Operation, commutative 22
Operation, inverse 25
Operator 104
Operator automorphism 108
Operator domain 107
Operator endomorphism 108
Operator homomorphism 104
Order of group 31
Order, of element 35
Order, of element, in operator group 160
Overtype 207
p-adic integers, group of 155
Partition, regular 29
Perfect subgroup 194
Periodic group 37
Periodic part 137
Periodic subgroup, maximal 137
Permutation 21 228
Permutation, even 39
Permutation, identity 39
Permutation, inverse 39
Permutation, multiplication of 21
Permutation, odd 39
Poincare, H. 62 84
Pontryagin, L .S. 221
primary group 137
Product of endomorphisms 87
Product of homomorphisms 156
Product of subsets 58
Product of threads 55
Product, cartesian 122
Product, direct 117
Product, direct, complete 122
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