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Godsil C. — Algebraic Combinatorics (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series) |
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#P-complete problem 124
Addition rule for moment generating functions 153
Addition rule in polynomial space 312
Adjacency matrix 19
Adjugate matrix 52
Affinely equivalent 287
Alternating permutation 170
ARC 22 85 353
Arc function 85
Arc function, normalised 86
Association scheme 177 221 316
Association scheme, dual 249
Association scheme, formally dual 249
Association scheme, imprimitive 232
Association scheme, linear 250
Association scheme, primitive 232
Association scheme, Q-polynomial 229
Association scheme, quotient 233
Association scheme, self-dual 249
Association scheme, symmetric 256
Association scheme, translation 247
Automorphism 243 278 300
Bessel function 159
Bipartite complement 8 353
Bipartite graph 353
Bipartite graph, semi-regular 353
Board 8
Bose — Mesner algebra 223
Cayley graph 245
Cayley graph, linear 246
Cells of partition 75
Character table 243
Characteristic matrix 77
Christoffel numbers 139 140
Christoffel — Darboux identity 60 104 136
Chromatic number 83 353
Code 205
Code, completely regular 208 276
Code, dual 206 299
Code, linear 206 299
Code, perfect 205 336
Code, projective two-weight 257
Code, uniformly packed 212
Cofactor 52
Coherent configuration 256
Complement 4 177 353
Completely regular subset 208 276
Component 354
Coordinate ring 314
Cosine 263
Cospectral graphs 65
Courant — Fischer theorem 84
Covering radius 205 276
Cut-edge 354
Degree of code 205
Degree of design 185
Degree set 291
Delsarte clique 276
Derangements 8
Descents 12
Design 184
Design in polynomial space 293
Design, complete 184
Design, quasisymmetric 185
Design, square 185
Design, tight 333
Diameter 354
Dimension of polynomial space 287
Directed graph 354
Directed graph, weighted 56 61
Discrete orthogonality 60 138
Distance matrix 197
Distance-regular graph 82 88 177 195
Distance-regular graph, antipodal 201 265
Distance-regular graph, primitive 201
Distribution matrix 237
Distribution, geometric 169
Distribution, negative binomial 169
Distribution, Poisson 161
Dual degree 205 277
Dual eigenvalues 226
E-code 205
Eigenvalues 225
Euler number 12
EXP 42
Extended conjugacy class 223
Fibre 85 201
Formal power series in k variables 37
Formal power series, composition 41
Formal power series, compositional inverse 41
Formal power series, inverse 40
Formal power series, norm 38
Formal power series, product 37
Formal power series, sum 37
Fundamental group 90
Generating function 45
Generating function, exponential 46 153
Generating function, moment 149
Generating function, ordinary 46
Generating function, walk 46
Geodetic subgraph 269
girth 354
Graph, bilinear forms 196
Graph, Cayley 245
Graph, complete multipartite 353
Graph, conference 180
Graph, covering 85
Graph, directed 354
Graph, distance 201
Graph, distance-Regular 195
Graph, distance-transitive 196
Graph, Grassmann 196
Graph, halved 204
Graph, Hamming 196
Graph, incidence 196 354
Graph, Johnson 196
Graph, Moore 215
Graph, odd 196
Graph, orientation of 119
Graph, Paley 182
Graph, Pfaffian 120
Graph, planar 119
Graph, plane 119
Graph, strongly regular 177 319
Graph, subdivision 353
Graph, walk-regular 81 90 200
Graph, weighted 13 56 61
Grassmann space 290 338
Grassmann space, real 290
Halved graph 204
Hamilton path 107 354
Hamming scheme 289 307 310 319 336
Homomorphism 89
Idempotent 319
Incidence matrix 69
Independent set 353
Index of cover 85
| Indicator function 295
Inner distribution 237
Interlacing 29 140
Intersection array 198
Intersection numbers 227
Inverse-dosed 245
Johnson scheme 289 295 307 310 319 323 336
Krein parameters 227 230 322
Length of path 353
Line graph 69 353
Linear program 341
local switching 66
LOG 42
Loop 22
MacWilliams transform 237
Matching, perfect 5
Matrix of dual eigenvalues 226
Matrix of eigenvalues 226
Menage problem 9
Minimum distance 205 299
moment 307
Multiplicities 225
n-cube 196
Neighbourhood 353
Number of sign-changes 263
Orderable subset 291
Oriented incidence matrix 69
Orthogonal array 187 319
Orthogonal array, column graph of 188
Orthogonal group 289
Orthogonal polynomials 1 6 60 131
Outer distribution matrix 206
Packing radius 205
Parallel class 343
Partition, column equitable 241
Partition, discrete 75
Partition, distance 82 178 208
Partition, equitable 75 178 195 241
Partition, induced 241
Partition, row equitable 241
Partition, trivial 75
Partition, uniform equitable 210
Path 353 354
Path tree 95
Permanent 123
Permutation group, generously transitive 222
Permutation group, vertex-transitive 81 107
Perron — Frobenius theorem 31 97
Pfaffian 113 114
Polynomial of Meixner type 149 164
Polynomial space 285
Polynomial space, 1-homogeneous 307
Polynomial space, 2-homogeneous 307
Polynomial space, compact 305
Polynomial space, imprimitive 343
Polynomial space, spherical 288
Polynomial, characteristic 1 19 77 93 135
Polynomial, Charlier 160 168
Polynomial, Chebyshev 144 158 309
Polynomial, Gegenbauer 309
Polynomial, generalised Laguerre 168
Polynomial, Hahn 310
Polynomial, Hermite 6 156 167
Polynomial, hit 10 16
Polynomial, inverse 155
Polynomial, Krawtchouk 170 310
Polynomial, Laguerre 157
Polynomial, Legendre 309
Polynomial, matchings 1 68 93 134 144 157
Polynomial, Meixner 169
Polynomial, Meixner — Pollaczek 170
Polynomial, rook 7 9 144 158 168
Polynomial, zonal 286
Polynomial, zonal orthogonal 308
Polynomial, zonal orthogonal, normalised 308
Principal idempotent 27 225
Product, cartesian 127 196 231
Product, direct 89 204 231
Product, Kronecker 230 354
Product, Schur 223
q-binomial coefficient 238
Q-polynomial space 312 333
Quotient of a graph 76
R-anticode 237
R-code 237
r-matching 1
Rank 184
Reconstruction Conjecture 61
refinement 75
Repeated points 288
Representation 24 261
Representation, injective 264
Representation, locally injective 266
Restriction 233
s-distance set 274 291
Schur idempotent 223
Schur-connected 230
Schur-diameter 230
Separation function 285
Sequence of orthogonal polynomials 132
Sequence, log-concave 100
Sequence, moment 149
Sequence, Sheffer 164 165 167
Sequence, Sturm 141
Sequence, unimodal 100
Sign-changes 142
Spectral decomposition 27
Spectral radius 30 69 79 86 125
Sphere-packing bound 238
Spherical embedding 288
Spherical t-design 272
Steiner system 184
Stirling number of the second kind 11 161
Strength of design 185 293
Strength of orthogonal array 187
Strongly connected 354
Strongly regular graph 177 319
Strongly regular graph, imprimitive 177
Strongly regular graph, primitive 177
Strongly regular graph, trivial 177
Subalgebra 234
Subgraph, induced 353
Subgraph, spanning 353
Subscheme 257
Symmetric group 289
Three-term recurrence 4 134
Two-distance set 267
Ultrametric inequality 39
Unit sphere 289 307 311 336
Walk 22 79
Walk of height i 153
Walk, closed 22
Walk, random 68
Walk, reduced 72 90
Walk, tree-like 99 100
Walks 262
Weighted t-design 293
Weighted t-design, support of 293
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