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Brickell F., Clark R.S. — Differentiable manifolds |
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structure 19
, standard topology 6 8 9 10
146 54
Anchor ring 27 77
Atlas 15
Atlas , complete 18
Atlas , stereographic 27
Automorphism 256 260
Basis 57 161 193
Bijection 2
Boundary of a subset 5
Bracket (Lie) 111
Chart of manifold 19
Chart, flat 194
Chart, n-dimensional 15
Chart, normal 180
ChristofTel symbols 168
Circular cylinder 79
Closed set 5
Closure of a subset 5
Compact space 9
Compact space, manifold 43
Component 10
Component of a Lie group 215
Component of a manifold 40
Connected space 9
Connected space, manifold 44
Coordinate, curve 134
Coordinate, domain 19
Coordinate, function 15
Coordinate, neighbourhood 19
Coordinate, representative 20
Countability axioms 10 11
Covering, open 8
Covering, subcovering 8
Curve 131
Curve, canonical lift 131
Curve, coordinate 134
Dense subset 5
Derivation on 55
Derivation on 112
Derived linear function 58
Diffeomorphic manifolds 21
Diffeomorphism 13 21
Diffeomorphism, locally a 13 64
Differentiable function 21
Differentiable function, differential of 62 114
Differentiable function, rank 60
Differentiable manifold 19
Differentiable manifold, dimension 19
Differentiable variety 26 90
Differentiable variety, orientability 124
Differentiable variety, submanifold of Rn 72 75
Differentiable variety, topology 35 41 43
Differential equation (first order) 131
Differential equation (first order), solution of 131
Differential equation (second order) 169
Differential equation (second order), solution of 169
Differential of a function 62 114
Differential operator 110
Distance function 4
Distance function, euclidean 7
Distribution 193
Distribution , basis 193
Distribution , flat chart 194
Distribution , integrable 194
Distribution , integral manifold 198
Distribution , involutive 194
Distribution , leaf 202
Distribution , left invariant 222
Distribution , manifold M(Ci) 200
Distribution , regular 204
Distribution , slice 204
Elliptic plane 166
Equivalence relation, invariant of 94
Equivalent atlases 16
Exponential mapping 180
Exponential mapping Exp 179
Fibre of a function 88
Figure eight 17
Figure Eight, submanifold structures 73
Frobenius’ theorem 197
Function 1
Function, 12
Function, continuous 4
Function, differentiable 21
Function, domain 1
Function, global 2
Function, inverse 2
Function, locally constant 10
Function, open 5
Function, range 1
Function, restriction 1
Function, value of 1
Functions composition 2
Functions projection 2
Fundamental domain 101
Fundamental domain, normal 102
Geodesic 171
GL(n, C), Lie group structure 212
GL(n, C), standard structure 38
GL(n, R), exponential mapping 228
GL(n, R), Lie algebra 220
GL(n, R), Lie group structure 210
GL(n, R), standard structure 36
GL(n, R), topological properties 73
Grassmann manifold 29
Grassmann manifold as a coset space 252
Grassmann manifold as a quotient manifold 92
Grassmann manifold , 31
Grassmann manifold , topological properties 41 43 253
Group of transformations 254
Group of transformations, discrete 272
Group of transformations, vector field tangent to 254
Hausdorft space 8
Hausdorft space, manifold 41
Heine — Borel theorem 9
Homeomorphic spaces 5
Homeomorphism 5
Hopf mapping 87
Horizontal distribution on TM 160
Hyperbolic plane 163
Hyperboloids 28 44 45 46
Imbedding 76
Imbedding, regular 81
Immersion 68
Implicit function theorem 14
Induced topology on a manifold 22
Injection 2
Injection, natural 7
Integral curve 131
Interior of a subset 5
Inverse function theorem 13 63
Isotropy group 249
Jacobi identity 112
Jacobian matrix Jf 13
Klein bottle 107
Kronecker delta 54
Leaf 202
Left translation 211
Leibniz’s formula 66
Length of a curve 184
Length of a vector 161
Lens space 108
lg 219
| Lie algebra 112
Lie algebra of a Lie group 219
Lie algebra, structure constants 220
Lie bracket [X, Y] 7 111
Lie group 210
Lie group of transformations 254 (see also Group of transformations)
Lie group, component 215
Lie subgroup 215
Lie subgroup, connected 215
Lie transformation group 241 (see also Transformation group)
Lindelof’s theorem 10
Linear connection 152
Linear connection, Bianchi’s identity 157
Linear connection, coefficients 156
Linear connection, curvature 156
Linear connection, geodesic spray 173
Linear connection, symmetric 156
Linear connection, torsion 155
Linear operator on m 54
Locally affine structure 158
Locally finite collection 46
M(Q) 200
Manifold 19
Manifold, chart of 19
Manifold, compact 43
Manifold, component 40
Manifold, connected 44
Manifold, Hausdorff 41
Manifold, orientable 120
Manifold, paracompact 51
Manifold, parallelizable 117
Manifold, product 19 35
Manifold, topology 22
Metric space 4
Metric, Euclidean 7
Moebius strip 107
Moebius strip, non-orientability 122
Neighbourhood 4
Neighbourhood, cubic 8
Noose 20
Normal chart 180
One-parameter subgroup 227
Open ball 4
Open set 3
Orbit 249
Orientation 120
Orthogonal group O(n, R) 217 239
Orthonormal basis 161
p-planes in 28
Parallel vector field 257
Parallelization 117
Parallelization, associated metric structure 263
Parallelization, associated spray 173
Parallelization, automorphism of 260
Parallelization, Exponential mapping for 258
Partition of unity 46
Partition of unity, subordinate to a covering 51
Piecewise differentiable curve 183
Piecewise differentiable curve, length 184
Poincare half-plane 163
Product, cartesian 2
Product, Lie group 211
Product, manifold 19 35
Product, topological 6
Projection of a vector field 126
Projection of an invariant 94
Projective space 30
Projective space , 31
Projective space , 33
Projective space , orientability 123
Projective space , topological properties 45
Quotient manifold 91
Quotient manifold. topology 93
Quotient space 7
R (real numbers), standard topology 4
RG 244
Riemannian structure 162
Riemannian structure, energy function 176
Riemannian structure, invariant 165
Riemannian structure, positive-definite 162
Riemannian structure, projectable 164
Riemannian, connection 168
Riemannian, manifold 183
Riemannian, spray 176
Right translation 211
Scalar product 161
Scalar product, indefinite 161
Scalar product, non-degenerate 161
Scalar product, positive-definite 161
Section of a function 87
Sequence, limit of 5
Sequence, subsequence 6
Slice of a chart 204
Spray 171
Spray of linear connection 173
Spray, exponential mapping 179
Spray, geodesic 171
Spray, normal chart 180
Spray, Riemannian 176
Stereographic atlas 27
Submanifold 72
Submanifold, open 35 75 78
Submanifold, regular 75
Submanifold, vectors tangent to 73 129
Submersion 84 87
subspace 7
Support of a function 46
Surjection 2
Surjection, natural 7
Tangent vector 55
Topological group 212
Topological group, closed subgroup 213
Topological group, open subgroup 213
Topological group, topological subgroup 213
Topological space 3
Topological space, compact 9
Topological space, component 10
Topological space, connected 9
Topological space, locally compact 9
Topological space, locally connected 10
topology 3
Topology of a manifold 22
Topology, basis 4
Topology, basis at a point 11
Topology, countable basis 10
Topology, discrete 4
Topology, metric 4
Topology, product 6
Topology, quotient set 7
Topology, subset 7
Torus 20
Torus as a quotient manifold 106
Torus, diffeomorphic to anchor ring 77
Transformation group 95
Transformation group, discontinuous 98
Transformation group, effective action 95
Transformation group, equivalence relation preserved 242
Transformation group, free action 96
Transformation group, subset invariant under 242
Transformation group, transitive action 251
Transformation of a manifold 95
Vector field(s) 109 115
Vector field(s), automorphism of 256
Vector field(s), complete 138
Vector field(s), critical point 132
Vector field(s), eigenfunction 146
Vector field(s), eigenvalue 146
Vector field(s), flow 139
Vector field(s), independent 116
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