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Hogben L. — Handbook of Linear Algebra
Hogben L. — Handbook of Linear Algebra

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Название: Handbook of Linear Algebra

Автор: Hogben L.


The Handbook of Linear Algebra provides comprehensive coverage of linear algebra concepts, applications, and computational software packages in an easy-to-use handbook format. The esteemed international contributors guide you from the very elementary aspects of the subject to the frontiers of current research. The book features an accessible layout of parts, chapters, and sections, with each section containing definition, fact, and example segments. The five main parts of the book encompass the fundamentals of linear algebra, combinatorial and numerical linear algebra, applications of linear algebra to various mathematical and nonmathematical disciplines, and software packages for linear algebra computations. Within each section, the facts (or theorems) are presented in a list format and include references for each fact to encourage further reading, while the examples illustrate both the definitions and the facts. Linearization often enables difficult problems to be estimated by more manageable linear ones, making the Handbook of Linear Algebra essential reading for professionals who deal with an assortment of mathematical problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1400

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
probability      52—2
Probability and statistics applications, linear statistical models      52—1 to 52—15
Probability and statistics applications, Markov chains      54—1 to 54—14
Probability and statistics applications, multivariate statistical analysis      53—1 to 53—14
Probability and statistics applications, random vectors      52—1 to 52—15
Probability density function      52—2
Probability function      52—2
Probability vector      4—10
Procrustes problem      60—4 to 60—7
Product form      9—23
Product, algebraic connectivity      36—1
Product, characters      68—5
Product, vector spaces      3—2
Product-moment correlation      52—3
Profile methods      40—10 40—16
Profiles, reordering effect      40—14
Programming, associated linear programming      50—14
Programming, Delsarte’s Linear Programming Bound      28—12
Programming, dynamic      25—3
Programming, linear semidefinite      51—3
Programming, linear, canonical forms      50—7 to 50—8
Programming, linear, duality      50—13 to 50—17
Programming, linear, formulation      50—3 to 50—7
Programming, linear, fundamentals      50—1 to 50—2
Programming, linear, geometric interpretation, phase 2      50—13
Programming, linear, interior point methods      50—23 to 50—24
Programming, linear, linear approximation      50—20 to 50—23
Programming, linear, Mathematica software      73—23 to 73—24
Programming, linear, matrix games      50—18 to 50—20
Programming, linear, parametric programming      50—17 to 50—18
Programming, linear, phase 2 geometric interpretation      50—13
Programming, linear, pivoting      50—10 to 50—11
Programming, linear, sensitivity analysis      50—17 to 50—18
Programming, linear, simplex method      50—11 to 50—13
Programming, linear, standard forms      50—7 to 50—8
Programming, linear, standard row tableaux      50—8 to 50—10
Programming, LinearProgramming, Mathematica software      73—24
Programming, mathematical      50—1
Programming, Matlab software      71—11 to 71—14
Programming, parametric      50—17 to 50—18
Programming, programming, Matlab software      71—11 to 71—14
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), applications      51—9 to 51—11
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), constraint qualification      51—7
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), duality      51—5 to 51—7
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), fundamentals      51—1 to 51—3
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), geometry      51—5
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), notation      51—3 to 51—5
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), optimality conditions      51—5 to 51—7
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), primal-dual interior point algorithm      51—8 to 51—9
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), results      51—3 to 51—5
Programming, semidefinite (SDP), strong duality      51—7
Programming, symmetric cone      51—2
Projection formulas      44—2
Projection, Mathematica software      73—4 73—5
Projectionally exposed face      51—5
Projections      3—6 3—6
Projective general linear group      67—3
Projective plane, linear code classes      61—10
Projective plane, projective spaces      65—6
Projective spaces      65—6 to 65—9
Projective special linear group      67—3
Projective transformation      65—7
Propagator      59—10
Proper cones      26—1
Proper digraphs      29—2
Proper point, Euclidean simplexes      66—8
Properly signed nest      33—7
Properties, nonassociative algebra      69—4 to 69—8
Properties, numerical range      18—1 to 18—3
Property C, satisfying      9—17
Property L, similarity ofmatrixfamilies      24—6 to 24—7
Property L, spectral theory      7—5
Protein motion mode calculation      60—9 to 60—10
Proximity measure      53—13
PSD      see «Positive definite matrices (PSD)»
Pseudo-code      37—16
Pseudo-inverse      5—12 to 5—14
Pseudoeigenvalues      16—1
Pseudoeigenvectors      16—1
PseudoInverse, Mathematica software, linear systems      73—20 73—23
PseudoInverse, Mathematica software, matrix algebra      73—10 73—11
Pseudospectra, computation      16—11 to 16—12
Pseudospectra, extensions      16—12 to 16—15
Pseudospectra, fundamentals      16—1 to 16—5
Pseudospectra, matrix function behaviors      16—8 to 16—11
Pseudospectra, Toeplitz matrices      16—5 to 16—8
Pseudospectral abscissa, matrix function behavior      16—8
Pseudospectral radius      16—8
Pseudospectrum, convergence in gap      44—10
Pseudospectrum, rectangular matrix      16—12
Puiseaux expansion, matrix similarities      24—1
Puiseaux expansion, matrix similarity      24—2
Puiseux expansions      9—10
Puntanen, Simo      52—1 to 52—15 53—1
Pure strategies, matrix games      50—18
Q-norm      17—6
QFT (Quantum Fourier transform)      62—6
QMR (quasi-minimal residual) algorithm, Krylov space QMR (quasi-minimal residual) algorithm, methods      41—8 41—10
QMR (quasi-minimal residual) algorithm, linear systems of equations      49—13
QMR (quasi-minimal residual) algorithm, preconditioners      41—12
QR decomposition      38—13 to 38—15
QR factorization      see «Factorizations»
QR factorization, algorithm efficiency      37—17
QR factorization, Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization      5—8 to 5—10
QR factorization, least squares solutions      39—8 to 39—9
QR factorization, numerical stability and instability      37—20
QR factorization, orthogonal factorizations      39—5
QR factorization, preconditioned Jacobi SVD algorithm      46—5
QR factorization, rank revealing decomposition      39—11
QR iteration, explicit      43—5 to 43—6
QR iteration, symmetric matrix eigenvalue techniques      42—3
QR method      see «Implicitly shifted QR method»
QRDecomposition, Maple software      72—9
QRDecomposition, Mathematica software      73—18
Quadrangular bipartite graph      30—1
Quadratic algebras      69—8
Quadratic forms, fundamentals      12—1 12—3
Quadratic forms, matrices      53—8 to 53—11
Qualitative class, complex sign and ray patterns      33—14
Qualitative class, sign-pattern matrices      33—1
Quantum bit      62—2
Quantum circuit      62—2
Quantum computation, Bernstein — Vazirani problem      62—11 to 62—13
Quantum computation, Deutsch — Jozsa problem      62—9 to 62—11
Quantum computation, Deutsch’s problem      62—8 to 62—9
Quantum computation, fundamentals      62—1 to 62—7
Quantum computation, Grover’s search algorithm      62—15 to 62—17
Quantum computation, Shor’s factorization algorithm      62—17 to 62—19
Quantum computation, Simon’s problem      62—13 to 62—15
Quantum computation, universal quantum gates      62—7 to 62—8
Quantum Fourier transform (QFT)      62—6
Quantum register      62—2
Quantum Turing machine      62—2
Quarternions, generalized      69—4
Quartics, Mathematica software      73—14
Quasi-associative algebras      69—15
Quasi-irreducibility characteristics      24—8 24—11
Quasi-minimal residual (QMR) algorithm, Krylov space Quasi-minimal residual (QMR) algorithm, methods      41—8
Quasi-minimal residual (QMR) algorithm, linear systems ofequations      49—13
Quasi-minimal residual (QMR) algorithm, preconditioners      41—12
Quasi-triangular characteristics      43—6
Query module      63—9
Query processing      63—2
Query vector      63—2
Queueing system      54—4
Quotient algebra      69—4
Quotient field      23—1
Quotient representation      68—1
Quotient, direct sum decompositions      2—5
Radical algebras      69—5 70—4
RADIUS      18—6 to 18—8
Radix2 FFT      58—17 to 58—19
Raising operator      59—8 59—9
rand command, Matlab software      71—6
Random linear dynamical systems      see «Dynamical systems»
Random linear dynamical systems, fundamentals      56—14 to 56—16
Random linear dynamical systems, linear skew product flows      56—12
Random samples, data matrix      53—3
Random signals      64—4 to 64—7
Random vectors, fundamentals      52—1 to 52—8
Random vectors, linear statistical models      52—8 to 52—15
Random walk, Markov chains      54—3 to 54—4
Range, kernel      3—5 to 3—6
Range, least squares solution      39—4
Range, linear independence, span, and bases      2—6
Range, linear inequalities and projections      25—10
Range, Mathematica software      73—3 73—4
rank command, Matlab software      71—17
Rank Equalities method      2—7 to 2—8
Rank Inequalities method      2—7 to 2—8
Rank revealing      46—5
Rank revealing decomposition (RRD), high relative accuracy      46—7 to 46—10
Rank revealing decomposition (RRD), least squares solutions      39—11 to 39—12
Rank revealing QR (RRQR) decomposition      39—11
Rank, bilinear forms      12—2
Rank, combinatorial matrix theory      27—2
Rank, convolutional codes      61—11
Rank, decomposable tensors      13—7
Rank, decompositions, bipartite graphs      30—8
Rank, dimension theorem      2—6 to 2—9
Rank, Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan elimination      1—7
Rank, inertia      33—11
Rank, kernel and range      3—5
Rank, linear independence      2—6 25—13
Rank, Maple software      72—9
Rank, matrix equalities and inequalities      14—12 to 14—15
Rank, matrix range      2—6 to 2—9
Rank, null space      2—6 to 2—9
Rank, semisimple and simple algebras      70—4
Rank, sesquilinear forms      12—6
Rank-deficient least squares problem      5—14
Ranking module      63—9
Rate, linear block codes      61—3
Rational canonical forms (RCF), elementary divisors      6—8 to 6—11
Rational canonical forms (RCF), invariant forms      6—12 to 6—14
Rational canonical forms (RCF), matrix similarity      24—3 24—4
Rational similarity      24—1
Ravindrudu, Rahul      60—13
Ray nonsingular pattern      33—14
Ray patterns      33—14 to 33—16
Rayleigh quotient, Arnoldi factorization      44—3
Rayleigh quotient, Hermitian matrices      8—3
Rayleigh quotient, symmetric matrix eigenvalue techniques      42—3
Rayleigh quotient, total least squares problem      48—9
Rayleigh — Ritz inequalities      14—4
Rayleigh — Ritz theorem      8—3 8—4 8—5
RCF      see «Rational canonical forms (RCF)»
Reaction equations      60—10
Real affine space      65—2
Real division algebra      69—4
Real square matrices      19—5 19—9
Real structured pseudo-spectrum      16—12
Real — Jordan block      6—7
Real — Jordan canonical form      6—6 to 6—8 see
Real — Jordan form      56—2
Real — Jordan matrix      6—7
Realization      57—6
Reams, Robert      10—1 to 10—9
Recall, vector space method      63—2
Recognition, matrix power asymptotics      25—8
Recognition, total positive and total negative matrices      21—6 to 21—7
Reconstructibility      57—2
Rectangular matrix multiplication      47—5
Rectangular matrix pseudo-spectrum      16—12
Recurrent state      54—7 to 54—9
Recursive least squares (RLS)      64—12
Reduce, Mathematica software      73—20 73—21
Reduced digraphs, irreducible matrices      29—7
Reduced digraphs, nonnegative and stochastic matrices      9—2
Reduced digraphs, reducible matrices      9—7
Reduced QR factorization      5—8
Reduced row echelon form (RREF), computational methods      69—23 69—25
Reduced row echelon form (RREF), Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan elimination      1—7 to 1—9
Reduced row echelon form (RREF), rank      2—6
Reduced row echelon form (RREF), systems of linear equations      1—10 to 1—11 1—12 1—13
Reduced singular value decomposition (reduced SVD), fundamentals      45—1
Reduced singular value decomposition (reduced SVD), singular value decomposition      5—10 to 5—11
Reduced-order model      49—14
ReducedRowEchelonForm, Maple software      72—9 72—10
Reducibility, group representations      68—1
Reducibility, matrix group      67—1
Reducibility, matrix representations      68—3
Reducibility, modules      70—7
Reducibility, square matrices, weak combinatorial invariants      27—5
Reducible matrices, cone invariant departure, matrices      26—8 to 26—10
Reducible matrices, fundamentals      9—7 to 9—15
Reducible matrices, max-plus eigenproblem      25—7
Reducible matrices, nonnegative matrices      9—7 to 9—15
Reducing eigenvalue      18—3
Redundancy      50—4
Reed-Solomon code      61—8 61—9 61—10
Ref      see «Row echelon form (REF)»
Reflection      70—4
Reflection coefficients      64—8
Reflection matrix      65—5
Regression, random vectors      52—4
Regressor vectors      52—8
Regular bimodule algebras      69—6
Regular graphs      28—3
Regular matrices      32—5 to 32—7 see
Regular matrix pencils      55—7
Regular pencils      43—2
Regular point      24—8
Regular signals      64—7
Regular splitting, Krylov subspaces and preconditioners      41—3
Regular splitting, numerical methods      54—12
Regularly cyclic simplexes      66—12
Regulated output      57—14
Reinsch, Parlett and, studies      43—3
Relational functions field      23—2
Relational operators, Matlab software      71—12
Relative backward errors, linear system      38—2
Relative condition number      37—7
Relative distances      15—13
Relative errors, conditioning and condition numbers      37—7
Relative errors, floating point numbers      37—13 37—16
Relative perturbation theory, eigenvalue problems      15—13 to 15—15
Relative perturbation theory, singular value problems      15—15 to 15—16
Relative separation measure      17—7
Relevance, vector space method      63—2
Reordering effect      40—14 to 40—18
Representation, group representations      68—2 to 68—3
Representation, Malcev algebras      69—16
Representation, modules      70—7
Residual matrix      52—9
Residual sum of squares      52—8
Residual vector, least squares solution      39—1
Residual vector, linear system perturbations      38—2
Residuals, Krylov subspaces and preconditioners      41—2
Residuals, least squares problems      5—14
Residuals, linear approximation      50—20
Residuals, linear statistical models      52—8
Residuals, random vectors      52—4
Resistive electrical networks      66—13 to 66—15
Resolvents, expansions      9—10
Resolvents, nonnegatives      26—13
Resolvents, pseudospectra      16—1
Respectively definite matrices      51—3
Rest, Mathematica software      73—3 73—13
Restarted GMRES algorithm      41—7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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