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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Название: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Авторы: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Энциклопедии/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 694

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pasteur, Louis, tartaric acid      6:3956
Pasteurization      3:1661 6:4157
Pastinaca sativa      See Parsnips
Pasture grasses      3:1859
Patagonia Desert      2:1203
Patagonian Highlands      5:3717
Patau syndrome      2:871 2:572
Patent medicines      2:919
Patentee (Locomotive)      6:4064
Paternity testing      4:2992—12993
Path rushes      5:3492
Pathfinder      See Mars exploration
Pathogens      2:1255 4:2993—2994.
Pathology      4:2955—2956 4:2994—2995
Patient history      2:1217
Paul, Robert W.      4:2650
Pauli exclusion principle      See Exclusion principle Pauli
Pauli, Wolfgang      2:1552—1553 4:2416 4:2752 5:3303 5:3305 6:3875
Pauling, Linus      2:822 2:987 2:1278 5:3260 5:3263 5:3305
Paving      3:1696—1697
Pavlov, Ivan      1:229 1:482 2:1004 4:2302 5:3398
Pavo muticus      See Green peafowl
Pawpaws      See Papayas
Payen, Anselme      1:752
Payloads, ballistic missile      1:423—424
PBBs (Polybrominated biphenyls)      5:3178—3179
PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)      3:1653 5:3179
PCN (Personal Communications Network)      1:799
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction)      2:1263 2:1265—1266 3:1770 4:2995—2996
Peacocks      2:2059
Peafowl      4:2996 4:2996—2997
Peano, Giuseppe      5:3195 5:3197
Peanut worms      4:2997—2998
Peanuts      4:2311
Pearl River delta      1:316
Pearson correlation coefficient      6:3814
Peary caribou      1:730
Peas      5:3117 6:4205
Pease, Francis      3:2160
Peat      2:908
Peat mosses      1:629 1:630 4:2644
Pecans      6:4269
Peccaries      4:2998—2999 4:2999
Peculiar galaxies      3:1725
Pedicles      1:605—606
Pediculus humanus      See Human lice
Pedigree analysis      3:2755 4:2999—3001 4:3000
PEG-ADA (Polyethylene glycol-coated bovine ADA)      1:42—43
Peking ducks      See Mallard ducks
Pelagic realms      4:2854
Pelamis platurus      See Sea snakes
Pelecaniformes      1:593
Pelecanus conspicillatus      See Australian white pelicans
Pelecanus crispus      See Dalmatian pelicans
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos      See American white pelicans
Pelecanus occidentalis      See Brown pelicans
Pelecanus onocrotalus      See European white pelicans
Pelecanus philippensis      See Spot-billed pelicans
Pelecanus rufescens      See Pink-backed pelicans
Pelicans      4:3001—3002 4:3002 4:3025 6:4332
Pellagra      4:2833
Peltogyne paniculata      See Purpleheart
Pelts, beaver      1:466—467
Pelvic adhesions      3:2128
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)      5:3418
Pely cosaurs      4:2951t
PEM (Protein-energy malnutrition)      4:2834
Pemberton, John      2:917 2:918
Pemphigus vulgaris      1:390
Pen-tailed tree shrews      6:4091
Pendentives      1:640—641
Pendulums      3:1697
Penfield, Wilder      1:611
Penguins      1:214 4:3002—3005 4:3003
Penic ittium spp.      3:1717 4:2603
Penicillin      1:223 1:224 1:225 1:415 1:416 4:2603 5:3607
Peninsulas      4:3005 4:3005—3006
Penis      5:3414
Pennsylvania-Baltimore & Ohio Railroads      6:4066
Pentaceropsis recurvirostris      See Longsnouted boar fish
Pentacerotidae      1:585
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN)      2:1562
Pentagonal numbers      3:1607 3:1608 3:1608 3:1609
Pentodes      6:4194
Pentyl group      4:3006
Penumbral lunar eclipses      2:1337
Penzias, Arno      1:492 2:1072 2:1076 2:1078 6:3816
Peonies      4:3007
PEP (Phosphoenol pyruvate)      5:3068
Pepos      3:1845
Pepper plants      4:2771 4:2771
Pepper shrikes      6:4223
Pepper, black      1:130
Peppercorns      4:3007—3008
Peppermint shrimp      5:3626
Peppers      4:3007—3008 6:4205
Pepsin      2:1232
Peptide linkage      4:3008
Per sea americana      See Avocados
Percafluviatilis      See European perch
Percent      4:3008
Perception      2:933 4:3008—3013
Perceptual learning      4:2302
Perch      2:1460 4:3013
Perched water table      3:1882
Perciformes      See Angelfish
Percussion drilling      4:2862
Perdix perdix      See Grey partridges
Peregrine falcons      3:1575 3:1577 4:3013—3014 5:3209 5:3442 6:4332
Peregrine falcons, chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicity      3:2140
Peregrine falcons, pesticides and      4:3025
Peregrinus, Petrus      4:2946
Perfect numbers      4:3014—3015
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)      1:576 3:1902—1903
Perier, Florin      1:345
Periodic Abstinence and Fertility Awareness Methods      2:1044
Periodic functions      4:3015—3017 4:3015t 4:3016t
Periodic limb movement (PLM)      5:3656
Periodic table of elements      1:35 1:367 1:375 4:3017—3024 4:3019t
Periodic table of elements, atomic models and      1:361
Periodic table of elements, ionization energies      3:2190 3:2190t
Periodic table of elements, Lewis structures and      4:2326—2327
Periodic table of elements, valence numbers and      6:4195
Periodic table of elements, x rays and      6:4357
Periodical cicadas      2:881 2:881 2:882
Periodontitis      2:1187
Periods of revolution, planetary      1:774—775
Periophthalmus spp      See Mudskippers
Peripheral acting adrenergic antagonists      3:2075
Peripheral nervous system      4:2733—2734
Peripherally acting muscle relaxants      4:2671
Perissodactyla      6:4172
Peritoneal factors, infertility      3:2128
PERK (Prospective Evaluation of Radial Keratotomy)      5:3324
Permafrost      4:3024
Permanent gases      2:1116
Permanent metal molds      4:2523—2524
permutations      2:951—952
Pernicious anemia      1:390
Perodicticuspotto      See Pottos
Peromyscus maniculatus      See Deer mice
Peroneal muscular atrophy (PMA)      4:2739
Peronosporaceae      See Downy mildews
Perot, Alfred      3:2160
Peroxisomes      1:785
Perpendicular      3:1799—1800 4:3024—3025
Perrin, Jean      1:625
Perseid meteor shower      4:2537
Perseus-Pegasus Filament      6:3909
Persian cats      1:761
Persian Gulf      1:314 1:315
Persistence of vision      4:2649
Personal Communications Network (PCN)      1:799
Personality psychologists      5:3276
Persons, C.J.      6:3944
Persoz, Jean Francois      1:752
Perth      1:383
Perturbation theory      1:773—774 4:2880—2881
Pertussis      See Whooping cough
Peruvian boobies      1:594 1:595
Peruvian cormorants      2:1065
Peruvian tropical forests      5:3649
Pest management, integrated      3:2141 3:2151—2154 3:2153
Pest management, organic farming and      4:2891—2893
Pesticides      1:79 1:80—81 1:84—85 2:1490 3:1926 4:3025—3026.
Pesticides, aircraft and      1:78
Pesticides, biological      3:1773 3:2138
Pesticides, erosion      5:3692
Pesticides, mosquito resistance to      4:2642
Pesticides, pollutants      5:3558
Pesticides, toxicity of      3:2154
Pests      4:3026—3027 4:3027.
PET      See Position emission tomogra
PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)      3:1836 3:1836 5:3384
Petioglyphs andpictographs      4:3029—3030
Petiomyzontoidea      4:2264—2266
Petit mal seizures      2:1502
PETN (Pentaerythritol tetianitiate)      2:1562
Petrels      4:3027—3029
Petrie, William Matthew Flinders      2:1549 6:3861
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota      See Cliff swallows
Petrochemicals      3:2050—2051
Petroleum      1:140 3:2050—2051 3:2050t 4:2859 4:3030—3033 4:3031.
Petroleum, chemical warfare      2:830
Petroleum, from hydrogenation      3:2060
Petroleum, reserves      3:1688
Petromyzon marinus      See Sea lampreys
Petroselinum crispum      See Parsley
Petroselinum hortense      See Parsley
Pewter      1:136
Peyer's patches      3:2093 4:2386 4:2388
Peyote      1:664
PFCs (Perfluorocarbons)      1:576 3:1902—1903
PGA (Phosphoglycerate)      5:3067
Ph      4:3033—3034 4:3034t
pH, acid rain and      1:93
pH, acid-base indicators and      3:2112
pH, aronomy and      1:79—80 1:84
pH, bacteria and      1:410—412
pH, scale      4:2370—2371
Phacellodomus rufifrons      See Rufousfronted thornbirds
Phacochoerus aethiopicus      See Warthogs
Phaeophyta      5:3268
Phages      See Barteriophages
Phagocytes      See Macrophages
Phalacrocorax auritus      See Doublecrested cormorants
Phalacrocorax bougainville      See Peruvian cormorants
Phalacrocorax spp.      2:1065
Phalaenoptilus nuttallii      See Poorwills
Phalanger lullulae      See Woodlark Island cuscuses
Phalanger orientalis      See Common cuscuses
Phalangers      4:3034—3035
Phalaropus lobatus      See Red-necked phalaropes
Phallus inpudicus      See Stinkhorn fungi
Phantom      6:4167
Phantom limbs      1:177
Phantom midges      6:4120
Pharmaceuticals      2:1277. See also specific drugs and classes of drugs
Pharmaceuticals in bariatrics      1:437
Pharmaceuticals, "handedness" of      4:2616
Pharmaceuticals, alkaloids and      1:128
Pharmaceuticals, caffeine as      1:668
Pharmaceuticals, mushrooms as      4:2678
Pharmaceuticals, plants and      2:1522
Pharmaceuticals, proteins      3:2029
Pharmacogenetics      4:3035—3036
Pharomachrus mocinno      See Quetzals
PHAs (Potentially hazardous asteroids)      4:2720
Phase alternating line (PAL) video recording      6:4217
Phase transitions      4:2418—2419
Phase-contrast microscopes      4:2550—2551
Phaseolarctos cinereus      See Koalas
Phasianus colchicus      See Ring-necked pheasants
Phasianus versicolor      See Japanese pheasants
Phasmids      6:4269—4270
Pheasant pigeons      5:3084
Pheasants      5:3037 5:3037—3038
Phenacomys intermedius      See Heather voles
Phenetics      6:3963
Phenobarbital      1:231
Phenolphthalein      3:2112
Phenotypes      2:1539 3:1784—1785 3:2755 3:2114 5:3577—3580
Phenotypic plasticity      4:2264
Phenyl group      5:3038—3040 5:3039f
Phenylformic acid      See Benzoic acids
Phenylketonuria (PKU)      3:1765—1766 4:2509—2510 5:3040
Pheromones      1:246 4:2648 5:3040—3041 5:3667
Philip (King)      5:3117
Philiponos, Johannes      3:1866
Philippines      1:318
Philohela minor      See American woodcocks
Philomachus pugnax      See Ruffs
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica      1:336 5:3079 5:3406 5:3472
Philosophie zoologique      2:1539 4:2264
Phloem      5:3113
Phloeomys cumingi      See Southern giant slender-tailed cloud rats
Phlogiston theory      2:954—955
Phloxes      5:3041
Phobias      1:248 5:3041—3042
Phobos      4:2452
Phodopus roborovskii      See Dwarf hamsters
Phodopus sungorus      See Dwarf hamsters
Phoenicopterus minor      See Lesser flamingos
Phoenicopterus ruber      See Greater flamingos
Phoenix dactylifera      See Date palms
Phoenix theophrasti      See Cretan palms
Phonographs      5:3042—3043
Phoresy      2:962
Phoronids      5:3043—3044
Phosphate rock      See Phosphates
Phosphates      3:2119
Phosphatidylcholine      See Lecithin
Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP)      5:3068
Phosphoglycerate (PGA)      5:3067
Phospholipids      1:783
Phosphorescence      4:2377
Phosphoric acid      5:3044
Phosphoric-acid fuel cells      3:1710
phosphors      1:757
Phosphors in fluorescent lamps      3:1645 3:1646
Phosphors, color and      3:1645
Phosphorus      1:79 1:83 2:1424 4:2836 4:2837 5:3044
Phosphorus cycle      5:3044—3046 5—3047
Phosphorus removal      5:3047—3048
Phosphorylation, oxidative      1:797
Photic zone      5:3048—3050
Photo typesetting      5:3235
Photoautotrophs      1:401 1:412
Photochemistry      5:3050—3052
Photocopying      5:3052—3055
Photoelectric cells      5:3055
photoelectric effect      2:988 4:2337 4:2876 4:2985 5:3055—3057 5:3064 5:3080
Photographic lamps      3:2109
photographs      5:3234—3235
photography      4:2650 5:3057—3062 5—3058
Photography vs. holograms      3:2001
Photography, aerial      2:1549—1550
Photography, deep-sea      6:4168
Photography, electronic      5:3062—3064
Photogravure      5:3235
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