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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
o-cMorobenzolmalononitrile (CS)      2:828
O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate      See Sarin gas
Oaks      1:439 1:470 4:2841—2843
OATS      3:1858
Obduction      4:2659—2660
Oberon      4:2728 6:4180 6:4184—4185
Obesity      1:435 1:436 2:1214 2:1330 4:2512 4:2843—2847 4:2545
Oblong arrays      3:1609 3:2620
Observational learning      4:2302
Observatories, Beppo-SAX orbiting      3:1731
Observatories, Chandra X-ray      2:1538 6:3833 6:4354
Observatories, Lowell      4:2448 6:3983
Observatories, Mauna Kea      1:337 5:3518 6:3985
Observatories, Mauna Loa      6:3984—3985
Observatories, Mount Palomar      6:3980 6:3984
Observatories, Mount Wilson      4:2476 6:3837 6:3902
Observatories, National Radio Astronomy      5:3339
Observatories, ROSAT      6:3833
Observatories, U.S.Naval      6:4035
Observatories, Yerkes      6:3748
Observed frequency, in chi-square test      2:835 2:836t
Obsession      4:2847—2849
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)      2:988—990 4:2848
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder      2:989 4:2848
Obsidian      3:2090
Obsidian hydration dating      1:272
Occluded fronts (Weather)      1:91
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)      2:988—990 4:2848
Ocean basins      3:2550 4:2851—2852 4:2856
Ocean Conservancy      2:1461
Ocean currents      2:1130—1133 6:4178
Ocean sunfish      4:2852—2853
Oceanic crust      2:1030
Oceanic islands      3:2201 3:2202—2203
Oceanic ridges      6:4250
Oceanography      2:1317 4:2855—2856 4:2556 6:4164
Oceans      4:2849—2850
Oceans, abyssal plains      1:6 4:2851
Oceans, African fossils      1:66
Oceans, Antarctica      1:217
Oceans, carbon cycling and      1:718
Oceans, coastal deserts and      2:1203
Oceans, energy sources of      1:142—143
Oceans, environments      5:3 568—535 69
Oceans, faults      4:2851—2852
Oceans, fracture zones      4:2851—2852
Oceans, Indian Ocean basin      4:2851
Oceans, lithospheres      4:2849—2850
Oceans, North Atlantic Oceanic basin      4:2852
Oceans, Ocean Conservancy      2:1461
Oceans, oil spills      2:830
Oceans, Pacific      2:1358—1361
Oceans, ridges      4:2851
Oceans, tectonics      4:2851
Oceans, topography      1:6
Oceans, trenches      4:2851
Oceans, upwellings      6:4178
Oceans, volcanoes      4:2852
Oceans, weather      2:1285 2:1358—1361 2:1360 4:2849—2850
Oceans, winds and      2:1285
Oceans, zones      4:2851—2852 4:2853—2855
Ocellated turkeys      6:4140
Ochoa, Severo      5:3464
Ochotona princeps      See American pikas
Ochotonidae      4:2257
Ochroma pyramidale      See Balsa trees
Ocimum basilicum      See Basil
Octadecanethiol (ODT)      4:2706
Octane ratings      3:2051
Octet rule      4:2327 4:2856—2857
Octomeric his tone core      2:877
Octopi      4:2557 4:2857—2858
Ocular albinism      1:105
Ocular dominance      6:4237
Odd numbers      2:1538
Odhner, Willgodt Theophile      1:673
Odobenus rosmarus      See Walruses
Odocoileus virginianus      See Whitetailed deer
Odontoceti      See Toothed whales
ODT (Octadecanethiol)      4:2706
Oenanthe oenanthe      See Northern wheatears
Oersted, Hans Christian      1:149 2:1400 4:2413 4:2417 6:3970
Oestridae      6:4119—4120
Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC)      4:2784
Oflaxicin      4:2323
Ogalalla aquifer      2:1205
Ohio buckeyes      3:2013
Ohio River      5:3461
Ohm's law      2:1378 2:1386 2:1388 4:2858
Ohm, Georg Simon      2:1370 2:1378 2:1388 2:1406 4:2858
Oil pollution      1:380 2:1489 4:2858—2861
Oil rigs      4:2863
Oil spills      4:2858—2861
Oil spills, bioremediation      1:534
Oil spills, chemical warfare      2:830
Oil well drilling      4:2861—2863 4:2863
Oil wells, first      4:3030
Oil wells, Spindletop      4:3030
Oil, Australia      1:386
Oil, civet      2:897
Oil, embargos      4:2467
Oil, on continental shelves      2:1038
Oil, reserves      3:1688
Oil-of-wintergreen      3:1953
Oilbirds      1:707
Oils      3:1578 3:1663—1664
Oils, coconut      4:2959
Oils, essential      3:1860
Oils, hydrogenated      3:2060
Oils, linseed      3:1625
Oils, olive      4:2868
Oils, palms      4:2959
Oils, wintergreen      3:1953
Okapia johnstoni      See Okapis
Okapis      3:1819 3:1819—1821
Oklahoma      4:2652
Olbers'paradox      2:1076
Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm      1:69 2:1076
Old Faithful (Geyser)      3:1812
Old World accipiters      3:1922—1923
Old World buteos      3:1921—1922
Old World camels      1:686—687
Old World harriers      3:1924
Old World kites      3:1923
Old World mice      4:2543
Old World monkeys      4:2626—2627
Old World rabbits      See European rabbits
Old World vipers      6:4220
Old World vultures      6:4264
Old-growth forests      4:2864—2867 4:2865 4:2866 4:2879
Old-growth forests, indicator animals and      3:2113
Old-growth forests, rainforests      5:3363 5:3364 5:3365
Old-growth forests, tropical rainforests      4:2879
Old-World flycatchers      See Monarch flycatchers
Oldham-Gutenberg discontunity      3:1896
Olefins      See Alkenes
Olfactory nerves      5:3665—3666
Oligochaetes      5:3575
Oligotraphic lakes      4:2262
Olive colobus      2:939
Olive family      4:2867—2869
Olive oil      4:2868
Olive-backed orioles      4:2900
Oliver, James      1:75
Olivine      3:1789
Olor buccinator      See Trumpeter swans
Olson, Harry      6:3945
Olympus Mons      4:2451
Oman Gulf      1:314 1:315
Omar Khayyam      4:2786
Omithorhynchidae      See Platypus
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988      4:2540
Omnivores      4:2869 6:4102
OMS (Orbital Maneuvering System)      5:3730 5:3731
On the Formed Fetus and On the Development of the Egg and the Chick      2:1450
On the Generation of Animals      2:1450
On the Imaginary Geometry      4:2787
On the Motive Power of Fire      6:3820
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection      1:522 2:1539 2:1544 5:3070 5:3173 5:3290 6:3922—3923 6:3962
ONAC (Office of Noise Abatement and Control)      4:2784
Oncogenes      1:692 1:693 6:4232.
Oncologists      1:697—698. See also Cancer
Oncorhynchus species      See Pacific salmon
Ondatra zibethicus      4:2682
One-dimensional sensors      4:2400—2401
One-to-one correspondence      4:2870—2871 4:2870t
Onions      4:2341 6:4206
Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh      2:1117 2:1118 2:1119 3:1737 4:2501 6:3909
Oogenesis      3:1729—1730 4:2484
Oort Cloud      2:957—958 2:960 3:2251—2252 5:3100 5:3701
Oort, Jan      3:2251
Opahs      4:2871
Opals, Australian      1:386
Opaque materials      2:941
Oparin, Aleksandr      1:329 2:824 4:2897 4:2898
OPEC      See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Open ocean biomes      1:531
Open Source Initiative (OSI)      4:2871
Open-loop servomechanisms      5:3585—3586
Open-pit mines      4:2580
open-source software      4:2871—2872
Open-stope mining      4:2581
Opera glasses      1:496
Operant conditioning      1:482 2:1003 2:1004—1005 4:2302
Operating system software      2:997
Ophelia      6:4183
Ophiolite mountains      4:2659
Ophiolte suites      5:3141
Ophiophagus hannah      See King cobras
Ophioroids      See Brittle stars
Ophiostoma ulmi      3:2183
Ophrys apifera      See Bee orchids
Opiates      1:181 4:2707 4:2749
Opiliones      See Havestmen
Opioid antagonists      4:2707
Opisthocomus hoazin      See Hoatzins
Opium      1:44—45 4:2639—2640 5:3188
Opossums      4:2572 4:2872—2873 4:3034—3035
Oppenheimer, J.Robert      4:2799 4:2817 5:3289
Opportunistic species      4:2873—2874
Optic chiasma      6:4238
Optic pathways      6:4238
Optical computers      2:992
Optical data storage      4:2284 4:2874—2876.
Optical detectors      5:3326
Optical devices      2:1229
Optical electronics      2:1414
Optical fibers      See Fiber optics
Optical isomers      3:2206—2207
Optical microscopes      4:2550—2552
Optical sound      4:2652
Optical telescopes      6:39851
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)      2:1156
Optics      1:334 1:336 4:2876—2878
Optics (Newton)      4:2876
Opuntia spp.      1:662
Oral contraceptives      2:1044—1046
Orang-utans      1:249 4:2878—2880
Orange-winged sittellas      4:2830
Orangeroot      3:1841 -1842
Oranges      2:895—896
Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS)      5:3730 5:3731
Orbital telescopes      3:2023—2026
Orbiters (Spacecraft)      5:3729—3730
Orbits      4:2880—2881
Orbits of binary stars      1:494
Orbits, comets      3:1905
Orbits, Earth      2:1443
Orbits, Kepler, Johannes and      1:336
Orbits, lunar      2:1340
Orbits, NEAR-Earth Object Hazard Index      4:2719—2720
Orbits, Newton, Isaac and      1:336 4:2701
Orbits, Saturn      5:3513
Orchid family      4:2882—2884 4:2883
Orchid family, illegal trade      6:4333—4335
Orchid family, mycorrhizae      4:2693
Orchis spectabilis      See Showy orchis
Ord's kangaroo rats      3:2225
Ordered pairs      3:1853—1854
Ordered sets      3:2122
Ordinal numbers      4:2885—2886 4:2885t
Oreortyxpictus      See Mountain quails
Ores      4:2519—2521 4:2886—2888
Ores, iron      3:2195—2196
Ores, lead      4:2296
Ores, mining      4:2579—2581
Organ of Corti      3:1933
Organ transplants      See Transplants surgical
Organelles      4:2889—2890
Organic acids      1:27—28
Organic amnesia      1:167
organic chemistry      1:715 2:831—832 2:851—852
Organic chlorine compounds      3:1911
Organic compounds      2:987 5:3297—3298.
Organic farming      4:2890—2894 4:2592
Organic halides      3:1902—1904
Organic insecticides      3:2138
Organic molecules      2:851—852
Organic phosphorus herbicides      3:1973
Organic polymers      2:853
Organisms      4:2894. See also specific organisms and classes of organisms
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)      2:1478 4:2467
Organobromides      3:1903
Organochlorides      3:1903
Organochlorines      See Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Organofluorides      3:1902—1903
Organogenesis      4:2895
Organoiodides      3:1903
Organophosphate insecticides      3:2138 3:2140
Organs      4:2888—2889 4:2895—2896
Organs, donation      6:4085—4086
Organs, floral      3:1637
Organs, storage      2:1115—1116
Organs, transplants      2:1140
Oriental ginseng      3:1818
Oriental planetrees      5:3098
Oriental rat fleas      3:1626
Origin of life      4:2896—2900. See also Evolution
Origin of life, Miller — Urey experiment      4:2569—2570
Origin of life, Murchison meteorite      4:2669
Orinoco River      5:3719
Orioles      4:2900—2901
Oriolus cruentus      See Black-and-crimson orioles
Oriolus flavocinctus      See Yellow orioles
Oriolus oriolus      See Golden orioles
Oriolus sagittatus      See Olive-backed orioles
Oriolus xanthornis      See Black-headed orioles
Orion      2:1023 6:3197
Orion Nebula      6:3801 6:3803
Orlon      1:164
Ornamental flowering shrubs      3:1848—1849
Ornamental gourds      3:1846 3:1847
Ornamental palms      4:2959—2960
Ornithology      4:2901 4:2901—2902
Oro, Juan      4:2570
Orogenesis      See Orogeny
Orogenic belt      1:469 2:1031
Orogens      See Orogenic belt
Orogeny      4:2658—2660 6:3969
Orthodontics      2:1187—1188
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