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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Hubble, Edwin, doppler effect      2:1275
Hubble, Edwin, expanding universe and      1:69 1:337 2:1072 2:1076 5:3405 6:3816
Hubble, Edwin, extragalactic astronomy      3:1722—1723
Hubble, Edwin, galaxies      2:1077 3:1723—1725 6:4201
Hubble, Edwin, on superclusters      6:3908
Huber, Francois      1:473
Huber, Robert      5:3066
Huchra, John      6:3909
Huckleberries      3:1951
Hudson River      6:4291
Hudsonian curlews      2:1130
Huffman, D.R.      1:632
Huggins, William      2:959
Hull, Albert Wallace      6:4194
Hull, Clark L.      4:2302
Hulse, Russell      5:3405
Human artificial chromosomes (HACs)      3:2026—2028 3:2037
Human blood      See Blood
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)      3:2028—2029 4:2498 4:2920
Human cloning      2:901—902 3:2029—2031
Human ecology      3:2031
Human evolution      3:2031—2036. See also Evolution
Human fleas      3:1626
Human Genome Organization      3:2037
Human Genome Project (HGP)      2:1190 3:1750—1751 3:1760 3:1771 3:1779 3:1782 3:2036—2039 4:2606 4:2995 4:3036 6:4073
Human growth hormone (hGH)      3:1886 3:1887—1888
Human Habitat      1:539
Human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)      4:2992
Human immunodeficiency virus      See HIV
Human inch      1:40—41
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA)      1:227 1:579 4:2992 5:3450
Human lice      4:2328—2329
Human papilloma viruses (HPV)      6:4232
Human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV)      5:3444 6:4236
Human- dominate d biomes      1:532
Humason, Milton      2:1275
Humboldt monkeys      4:2760
Humboldt, Alexander von      1:372 5:3313
Hume      2:1004
Humerus      5:3642
Humidification      6:4157
Humidity      3:2039—2040 3:2116 6:4199 6:4302
Hummingbirds      3:2040—2042 3:2041 5:3174
Humoral immunity      3:2099
Humpback whales      1:812 5:3390 5:3442
Humus      2:981 2:983 2:1164—1165 3:2042—2043 5:3385
Hund, Friedrich      1:363
Hungarian partridges      See Grey partridges
Hunt, Walter      5:3599
Hunter, John      6:4082
Huntington disease      3:1764 3:1771 3:2043—2045 4:2689
Huntington, George      3:2043
Hurler's syndrome      4:2510
Hurricane Diana      6:4106
Hurricanes      6:3857—3858 6:4105 6:4106 6:4309
Hutchinson, John      6:3772
Hutton, James      1:753 3:1794 5:3476 6:4162 6:4173
Huxley, Aldous      4:2464
Huxley, Thomas      5:3343
Huygens space probe      5:3100
Huygens, Christiaan, clocks and      6:4035
Huygens, Christiaan, on crystal structure      4:2575
Huygens, Christiaan, on Kepler, Johannes      2:1121
Huygens, Christiaan, on light      4:2336—2337 4:2876 6:3756
Huygens, Christiaan, on Saturn      5:3109 5:3515
Hyaena brunnea      See Brown hyenas
Hyaena hyaena      See Striped hyenas
Hyaline cartilage      2:1015 2:1015
Hyalophora cecropia      See Crecropia moths
Hyatt, John Wesley      5:3183
Hybrid automobiles      1:401
Hybrid DNA      2:1265
Hybrid electric vehicles      2:1377
Hybrid orbitals      4:2611
hybridization      2:1050 2:1051 5:3117—3119
Hybridization, fluorescence in situ      3:1643—1644
Hybridization, solution-phase      3:1770
Hybrids      3:2046
Hydra      1:636
Hydrangea arborescens      See Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas      5:3524
Hydras      3:2046
Hydrastis      3:1841—1842
Hydrastis canadensis L      See Goldenseal
hydration      3:2064
Hydraulic cement      1:805
Hydraulic presses      3:1641
Hydrion paper      4:3034
Hydro thermal metamorphism      4:2530
Hydrocarbons      2:852 3:2047—2051 3:2048 3:2048 3:2049 3:2050t.
Hydrocarbons, bioremediation      1:534
Hydrocarbons, halogenated      3:1910—1911
Hydrocarbons, poly cyclic aromatic      5:3179—3180
Hydrocephalus      1:557 2:1180 3:2051—2053 6:3766—3767
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris      1:712 1:713
Hydrochaeris isthmius      1:712
Hydrocharitaceae      See Frog's-bit family
Hydrochloric acid      1:25 3:2058—2059 6:4153
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)      2:859 3:2053—2054 4:2938
Hydrocortisone      See Cortisol
Hydroelectric power      3:1762 3:2062—2063 4:2662
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)      2:859 3:2053—2054
Hydrofoils      3:2055
Hydrogen      2:1116—1117 2:1426 3:2055—2057 4:2836
Hydrogen bombs      2:1561 4:2802—2804
Hydrogen chloride      3:2058—2059
Hydrogen isotopes      1:369 1:370
Hydrogen peroxide      1:571 3:2059
Hydrogen sulfide      3:1803 6:3897—3898
Hydrogen, atomic weight and      1:372
Hydrogen, bonds      2:823
Hydrogen, isotopes      2:1209—1211
Hydrogen, production of      2:1396
Hydrogenation      3:2056 3:2059—2061
Hydrogeology      3:2064
Hydrologic cycle      1:341 3:2061—2064 3:2065 5:3217—3218 5:3462
Hydrology      2:1285 3:2064
hydrolysis      3:2064—2065
Hydrolysis, amino acids and      1:161
Hydrolysis, weathering      6:4311—4312
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center      6:4304
Hydronium ions      1:26
Hydrophobia      5:3317
Hydroponics      3:2065
Hydroprogne caspia      See Caspian terns
Hydrosphere      1:536 2:1317 3:2065—2066
Hydrostatic equilibrium      6:3795—3796 6:3795t 6:3796t
Hydrothermal ore deposits      4:2886—2887
Hydrothermal processes      3:1812
Hydrothermal vents      3:2066 6:4169—4170
Hydrotropism      1:481
Hydrozoa      3:2066—2067
Hyenas      3:2067—2069 3:2065
Hygiene, sleep      3:2144—2145
Hylobates agilis      See Dark-handed gibbons
Hylobates concolor      See Black gibbons
Hylobates hoolock      See Hoolock gibbons
Hylobates lar      See White-handed gibbons
Hylobates moloch      See Grey gibbons
Hylobates spp.      3:1813
Hylobatidae      5:3230
Hylochoerus meinertzhageni      See Giant forest hogs
Hylocichla mustelina      See Wood thrushes
Hymenoptera      1:471
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy      3:1733
Hyperbolas      1:185 3:2069—2072 3:2069t
Hypercholesterolemia      3:1759
Hyperkinetic disorder      See Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Hyperlinks      3:2175
Hyperopia      See Presbyopia
Hypersomnias      5:3654—3655
Hypertension      2:888 3:2072—2076 3:2073 6:4244
HyperText Markup Language      See HTML
HyperText Transfer Protocol      See HTTP
Hyperthyroidism      4:2511
Hypnotism      1:145
Hypomania      4:2434
Hypophosphatasia      4:2511 -2512
Hypothalamus      1:48—49 1:610 3:2008 6:3993
hypothermia      3:2076—2077
Hypothyroidism      3:2009 4:2511
Hypoxia      1:501
Hypsignathus monstrosus      See Hammer-headed fruit bats
Hypsipetes madagascariensis      See Black bulbuls
Hypsiprymnodon moschatus      See Musky rat-kangaroos
Hyraxes      3:2077—2078
Hyrologic cycle      3:1633—1634
Hystrix cristata      See Crested porcupines
IAB      See Internet Architecture Board
Iamblichus      1:158
Iapetus      5:3517
IAU (International Astronomical Union)      1:323 4:2506
IAU number 221      4:2636
Ibex      3:1839
Ibidorhyncha struthersii      See Ibisbills
Ibisbills      6:3848
Ibises      3:2079—2080 3:2050
IBM (International Business Machine Corporation)      1:674
IbnNafis      3:1941
IbnSina      3:1941
Ibuprofen      1:181
ICAI (Intelligent computer-assisted instruction)      1:306
ICBMs (Intercontinental range ballistic missiles)      1:422 1:423 1:424
ICE      3:2081—2082 4:2636—2637.
Ice (Drug)      1:170 1:171
Ice age refuges      3:2082—2083
Ice ages      2:1565 3:2083—2086 3:2055 4:2794—2795
Ice ages, Europe      2:1532
Ice ages, man in      3:2035
Ice cap, Antarctica      1:217
Ice sheets      3:1823
Ice-land poppies      5:3187—1388
Icebergs      1:211—212 3:2086—2088 3:2057 5:3164—3166
Iceland      3:2202—2203
Iceman      3:2088
Iceryapurchasi      See Cottony cushion scale insects
Ichthyosaurs      2:1248
Ichthyostega      4:2950t 4:2951
ICS      See Integrated circuits
ICS I (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection)      3:1729 3:2104
ICSH (Interstitial-cell-stimulating hormones)      5:3414
Ictalurus spp.      1:754
Icteridae      See Blackbirds
Ictinaetus malayensis      See Black eagles
ICUN      See International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Idaho potatoes      5:3200
Ideal gas law      3:1740
Identical twins      3:1775
Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF)      5:3321
Identity elements      3:2089
Identity property      3:2089. See also Functions
Idiopathic insomnias      3:2144
Idria columnaris      1:156
IEMs      See Inborn errors of metabolism
IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe)      5:3321
IgA antibodies      1:226 4:2388
IgD antibodies      1:226
IgE antibodies      1:226
IGF2      See Insulin-like growth factor 2
IgG anrtibodies      1:391
IgG antibodies      1:226 1:227
IgM antibodies      1:226
Igneous rocks      3:2089—2090 3:2090 4:2408 4:2886 5:3476—3477
Ignimbrites      6:4252
Iguana spp      See Green iguanas
Iguanas      3:2090—2092 3:2091
Iguassa Falls      5:3720
IGY (International Geophysical Year)      1:215
Ilex verticillata      See Winterberries
Illegal collection, of orchids      4:2884
Illegal drugs      See names of specific drugs
Illusions, perception and      4:3010—3011
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory      6:4173
Illustrations, geographic      1:744
ILOVEYOU virus      2:999—1000
IMAGE (Integrated Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression)      3:2037
Image processing, charge-coupled devices      2:819—820
Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP)      4:2454
imaginary numbers      3:2092
Imaging, noninvasive      1:533
Imitation      See Observational learning
Immergut, E.H.      4:2630
Immersion freezing      3:1660
Immune interferons      See Gamma-interferons
Immune system      3:2092—2099 3:2093 3:2094 3:2096 4:2896
Immune system, ADA deficiency and      1-A2-A3
Immune system, allergies and      1:134
Immune system, antigens and      1:225
Immune system, autoimmune disorders and      1:390—391
Immune system, diabetes and      2:1214
Immune system, diseases and      2:1254—1255
Immune system, infections and      3:2125—2126
Immune system, interferons and      3:2163
Immune system, T cells      6:3949—3950
Immune system, transplants      6:4082 6:4083—4084
Immune system, vaccines and      6:4189—4192
Immunity by vaccinations      6:4189—4191
Immunity to malaria      4:2425—2426
Immunity, chicken pox and      2:838
Immunodeficiency, severe combined      3:1766. See also AIDS
Immunoglobins      See Antibodies
Immunology      3:2099—2101
Immunosuppression      2:1140
Immunotherapy      1:697
IMP (Imager for Mars Pathfinder)      4:2454
Impact craters      3:2101—2103 3:2102
Impact craters, Chicxulub      3:2227
Impact craters, Jovian      3:2225
Impact craters, Martian      4:2452
Impact craters, planetary geology      5:3104
Impact craters, terrestrial      4:2588 4:2588t
Impact craters, Venusian      6:4211—4212
Impact tests      6:3828
Imperfect fungi      3:1717
Imperial eagles      2:1308
Imperial System of Units      4:2540 6:4174—4175 6:4176
Implants      5:3255
Imprinting      1:482 1:709 3:2103—2104
Improper fractions      3:1692
Impulse momentum theorem      4:2621
Impulses, nerve      4:2734—2736
In Artem Analyticam Isagoge      6:4199
In situ hybridization      2:874
In situ soil treatment      2:1027
In vitro      3:2106
In vitro fertilization (IVF)      2:1119—1120 2:1446 2:1448 3:1593 3:2104—2106 3:2106 3:2129
In vivo      3:2106
Inarticulate brachiopods      1:605—606
Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs)      4:2509—2510
Inbreeding depression      1:708
Incandescent light      3:2107—2109
Incas      5:3719
Inchworms      4:2648
Incineration      3:1929 3:2109—2112 4:2273 5:3177 5:3178
Inclined planes      4:2405
Indefinite integrals      1:678 3:2149
Independent assortment      2:880
Independent Moving Picture Company      4:2651
Index fossils      3:1684
Index of refraction      1:808
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