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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Frog-legs      3:1704
Frogmouths      1:707
Frogs      1:173 1:174 3:1701—1705 3:2
Frogs, Australian      4:2921—2922
Frogs, golden      2:2459
Frogs, leopard      2:1446
Frogs, metamorphosis in      4:2532—2533
Front projection, in motion pictures      4:2653
Fronts (Weather)      1:89—91
Frost      6:4309
Frostbite      3:1705—1706 3:1706
Froth flotation      4:2520
Fruit bats      1:453 1:455
Fruit flies      See Drosophila melanogaster
Fruits      3:1664 3:1707—1709 5:3485 5:3486.
Fruits, buckeye      3:2014
Fruits, citrus      2:894
Fruits, farm machinery for      1:78—79
Fruits, food pyramid      4:2836
Fruits, horse chestnut      3:2014
Fruits, nutrient deficiency diseases      4:2832
Fruits, prickly pear      1:663
Fruits, quality      5:3117
Frustules      2:1222—1223
FSH      See Follicle-stimulating hormones
Fuca, Juan de      5:3144
fuel cells      3:1709 3:1709—1710
Fuel systems, automotive      1:398—399
Fuels      See also specific types of fuels and energy sources
Fuels, alternative      2:1376—1377
Fuels, biomass      1:140 1:143 1:165—166
Fuels, geothermal      1:140
Fuels, hydrogen as      3:2057
Fuels, wind power      1:140 1:141 1:243
Fugu      4:2869
Fulica americana      See American coots
Fuller, R.Buckminster      3:1791 4:2703
Fullerenes      1:632—633
Fulton, Robert      3:2121 6:3880
Fumess III, Thomas      6:4226
Functions      1:253 3:1710—1712 4:2435—2436
Functions, discontinuous      2:1039—1040 2:1040
Functionslimits of      4:2343
Functionsmaxima and minima      4:2477—2479
Functionsvariables in      6:4200
Fundamental theorems      3:1712—1713
Fundulus heteroclitus      See Mummichogs
Fundulus spp      See Killifishes
Fundus disorders      6:4244
Fungi      1:519 2:1164 3:1713—1718 3:1715 4:2549 4:2894
Fungi, chestnut blight      1:471 2:834 3:1718
Fungi, lichens and      4:2329
Fungi, mushrooms and      4:2676—2677
Fungi, mycorrhizae      4:2692—2693
Fungi, mycotoxins      4:2693—2694
Fungi, orchids and      4:2882 4:2883 4:2884
Fungi, plant diseases      5:3122—3123
Fungi, rusts      3:1589 5:3493—3494
Fungi, sweet chestnuts and      1:471
Fungicides      3:1718—1719 4:3025—3026 5:3122
Funk, Casimir      4:2832 6:4246
Furans, from solid waste incineration      3:2111
Furbish's lousewort      2:1460
Furrow irrigation      3:2198 3:2199—2200
Furs, beavers      1:466—467
Furs, mink      4:2582
Furs, muskrat      4:2682
Furs, sable      4:2457
FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer)      6:4160
Fusion      1:370—371 2:1210
Fusion welding      4:2525 6:4315
Gabbro      3:2089
Gabor, Dennis      3:2000 3:2161
GAC (Granulated activated carbon)      5:3177—3178
Gadidae      See Codfishes
Gadolin, Johan      4:2279 6:4368
Gagnan, Emile      6:4168
Gaia hypothesis      3:1721—1722 6:3936
Gajdusek, D.Carleton      3:2253
Gal ton, Sir Francis      3:1668
Galactic coordinates 1      1:773
Galactic latitude b      1:773
Galactic longitude      1:773
Galactosemia      3:1765 4:2510
Galago alleni      See Allen's bushbabies
Galago senegalensis      See Lesser bushbabies
Galagos      See Bushbabies
Galapagos Islands      4:2855 4:3028 5:3719
Galapagos Rift      6:4169
Galatea      4:2727
Galaxies      2:1077 3:1722—1726 3:2723
Galaxies, active      3:1725 4:2569 5:3310—3311
Galaxies, NGC 2300      2:2253
Galaxies, radio      1:38 3:1725 5:3340
Galaxies, starburst      6:3804
Galaxies, ultraviolet observations of      6:4161
Galaxies, x rays from      6:4354
Galen of Pergamon      3:1935 3:1940—1941 4:2351 6:4248
Galilean satellites      3:2223—2225 3:2225
Galilee      1:315
Galilei, Galileo      2:1075 3:1786
Galilei, Galileo, astrolabes and      1:333
Galilei, Galileo, astronomical observations      3:1956
Galilei, Galileo, on falling bodies      1:424—425 3:1866—1867
Galilei, Galileo, on Jupiter's moons      3:2222 3:2224
Galilei, Galileo, on Milky Way      4:2566
Galilei, Galileo, on motion      1:7—8 4:2292 4:2649 4:2761
Galilei, Galileo, on Neptune      4:2722
Galilei, Galileo, on refraction      4:2336
Galilei, Galileo, on Saturn      5:3109 5:3515
Galilei, Galileo, on sunspots      4:2475 5:3694 6:3834 6:3900—3901 6:3908
Galilei, Galileo, on Venusian phases      6:4208
Galilei, Galileo, physics and      5:3078 5:3079
Galilei, Galileo, telescopes and      1:336 6:3980
Galileo space probe      3:2222 4:2586 5:3099 5:3100 5:3704 5:3726 5:3729 5:3734
Gallbladder      2:1236
Galle, Johann      1:774
Gallinula chloropus      See Common gallinules
Gallium      2:1423 6:3809
Gallstones      2:1236
Gallup polls      5:3505—3506
Gallus gallus      See Red jungle fowls
Galois, Evariste      3:1884
Galvani, Luigi      1:457 1:533
Galvanic cells      1:456 1:756 1:791—793
Galvanizing      4:2525
Gambel's quails      5:3296 5:3296
Gambler's ruin problem      4:2991
gambling      1:46. See also Addiction
Game animals      3:1672
Game theory      3:1726—1728
Gamer, W.W.      1:516
Gamerin, Andre'- Jacques      1:426
Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT)      3:2104 3:2129—2130
Gametes      3:1728—1729
Gametogenesis      3:1729—1730 4:2483—2484
Gametophytes      1:627 3:1589
Gamma radiation      5:3347
Gamma ray bursts      3:1730 3:1731—1732
Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO)      5:3311
Gamma rays      2:1404—1405 3:1655 3:1730 4:2646 5:3356
Gamma-interferons      3:2162—2163
Gamma-ray astronomy      3:1730—1731
Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST)      3:1731
Gamow, George      2:1072 2:1076 2:1078 2:1431 6:4133
Ganders      3:1745. See also Geese
Ganges Plains      1:318 1:319 3:1991
Ganges River      1:319
Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta      2:1176
Gangrene      3:1732—1734 3:2733
Gannets      1:593—595
Ganoderma applanatum      See Artist's fungi
Ganymede      3:2225 3:2225
Garden cabbages      4:2683
Garden springtails      6:3781
gardening      See Horticulture
Garfield, James R.      2:1490
Gargarin, Yuri A.      5:3735 5:3736
Garlic      6:4206
Garpikes      3:1734 3:1734—1735
Garrod, Archibald      4:2482 4:2509
Gars      3:1734—1735
Garter snakes      4:2921
Gas burets      1:647
Gas chromatography      2:868—869 5:3298
Gas filtration      3:1611
Gas gangrene      3:1733
Gas lasers      4:2282 4:2283
Gas laws      3:1738 3:1740 6:4198
Gas metal arc welding      6:4316
Gas re serves      3:1688
Gas turbines      6:4137 6:4137
Gas welding      4:2525 6:4316—4317
Gases      3:1876 4:2475 6:3808—3809 6:3810.
Gases on continental shelves      2:1038
Gases, buoyancy and      1:647
Gases, electrical insulators and      2:1371
Gases, interstellar      3:2176—2177 4:2567
Gases, kinetic molecular theory      5:3227
Gases, liquefaction of      2:1116 2:1117t 3:1735—1737
Gases, nerve      5:3511 6:4265
Gases, noble      4:2519
Gases, permanent      2:1116
Gases, properties      3:1737—1741 3:1737t 3:1738t 3:2739 3:1740
Gases, rare      2:1419 5:3371—3373
Gases, volume of      6:4258
Gasification      2:910—911
Gasohol      1:509 3:1587
Gasoline      1:398 3:2051
Gasoline engines      1:78 3:2165—2166
Gaspe Peninsula      4:2792
Gastric banding      1:436
Gastric bypass surgery      1:436
Gastric juices      2:1232
Gastric ulcers      6:4153—4154
Gastrointestinal reflux      4:2281
Gastropods      4:2620
Gastrulation      2:1446—1447
Gaucher's disease      4:2510
Gaultheria      See Wintergreen
Gauss, Carl Friedrich      4:2417 4:2601 4:2826 6:3922 6:4008
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, complex numbers and      2:973—974
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, congruence and      4:2825
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, electromagnetism and      2:1406
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, on non-Euclidean geometry      4:2786 4:2787
Gaussmeters      4:2419
Gavia arctica      See Arctic loons
Gavia immer      See Common loons
Gavia pacifica      See Pacific loons
Gavia stellata      See Red-throated loons
Gavials      2:1103
Gavialus gangeticus      2:1103
Gaviidae      See Loons
Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Lou is      1:348 1:372 1:402 1:647 3:1738 3:1739 4:2614
Gazelles      1:219 3:1741—1742.
GCMs (General circulation models)      3:1833 3:1877—1878
Geared-head lathes      4:2396
Gears      3:1742—1743
Geastrum triplex      See Collared earthstars
Geckos      3:1743 3:1743—1745
Geese      3:1745—1749 3:2747 4:2361
Geiger counters      1:373 4:2797 4:2799 4:2984 4:2985t 5:3326 5:3327
Geiger, Hans      1:140 1:361 4:2984 6:3875 6:4133
Geiger-Miiller counters      2:1074 5:3327
Geitel, Hans      5:3055
Gel electrophoresis      2:1416—1417
Gelada baboons      1:406
Gelatin      3:1749
Gelechiidae      4:2647
Gell-Mann, Murray      5:3308 6:3876
Geller, Margaret      6:3909
Gelsinger, Jesse      3:1760—1761
Gemini 4      5:3736
Gemini spacecraft      5:3736
Gemsbok      See South African oryx
Gemstones      2:1125t 2:1126
Gender verification      3:2234—2236
Gene chips and microarrays      3:1750—1751 3:2752
Gene expression      3:1750
Gene gun method      3:1773
Gene mutations      1:72—73 2:1540 3:1751—1753 3:1777—1778
Gene splicing      3:1753—1756 3:1757 3:1768 5:3466
Gene therapy      2:1144—1145 2:1190 3:1756—1761 3:1757 3:1768—1769 3:1778 6:4073
Gene therapy for heart disease      3:1945
Gene therapy for metabolic disorders      4:2512
Gene therapy, human artificial chromosomes      3:2027
Gene therapy, stem cells      6:3843
Gene therapy, Tay — Sachs disease      6:3967
Gene transfer      3:1768
Gene transfer, bacteria and      1:410
Gene transfer, bacteriophage and      1:418
General adaptation syndrome      6:3865—3866
General anesthetics      2:852
General circulation models (GCMs)      3:1833 3:1877—1878
General Electric, motion picture sound      4:2651
General maps      1:743—744
General Motors (GM)      4:2463
General Pitt — Rivers      2:1549
General relativity      1:336 5:3401—3406
General relativity, expanding universe and      2:1077
General relativity, gravitational lenses and      3:1865
General relativity, gravity theory and      3:1868—1869 4:2701 5:3724
General relativity, quantum theory and      3:1849—1850
General Sherman tree      5:3583
Generators      2:1372 3:1761—1763
Generators for ultrasound      6:4157
Generators, electrostatic      2:1418
Genes      2:876 3:1749—1750 3:1750 4:2492 4:2607
Genes, cloning      2:900—901 3:1778
Genes, dominant      3:1764 3:1777 4:2492
Genes, flow      3:1752
Genes, Human Genome Project      3:2036—2039
Genes, mapping      2:880 2:1285
Genes, nicotine addiction and      2:884—885
Genes, recessive      3:1764 4:2492
Genes, reporter      1:523
Genes, SHOX      6:4142
genetic code      2:1192—1194 3:1750 3:1776—1777 4:2607
Genetic counseling      2:873—874
Genetic discrimination      3:2037 3:2038
Genetic disorders      3:1763—1767 3:1765 3:1777 4:2482.
Genetic disorders, amniocentesis and      1:168
Genetic disorders, autism      1:387
Genetic disorders, cancer as      1:692—694
Genetic disorders, cystic fibrosis as      2:1143
Genetic disorders, dyslexia and      2:1303
Genetic disorders, genetic engineering and      3:1768—1769
Genetic disorders, hearing loss      2:1162
Genetic disorders, inborn errors of metabolism      4:2509—2510
Genetic disorders, migraines and      4:2560—2561
Genetic disorders, sickle cell anemia as      5:3627—3628
Genetic diversity, captive breeding and      1:708—709
Genetic diversity, xenogamy and      6:4359
Genetic drift      2:1541 2:1548 3:1752 3:1778
genetic engineering      1:541 2:1190 2:1265 2:1266 2:1493 3:1767—1769 4:2607
Genetic engineering, animal breeding      1:200—203 1:205—206
Genetic engineering, brewing and      1:614
Genetic engineering, com      2:1067
Genetic engineering, invasive species from      3:2184
Genetic engineering, plants      5:3119—3121
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