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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Electrons, octet rule      4:2856—2857
Electrons, quantum mechanics and      5:3305—3307
Electrons, quantum number of      5:3307—3308
Electrons, valence      4:2326 4:2327 6:4194—4195
Electrophoresis      2:1193—1194 2:1262 2:1415—1417 2:1416t 2:1417t
Electroplating      2:1397 4:2525—2526
Electroscopes      2:1074
Electrostatic copying      5:3053—3054
Electrostatic devices      2:1417—1419 2:1418 2:1419
Electrostatic generators      2:1418
Electrostatic precipitators      5:3176
Electrostatics      2:1406
Electroweak force      3:1849
Elementary matter particles      6:3876—3877 6:3877t
Elementary mediator particles      6:3877—3878 6:3877t
Elements      4:2614—2615. See also Periodic table of elements;specific elements
Elements (Euclid)      2:1023—1024 3:1798 6:4008 6:4078
Elements, alkaline earth metals      1:126
Elements, chemical      2:1419—1425 2:1420t 2:1421t
Elements, families of      2:1425—1427
Elements, formation of      2:1431—1432
Elements, heavy      2:1431 2:1432
Elements, native      4:2577—2578
Elements, transuranium      2:1427—1430
Eleocharis tuberosa      See Water chestnuts
Elephant fish      See Chimaeras
Elephant seals      5:3553
Elephant shrews      2:1438 2:1438
Elephant snout fishes      2:1438—1439
Elephantiasis      2:1439 2:1439—1441
Elephants      2:1432—1438 2:1433 2:1435 3:2240
Elephas maximus      See Asian elephants
Elevation contour lines      1:744
Elevational migration      4:2564
elevators      2:1441—1442
Elk      5:3442
Elliot, J.      5:3109 6:4181
Elliott, Thomas R.      1:15
Ellipses      1:185 2:1442—1444 2:1443
Elliptical galaxies      3:1723—1724 3:1725
ELMs      2:1444—1445
Elodea      3:1701
Elodea canadensis      See Elodea
Elsinore Corona      6:4185—4186
Elster — Geitel photoelectric cell      5:3055
Elster, Julius      5:3055
Elton, Charles      2:1480 3:1652
Eltonian Pyramid      3:1652
ELVs (Expendable launch vehicles)      5:3726 5:3741
EM (Erythema migrans)      4:2383
EMAP (Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program)      2:1348
Embankment dams      2:1150
Embden,G.      3:1586
Emberiza citrinella      See Yellow-hammers
Emberiza schoeniclus      See Reed buntings
Emberizid sparrows      5:3742—3743
Embiids      2:1445
Embolism      1:229 1:283 2:1445—1446
Embroidery      6:4004
Embryo cloning      1:541
Embryo transfer      2:1448—1449
Embryogenesis      2:1447—1448
Embryology      2:1449—1451 2:1450
Embryonic germ cells      See Stem cells
Embryonic stem cells      See Stem cells
Embryos and embryonic development      2:1446—1448 2:2447
Embryos and embryonic development, embryogenesis      2:1447—1448
Embryos and embryonic development, manipulation      1:204—205
Embryos and embryonic development, organogenesis and      4:2895
EMDs      See Endocrine metabolic disorders
Emergent coasts      2:912
Emerson, Ralph Waldo      2:1017
Emerson, Robert      5:3067
Emery      3:2119
emf      See Electromotive force
Emission nebulae      3:2176—2177
Emission spectra      6:3757
Emission spectroscopy, atomic      3:1618
Emissions      2:1451 2:1451—1452.
Emissions, acid rain      1:24
Emissions, chlorofluorocarbons      2:858
Emissions, control      5:3176—3177
Emissions, non-point sources      4:2787—2788 4:2755
Emissions, stimulated      4:2282
Empedocles      2:1422 4:2876 5:3147
Emperor geese      3:1748
Emperor of Germany's birds of paradise      1:549
Emperor penguins      1:214 4:3003—3004
Emperor tamarins      4:2445
Emphysema      2:1452—1453 5:3429 5:3431 5:3439
Empidonax alnorum      See Alder flycatchers
Empidonax minimus      See Least flycatchers
Empidonax traillii      See Traill's flycatchers
Empidonax virescens      See Acadian flycatchers
Empirical formulas      3:167 8—1679 4:2608—2609
Empirical probability      5:3242—3243
EMPs (Electromagnetic pulses)      4:2819
Emulsions      2:1453—1455
Emulsions, oil spills and      4:2860
Emulsions, vinyl-acetate      1:53
Emus      3:1629 3:1630—1631
Enceladus      5:3517
Encephalitis      2:1455—1457
Encephalopathies, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease      2:1097—1099
Enciphering matrices      4:2474
Encke, Johann R      5:3516
Encryption      2:1120—1121
Endangered species      2:1457—1462 2:1459 3:2183
Endangered Species Act of 1973      2:1457 2:1459 2:1460 2:1488 6:4334
Endangered species, African otter shrews      4:2915
Endangered species, albatrosses      1:104
Endangered species, American crocodiles      2:1102 2:1104
Endangered species, American ginseng      3:1818
Endangered species, apes      1:249—250
Endangered species, bats      1:456
Endangered species, biodiversity and      1:507
Endangered species, black-footed ferrets      2:1460 3:1591—1593 3:2592
Endangered species, chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicity      3:2140
Endangered species, cichlids      2:1460
Endangered species, cloning      2:900
Endangered species, coelacanths      2:929
Endangered species, dawn redwoods      6:3929
Endangered species, ducks      2:1291—1292
Endangered species, ecological monitoring      2:1348
Endangered species, elephants      2:1432
Endangered species, Eskimo curlews      2:1130 5:3509
Endangered species, forests      6:4090
Endangered species, Furbish's lousewort      2:1460
Endangered species, giant pandas      4:2962
Endangered species, Glyptostrobus pensilis      6:39 29
Endangered species, golden frogs      2:1459
Endangered species, greater prairie chickens      3:1885 5:3207
Endangered species, Guadalupe fur seals      2:1458 5:3442
Endangered species, honey creepers      2:1460 2:14 3:2004—2005
Endangered species, hooded parakeets      4:2950
Endangered species, ibises      3:2080
Endangered species, illegal wildlife trade      6:4333—4335
Endangered species, international agreements      2:1461—1462
Endangered species, ivory-billed woodpeckers      2:1460
Endangered species, Kirtland's warblers      3:1677
Endangered species, koalas      3:2245 3:2246
Endangered species, Komodo dragons      4:2625
Endangered species, koupreys      1:766
Endangered species, macaques      4:2393
Endangered species, marmosets and tamarins      4:2444
Endangered species, Mauritius kestrels      3:1574
Endangered species, New World monkeys      4:2760—2761
Endangered species, northern spotted owls      2:1460 4:2864 4:2923 4:2923 4:2924
Endangered species, orchids      4:2884
Endangered species, pines      5:3093—3094
Endangered species, primates      5:3229—3230
Endangered species, proboscis monkeys      5:3244
Endangered species, protected areas      5:3257—3259
Endangered species, Puerto Rican nightjars      3:1840
Endangered species, pygmy hippopotamuses      3:1994
Endangered species, rails      5:3360
Endangered species, red-cockaded woodpeckers      2:1460—1461 4:2864—2865 6:4345—4346
Endangered species, reintroduction      1:709—710
Endangered species, restoration ecology      5:3440—3443
Endangered species, rhinoceroses      5:3452
Endangered species, simien jackals      1:702
Endangered species, snail kites      3:1923—1924
Endangered species, southeastern pocket gophers      3:1843
Endangered species, spotted owls      3:1677
Endangered species, swans      6:3931
Endangered species, Swayne's hartebeests      3:1920
Endangered species, tamaraws      1:765—766
Endangered species, tigers      1:758
Endangered species, toads      6:4041
Endangered species, tree shrews      6:4092
Endangered species, tuna      6:4130
Endangered species, turtles      6:4143
Endangered species, whales      1:813 2:1458—1459
Endangered species, wild asses      1:322
Endeavor      2:1204 3:2025 3:2269 5:3729 5:3731 5:3738
Endemic species      2:1462—1463
Endemic typhus      3:1626 6:4149
Endive      6:4205
Endocardium      3:1936
Endocrine disorders      1:390 2:1468
Endocrine glands      3:1826
Endocrine hormones      2:1464—1465
Endocrine metabolic disorders (EMDs)      4:2510—2512
Endocrine system      1:188 2:1463—1468 2:1465 4:2895—2896
Endocytosis      1:794
Endometriosis      3:2128
Endomycorrhizae      4:2692
Endoplasmic reticulum      1:784 5:3115
Endoprocta      2:1468—1469
Endoscopy      2:1469—1470
Endospores, botulism      1:599
Endosymbiotic theory      1:787
Endothermic      2:826 2:1470 6:3992—3993
Endothia parasitica      1:471 2:834 3:1718
Energy      2:1471—1473. See also Calories; Kinetic energy
Energy budgets      2:1473—1477 3:1875
Energy conservation      2:1021 2:1471—1472 6:4015
Energy Conservation and Production Act of 1976      2:1478
Energy efficiency      2:932 2:1477—1479
Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975      2:1478
Energy Star Buildings Partnership      2:1479
Energy transfer      2:1480—1481 5:3067
Energy, alternative sources of      1:140—143 1:242
Energy, binding      4:2461
Energy, bioenergy      1:508—511
Energy, biomass      1:165—166
Energy, biospheres and      1:536
Energy, ecology and      2:1352
Energy, ecosystems and      2:1354
Energy, electromagnetic      3:1875 3:1876 5:3410
Energy, geothermal      1:140 1:142
Energy, ionization      3:2189—2191 3:2190t 3:2191t
Energy, law of conservation of      2:1021 3:1949—1950
Energy, mass and      4:2475
Energy, metabolism and      4:2513—2514
Energy, nuclear      2:1473 4:2754
Energy, of cosmic rays      2:1074
Energy, thermal      2:1472
Engels, Friedrich      3:2120
Engine lathes      4:2396
Engineering      2:1481—1482. See also Genetic engineering
Engineering, bioengineering      1:410
Engineering, civil      5:3463
Engineering, computer aided      1:665
Engineering, enzymatic      2:1493—1494
Engines for farm machinery      1:78
Engines, automotive      1:397—398
Engines, internal combustion      3:2164—2167
Engines, jet      1:97 3:2216—2219 3:2217
Engines, steam      1:78 3:2121 6:3818—3820
Engines, thermodynamics      6:4020. See also Diesel engines
England      2:1533 3:1665
English Kew barometers      1:442
English sparrows      3:2183
English units of measure      See British Imperial System of Units
English violets      6:4218
English walnuts      6:4270
Engraulidae      See Anchovies
engraving      2:1482—1484 2:1483
Enhanced chemiluminescent detection      4:2377
Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor      5:3411
Enhydra lutris      See Sea otters
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computers)      1:674
Enlarged heart      3:2073
Enlightenment era, uniformitarianism and      6:4173
Ensatina eschscholtzi      See Ensatina salamanders
Ensatina salamanders      5:3498
ENSO      See El Nino weather events
Entamoeba histolytica      5:3269
Entandrophragma      See African mahogany
Entanglement      5:3302
Enterobacteria      2:1484 2:1484—1485
Enterobias vermicularis      See Pinworms
Enterobius vermicularis      See Nematodes
Enteroviruses      6:4234
Enterprise space shuttle      5:3729 5:3738
Enthalpy      6:4012—40113
entropy      2:1118 2:1485—1487 2:1486 6:4013
Enumeration      2:951—952
Environmental ethics      2:1487—1491
Environmental formations      1:275
Environmental geology      3:1797
Environmental hazards, aerosols      1:59—61. See also Acid rain; Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Environmental hazards, agent orange      1:70—72
Environmental hazards, agrochemicals      1:81—82 1:85
Environmental hazards, algae      1:120—121
Environmental hazards, DDT      2:1158—1162
Environmental hazards, global warming      1:68
Environmental hazards, Great Barrier Reef and      3:1871—1872
Environmental hazards, mining and      4:2888
Environmental impact statements      2:1491—1493
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)      2:1348
Environmental Prediction Center      6:4304
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)      2:1348 2:1479 2:1488—1489 2:1491
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on acid rain      1:21
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on air pollution      1:93
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on noise pollution      4:2784
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on pesticides      4:3025
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on radon gas      5:3359
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on secondhand smoke      2:882
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), drinking water      6:4290—4291
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hazardous wastes      3:1925 6:4282
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), landfills      4:2272
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ozone      4:2933
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling      5:33 84
Environmental qualtiy, indicator species and      3:2113—2114
Environmental regulations hazardous wastes      3:1928
Environmental Species Act      2:1460
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)      See Secondhand smoke
Enzymatic engineering      2:1493—1494
Enzyme inhibitors      2:1497
Enzymes      2:1494—1498 2:1495t 2:1496t 2:1497t
Enzymes, adenosine deaminase      1:41—43
Enzymes, metabolism and      4:2509 4:2513—2515
Enzymes, restriction      3:1755 3:1778
Eoanthropus dawsoni      See Dawn man
Eosinophils      1:578
EPA      See Environmental Protection Agency
Epcot Center      6:4228
Epeirogenesis      6:3969—3970
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