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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Cellular Automata Machine (CAM)      1:394
Cellular immunity      3:2099
Cellular radio      See Cellular telephones
Cellular respiration      1:717—718 1:796—798 5:3425—3427 5:3428
Cellular slime molds      5:3659
Cellular telephones      1:798—799 6:3978
Cellulose      1:799—801 1:800t
Celsius scale      4:2541 6:3990 6:3991 6:4015
Celsius, Anders      6:3990
CEMAT (Canadian Early and Mid Trimester Amniocentesis Trail)      1:169
Cements, solvent      1:52
Cemophora coccinea      See Scarlet snakes
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), SARS      5:3593
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), smallpox      5:3 664
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), smallpox virus      6:4231
Centipedes      1:802
Central American river turtles      6:4145
Central American squirrel monkeys      4:2761
Central American tapirs      6:3952
Central nervous system      4:2733
Central nervous system (CNS) depressants      See specific types
Central retinal artery occlusion      6:4244
Central retinal vein occlusion      6:4244
Central Seismic Gap      3:1991
Centrally acting antagonists      3:2075
Centrally acting muscle relaxants      4:2670—2671 4:2672
Centrifugal casting      4:2524
Centrifugal force, Earth rotation and      2:1322
Centrifugal force, ultracentrifuges and      6:4155
Centrifugal lift fans      3:2022
Centrifuges      1:802—804 1:803
Centromeres, of human artificial chromosomes      3:2027—2028
Centropristis striatus      See Black sea bass
Centrosaurus      2:1247
Century plants      1:256
Cephalophus      See Duikers
Cephalopterus ornatus      See Umbrellabirds
Cepheid variable stars      1:69—70 1:490 3:1722 4:2567 6:4201
Ceramics      1:804—807 1:805t 1:806t
Ceratopogonidae      6:4120
Ceratotherium simum      See White rhinoceroses
CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)      2:1026 2:1027 3:1928
Cercopithecidae      5:3230
Cercopithecus nigroviridis      See Swamp guenons
Cercopithecus spp.      3:1889 3:1890
Cercopithecus talapoin      See Dwarf guenons
Cereal      3:1664—1665
Cerebellum      1:610—611
Cerebral cortex      1:610 4:2742
Cerebral vascular accident      See Strokes
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)      3:2052 4:2493—2495
Cerebrum      1:610
Ceremic insulators      2:1387
Cerenkov detectors      4:2985t 4:2986—2987
Cerenkov effect      1:807—808
Cerenkov, P.A.      1:807
CERES      4:2585
Cereus spip.      1:662
CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research)      3:2174—2175
Ceropithecidae      See Old World monkeys
Cervical cancer      6:4232
Cervical caps      2:1044
Cervical factors, infertility      3:2129
Cervidae      2:1165—1168
Cervix      1:552—553 1:553 5:3417
Cervus canadensis      See American elk
Cervus elaphus      See Wapiti
Cesium      1:126
Cesium-133      4:2541
Cestodes      3:1623—1624 3:1626 4:2973—2974
Cestoidea      3:1623—1624
Cetaceans      1:808—813 1:522
CF      See Cystic fibrosis
CFCs      See Chlorofluorocarbons
CFHT (Canada-France-Hawaii) telescope      1:337
CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)      2:1504
Chachalacas      1:813
Chaco peccaries      See Tagua peccaries
Chadwick, James      1:140 1:361—362 1:370 1:373 4:2753 4:2822 6:3876
Chaenopsis ocellata      See Pike blennies
Chaeropus ecaudatus      See Pig-footed bandicoots
Chaetodontidae      See Butterfly fish
Chaetomys subspinosus      See Brazilian thin-spined porcupines
Chaffee, Roger      5:3737
Chaffinches      3:1614
Chagas' disease      6:4116
Chain isomerism      3:2206
Chain letters, computer viruses and      2:999
Chain, Ernst Boris      1:415 5:3607
Challenger (Ship)      4:2856 6:4164
Challenger (Space shuttle)      3:2057 5:3729 5:3731—3733 5:3737 5:3738
Chamaeleo spp.      1:815
Chamaerops humilis      See Dwarf fanpalms
Chamberlain, Owen      1:241
Chameleons      1:813—816 1:524
Chancroid      5:3608
Chandler, Asa      2:918
Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO)      2:1538 6:3833 6:4354
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan      1:336 6:3830
Chang (Yangtze) River      1:316
Channels      1:138
Chao Phraya River      1:317
Chaoboridae      6:4120
Chaos      1:777 1:816—818 1:527
Chaparrals      1:530
Chaplin, Charlie      4:2464 4:2651
Chapman reactions      2:858—859
Chapman, Sydney      4:2422
Chappe, Claude      6:3970
Chappe, Ignace      6:3970
Charadrius melodus      See Piping plovers
Charadrius vociferous      See Killdeer
Charcoal      1:714
Charcot, Jean-Martin      4:2739 5:3273
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease      4:2739—2740
Chargaff, Erwin      5:3455
Charge conservation      2:1022
Charge, unit of      2:1083—1084
charge-coupled devices (CCDs)      2:819—820 5:3063 5:3410 6:3984
Charles II (England)      5:3313
Charles's law      3:1738
Charles, Jacques      3:1738
Charon      5:3150—3154 5:3151t 5:3153
Charophyceae      1:117
Chase, Andrew      5:3396
Chase, Martha      3:1775
Chassis      1:400
chat rooms      3:2173
Chattusas, earthquakes and      2:1327
Chauna chaviaria      See Black-necked screamers
Chayotes      3:1846
CHD (coronary heart disease)      1:282 2:887—888
Cheese      3:1664 4:2603—2604
Cheetahs      1:758—759 1:759 5:3220
Cheirogaleidae      5:3 23 0
Cheirogaleus spp      See Dwarf lemurs
Chelate effect      2:1050 2:1051
Chelates      2:820—821
Chelating agents      2:1525 4:2334 4:2334—2335
Chelicerata      3:2016
Chelus fimbriatus      See Matamatas
Chelydra serpentina      See Snapper turtles
Chemical additives, for food preservation      3:1661—1662
Chemical bonds      2:821—824 4:2573 4:2574—2575 4:2616—2617
Chemical bonds, carbon      3:2047
Chemical bonds, molecular shape and      4:2610—2611
Chemical burns      1:647—648
Chemical cauterization      1:768
Chemical compounds      2:984—988 2:985 4:2614
Chemical compounds from hydrogenation      3:2060
Chemical compounds, coordination      2:1048—1051 2:1049 2:10491 2:1050
Chemical compounds, copper      2:1055
Chemical compounds, ionic      2:1122 2:1123—1124 2:1124t 3:1679 4:2609
Chemical compounds, iron      3:2197
Chemical compounds, molecular      2:1122 2:1124
Chemical compounds, organic      2:987 5:3297—3298.
Chemical elements      2:1419—1425 2:1420t 2:1421t.
Chemical energy      2:1473
Chemical equations      2:1505—1507
Chemical equilibrium      1:27 2:1507—1508
Chemical evolution      2:824—825
Chemical explosives      2:1559—1560 2:1562
Chemical formulas      3:1678—1679. See also Structural formulas
Chemical ionization      3:2192
Chemical metallurgy      4:2521 4:2523
Chemical mixtures      4:2598—2599
Chemical mutagens      4:2686
Chemical oxygen demand (COD)      2:825
Chemical pollution      2:1028
Chemical pollution, bioaccumulated      1:49 8—49 9
Chemical pollution, frogs and      3:1705
Chemical pollution, lake fertility and      4:2263
Chemical reactions      2:825—827
Chemical reactions, coal and      2:909
Chemical reactions, hydrogen in      3:2057
Chemical reactions, landforms from      4:2274
Chemical rockets      3:2217
Chemical testing      5:3297
Chemical treatment systems      5:3177
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)      2:1126
Chemical warfare      2:828—831 2:529.
Chemical warfare, mustard gas      4:2684—2685
Chemical warfare, simulated      2:529
Chemical waste incineration      3:2112
Chemical Weapons Convention      2:830
Chemical weathering      2:1510 6:4311—4312
Chemicals, agrochemicals      1:79—82 1:52
Chemicals, biomagnification      1:525—526
Chemicals, cancer and      1:726
Chemicals, household      1:648
Chemicals, indoor air quality and      3:2115—2118
Chemicals, toxic      2:1028—1029. See also specific chemicals and classes of chemicals
Chemiluminescence      4:2377—2378
Chemiosmosis      1:797
Chemistry      2:831—833
Chemistry, analytical      1:36 2:832
Chemistry, electricity and      1:792
Chemistry, geochemistry      3:1788—1790
Chemistry, histochemistry      1:795
Chemistry, inorganic      2:832 2:851
Chemistry, organic      1:715 2:831—832 2:851—852
Chemistry, photochemistry      5:3050—3052
Chemistry, thermochemistry      2:955 6:4011—40113
Chemists      2:832
Chemo taxis      1:417
Chemoautotrophs      1:402 1:412
Chemoheterotrophs      1:412
Chemoreception      1:246—247 2:833 2:833
Chemosynthesis      3:2066 4:2855
Chemotherapy      1:206 1:697 3:1998 4:2685
Chen caerulescens      See Snow geese
Chen caerulescens caerulescens      3:1746
Chen canagica      See Emperor geese
Chen rossii      See Ross's geese
Chenab River      1:318
Chernobyl nuclear power plant      2:1490 4:2811 5:3330 5:3345 5:3346 5:3348—3349
Cherries      5:3486
Chesapeake Bay      2:1101 4:3005
Chestnut blight      1:471 2:834 3:1718
Chestnut trees      3:2183
Chestnut-collared longspurs      5:3744
Chestnuts      2:833—834
Chestnuts, American      1:469—471 2:834
Chestnuts, European sweet      1:470
Chestnuts, horse      3:2013—2014
Chestnuts, sweet      1:469—470 1:470 2:834
Chevreul, Michel      5:3675 6:3822
Chi-square test      2:834—836 2:835 2:835t 2:836t 6:3814
Chiao Wei-Yo      4:2364
Chickenpox      2:836—839 2:840 5:3419 6:4204
Chickens      4:2359 4:2360—2361
Chickpeas      5:3117
Chicxulub crater      3:2227
Chief Mountain      4:2660
Chiggers      5:3459
Chihuahuan Desert      2:1205
Child abuse      4:2665—2666
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)      1:377
Child Behavior Rating Scales      1:377
Childbirth      1:552—555 1:553 1:554
Childhood diseases      2:839—843. See also specific diseases
Children's Vaccine Initiative      6:4192
Children, diseases of      2:839—843. See also Infants
Children, lead poisoning and      4:2297—2298
Children, vaccines and      6:4192
Chile, earthquakes in      2:1324
Chilean tinamous      6:4037
Chilicotes      3:1847
Chill casting      4:2523—2524
Chilowsky, Constantin      5:3712
Chimaeras      2:843—844
Chimeras      1:742
Chimpanzees      1:249—250 1:408 2:844—848 2:845 3:2032
Chin, Karen      6:4150
China      1:316
China, dinosaurs and      2:1245
China, severe acute respiratory syndrome      5:3591 5:3592 5:3594
Chinaberries      4:2423
Chinchillas      2:848—849 2:849
Chinchon, Anna del (Countess)      5:3313
Chinese alligators      2:1104
Chinese carp      1:584
Chinese ephedra      3:1971
Chinese geese      3:1748
Chinese herbal medicine      1:144—145 3:1971
Chinese monsoons      4:2633—2634
Chinese pangolins      4:2965
Chinese restaurant syndrome (CRS)      4:2630
Chinook winds      5:3555
Chipmunks      2:849 6:3789
Chipping sparrows      5:3743
Chiral molecules      6:3846
Chiron      4:2587
Chiropotes satanas      See Bearded sakis
Chiropractic      1:146
Chiroptera      1:452
Chitons      2:849—850
Chives      6:4205
Chlamydia      1:519 5:3607—3608
Chlamydia psittaci      5:3156
Chlidonias niger      See Black terns
Chlorates      2:857
Chlordane      2:850—851
Chlorides      2:857 3:1903
Chlorinated dioxins      2:1249—1251
Chlorinated hydrocarbon polymers      2:853—854
Chlorinated hydrocarbons      2:851—855 2:857 2:1029 2:1158—1162 3:1910—1911 3:2138 3:2139—2140
Chlorinated hydrocarbons from solid waste incineration      3:2111
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, biomagnification of      1:524—525 1:526
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, ecosystems and      2:1345
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, peregrine falcons and      4:3014
Chlorination      2:855 6:4292—4293
Chlorine      2:855—857 2:1395—1396 3:1911—1912 4:2856—2857
Chlorococcum      1:117
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)      1:216 2:854 2:857—860 3:1876 3:1903 3:1911 3:2053 4:2929 5:3175
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), aerosols and      1:61
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), air pollution from      1:92
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), dissociation      5:3 051
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), global warming from      1:68
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), ozone and      1:343 4:2934 4:2935 4:2936 4:2937—2938
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