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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Beta vulgaris crassa      See Sugar beets
Beta vulgaris escuelenta      1:474
Beta-blockers      1:486—489 1:487t 3:1944 3:2075
Betalains      5:3126
Betamax format      6:4217
Betel leaves      4:3008
Betel palms      4:2959
Bethe, Hans      2:1072 2:1431
Bettongia lesueur      See Boodies
Bettongia penicillata      See Bettongs
Bettongs      3:2231
Betula papyrifera      See Paper birches;White birches
Betula pendula      1:544
Betula spp.      See Birches
Betulaceae      See Birch family
Bevel gears      3:1743
Beverages      See Alcoholic beverages;Juices; Milk
Bewick's swans      6:3931
Bewick's wrens      6:4350
BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole)      1:657
Bhaskara      3:1798 3:1801
BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene)      1:657—658
Bhutan      1:318
Bible      5:3233
Bickford, William      2:1561
Bicknell's thrushes      6:4027
Bicycle drive light planes      1:98
Bidensfrondose      See Beggar-ticks
Big bang theory      1:489—493 2:1076 2:1077—1079
Big bang theory vs. steady-state theory      6:3815 6:3816 6:3817
Big bang theory, continuing expansion      1:70
Big bang theory, dark matter and      2:1153
Big bang theory, elements, formation of      2:1431
Big bang theory, general relativity and      5:3405
Big bang theory, Hubble's law and      1:337 2:1275
Big bang theory, primordial black holes      5:3405
Big bang theory, quasars and      5:3312
Big bang theory, radiation and      2:1072—1073
Big cats      1:758—759
Big-eyed shads      See Mooneyes
Bigollo, Leonardo Pisano      3:1604
Bilateral symmetry      4:2949
Bilimbin      3:2214—2215
Billfish      See Istiophoridae
Binary bits      5:3301—3302
Binary fission      1:312
Binary language      2:993 2:997
Binary pulsars      4:2756 5:3405
Binary stars      1:493—496 1:494 1:495
Binary stars, brightness of      1:489
Binary stars, eclipsing      1:495 1:495 6:4201
Binary stars, formation of      6:3803
Binary stars, mass of      3:2238
Binary stars, neutron stars as      4:2756
Binary stars, novas and      4:2796 6:4201
Binary stars, orbits of      1:777
Binary stars, tidal effects      1:775
Binary stars, white dwarfs      6:4326
Binary stars, x-ray      1:496 6:4354
Binding energy      4:2461
Binford, Lewis      2:1520
Bingham Canyon Mine      4:2580
Binnig, Gerd      4:2551—2552
Binocular cues      2:1198
Binocular microscopes      4:2550
Binocular vision      6:4237
Binoculars      1:496—497
Binomial coefficients      2:952
Binomial numbers      4:2990—2991
Binomial theorem      1:497—498
Binturongs      2:898
Binzel, Richard P.      4:2719
Bioaccumulation      1:49 8—49 9 3:1653—1654.
Bioaerosols      3:2115—2116 3:2117 3:2118
Bioassays      1:499—500
Bioaugmentation      1:5 33—35 34
Biochemical disorders      3:1765
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)      1:500—502 2:825
Biochemicals      2:987 2:1029—1030
Biochemistry      1:502—503 2:920
Bioconcentration      3:2140
Biodegradable substances      1:503—504
Biodiversity      1:504—508 6:4333
Biodiversity, competition and      2:971
Biodiversity, coral reefs      2:1060
Biodiversity, deforestation and      2:1171
Biodiversity, ecological economics      2:1342
Biodiversity, ecosystems and      2:1344
Biodiversity, endangered species and      2:1461
Biodiversity, ice ages and      3:2083
Biodiversity, old-growth forests      4:2864
Biodiversity, protected areas      5:3257 5:3258
Biodiversity, rainforests      5:3364
Biodiversity, sustainable development      6:3923. See also Ecosystems
Bioenergy      1:508—511
Bioengineering      1:410
Biofeedback      1:511—512
Biofilms      1:417 1:512—513 3:2126
Biogas      1:509
Biogenesis      3:1809
Biogeochemical cycles      5:3045
Biogeochemistry      See Geomicrobiology
Biogeography, island      3:2204—2205
Bioinformatics      1:513—514 1:514
Biological clocks      See Biological rhythms
Biological communities      1:514—515
Biological hydrogenation      3:2060
Biological pest control      3:1773 3:2138 3:2153—2154
Biological rhythms      1:515—518 1:818
Biological stress      See Ecological stress
Biological toxins      1:519
Biological treatment, of hazardous wastes      3:1929
Biological warfare      1:518—521 5:3458 6:4204—4205.
biology      1:521—522
Biology, astrobiology      1:329 1:329—331 1:330
Biology, cell      1:72 2:1545
Biology, computational      1:513—514 1:514
Biology, Great Barrier Reef      3:1870—1871
Biology, molecular      4:2606—2608
Biology, population      1:817—818
Biology, sociobiology      1:148—149 5:3677—3678.
Bioluminescence      1:522—524 1:523 4:2377—2378
Biomagnification      1:499 1:524—527 3:1654
Biomass      1:508—510 1:527 2:1352 2:1354
Biomass crops      1:510
Biomass, ecological disturbances and      2:1259
Biomass, ecological productivity      2:1349 2:1350
Biomass, ecosystems and      2:1344
Biomass, energy      1:140 1:143 1:165—166 2:1474
Biomass, rainforests      5:3364 5:3365
Biomass, rangelands      5:33 68
Biomes      1:514 1:527—533 1:529.
Biometrics      4:2402
Bionics      5:3252 5:3255—3256
Biophysics      1:533 5:3081
Biopsies      1:696 1:697
Bioremediation      1:533—535
Biosensor technology      1:543
Biosphere      1:536—537 2:1352.
Biosphere Project      1:537—540
Biosphere, DDT and      2:1160
Biosphere, population      5:3189
Biosphere, species extinction and      2:1565
Biostimulation      1:533 1:534
biotechnology      1:540—542 1:541 2:1190
Biotechnology, brewing and      1:614
Biotechnology, yeasts and      6:4363
Bioterrorism      1:542—544 1:543 6:4204—4205.
Biotic communities      1:514—515
Bipolar disorder      See Manic depression
Bipolar junction transistors      6:4076
Birch family      1:544 1:544—545
Birches      1:544 1:544
Bird's-nest plants      1:738
Birdcalls      1:546
Birds      1:545—548 6:4214
Birds as livestock      4:2360—2361
Birds of paradise      1:548—550 1:549
Birds of prey      1:55 0—551. See also Raptors; specific birds of prey
Birds vs. bats      1:452—453
Birds'-eye primroses      5:3232
Birds, acid rain      1:23
Birds, agrochemicals and      1:81—82
Birds, archaeopteryx      4:2953t 4:2954
Birds, courtship      2:1088 2:1089
Birds, dinosaurs and      2:1248
Birds, flightless      3:1629—1633
Birds, frigate      3:1700 3:1700
Birds, hearts in      3:1935
Birds, insecticide poisoning and      3:2140
Birds, old-growth forests      4:2864—2867
Birds, ornithology      4:2901—2902
Birds, oviparous      4:2921
Birds, reproduction      5:3604
Birds, solar eclipses and      2:1337
Birds, tropic      6:4102—4103. See also specific types of birds
Birdseye, Charles      3:1660
Birth      1:551—555 1:552 1:553 1:554
Birth control      See Contraception
Birth control pills      2:1044—1046
Birth defects      1:556—560 5:3178.
Birth defects, amniocentesis and      1:168
Birth defects, rubella and      2:841
Birth weight, low      1:556
Birthmarks      1:767
Bismaleimide resins      2:980
Bismuth      2:1423
Bison      1:560—562 1:561 4:2360 5:3189 5:3205 5:3248 6:4332
Bison bison      See American bison
Bison bison athabascae      See Wood bison
Bison bison bison      See Plains bison
Bison bonasus      See European bison
Bissell, George H.      4:2862 4:3030
Bit-Serial Optical Computer (BSOC)      2:992
Biting midges      6:4120
Bitter oranges      2:896
Bitterns      1:562—563 1:563 3:1981—1982
Bivalves      1:563—565 1:564 4:2620
Bjerknes, Jacob      1:89 1:90 2:1360 6:4304 6:4307
Bjerknes, Vilhelm      1:89 1:90 4:2534 6:4304 6:4307
Bjerrum, N.      1:26
BL Lacertae objects      1:38 1:565 3:1725 5:3311
Black and white colobus monkeys      2:938 2:938—939
Black bears      1:463—464
Black brant geese      3:1746
Black bulbuls      1:645
Black cod      2:925
Black colobus monkeys      2:939
Black Death      3:1626
Black ducks      2:2259
Black eagles      2:1308
Black flies      6:4120
Black gibbons      3:1815
Black Hills, South Dakota      5:3215
Black holes      1:13 1:38—39 1:565—568 2:1152 3:1869
Black holes, event horizon of      2:1538
Black holes, formation of      1:336
Black holes, general relativity      5:3405
Black holes, Hubble telescope      5:3724
Black holes, Milky Way      4:2568—2569 6:3833
Black holes, primordial      5:34 05
Black holes, quasars and      5:3310—3311
Black holes, star mass      6:3832 6:3842
Black hunter thrips      6:4024
Black mambas      2:1364
Black mangroves      4:2430—2431
Black marlins      4:2442—2443
Black oystercatchers      4:2932
Black pepper      1:130 4:3007
Black rats      5:3378
Black rhinoceroses      5:3452
Black Sea      1:315 1:316
Black sea bass      1:450—451
Black spotted cuscuses      4:3034
Black spruces      6:3781
Black swans      6:3932
Black terns      6:3998
Black vultures      6:4262—4263 6:4263 6:4264
Black walnuts      6:4270
Black, Joseph      1:671 1:684 1:719 4:2409
Black-and-crimson orioles      4:2900
Black-bearded sakis      4:2759
Black-bellied hamsters      3:1914—1915
Black-billed cuckoos      2:1128
Black-capped capuchins      4:2757
Black-footed ferrets      2:1460 3:1591—1593 3:2592
Black-handed spider monkeys      4:2760
Black-headed gulls      3:1894
Black-headed orioles      4:2900
Black-headed uakaris      4:2759
Black-necked cranes      2:1094—1095
Black-necked screamers      5:3540
Black-necked stilts      6:3849
Black-tailed jackrabbits      4:2258 4:2259
Black-tailed marmosets      See Silvery marmosets
Black-tailed prairie dogs      5:3208 5:3205
Black-throated divers      See Arctic loons
Black-throated green warblers      6:4273
Black-throated sparrows      5:3743—3744
Black-winged damselflies      2:1152
Black-winged stilts      6:3849 6:3849
Blackberries      5:3485
Blackbirds      1:568—570 1:569
Blackbody radiation      1:570 3:1951
Blackett, Patrick M.S.      4:2946
Bladder worts      1:733
Blades, leaf      4:2298
Blaese, Michael      1:42
Blanchard, Jean Pierre Francois      1:426
Blast furnaces      4:2520
Blasting agents      2:1562
Blastula cells      2:1446
Blazars      5:3311—3312
Bleach      1:570—571 2:856—857 3:2059
Bleaching, coral      2:1060—1061
Blenkinsop, John      6:4063
Blennies      1:571—572
Blenniidae      See Scaleless blennies
Bleuler, Eugen      5:3531
Blimps      1:100 1:102
Blindness      1:572—573
Blindness, artificial vision for      1:306—308 1:307
Blindness, color      1:572 2:942 2:945—946 6:4245
Blindsnakes      1:573
Bloch, Felix      4:2416
Block caving      4:2581
Block, M.H.      3:1943 6:3920
Block-structured language      2:994
Blood      1:573—579 1:574 1:575f 2:890—891 3:1934
Blood as connective tissue      2:1016
Blood flukes      3:1623
Blood gas analysis      1:579—580
Blood glucose      2:1214—1215 2:1216
Blood pressure      2:888 3:2003 3:2003.
Blood sucking lice      4:2328—2329
Blood supply      1:580—581
Blood transfusions      1:580
Blood, anemia and      1:191—192
Blood, clotting      1:575 2:890 3:1961
Blood, flow, ultrasound and      6:4158
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