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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Coconuts      4:2958—2959
Cocos nucifer      See Coconut palms
COD (Chemical oxygen demand)      2:825
Codeine      1:129 2:923—924
Codependency      1:46—47
Codes, bar      1:431
Codes, genetic      3:1750 3:1776—1777 4:2607
Codfishes      2:924—926 2:925
Codons      2:926—927 2:1192
Coefficients      2:927
Coelacanths      1:592 2:927—929 2:925
Coelopidae      6:4120
Coendou prekensilis      See Prehensiletailed porcupines
Coenocorypha aucklandica      See New Zealand snipes
Coenzymes      4:2513
COF (Campagnes Oceanographiques Franaises)      6:4168
Cofactors      1:523
Coffea spp.      See Coffee plants
Coffee beans      2:930
Coffee plants      2:929—931 2:930 2:931
Coffin, C.L.      6:4315
Cogeneration      2:931—933
Cognition      2:933—934 4:2302
Cohen, Stanley      1:540 3:1768 5:3382
Cohesion      1:706
Cohesion-tension theory      6:4090
Coinage      2:1427
Coitus interruptus      2:1042
Coix lachryma-jobi      See Job's tears
Coke      2:910 3:2121
Cola acuminata      3:2247
Cola nitida      3:2247
Cola plants      1:130
Cold extrusion      4:2524
Cold fronts      1:90—91
Cold pressure welding      4:2525
Cold saws      4:2399
Cold therapy      5:3077
Cold working      4:2524
Cold-deciduous forests      3:1676
ColdFusion      4:2805
Colds, common      2:934—936 5:3430—3431 6:4234—4235
Coleoptera      See Beetles
Colies      See Mousebirds
Colinus virginianus      See Bobwhite quails
Colladen, Daniel      5:3712
Collagen      2:936—937 2:1015
Collare d lemmings      4:2314
Collared anteaters      1:218
Collared doves      5:3085
Collared earthstars      4:2678
Collared peccaries      4:2998 4:2999
Collisional excitation mechanisms      5:3106—3107 5:3106—3108
Collisional mountain belts      4:2658—2660
Colloidal dispersions      2:937
Colloids      2:937
Colloredo-Mannsfield (Prince)      4:2683
Colobus monkeys      2:937—939 2:938
Colobus satanus      See Black colobus monkeys
Colombia      5:3718—3719
Colombo, Realdo      6:4248
COLOR      2:939—945
color blindness      1:572 2:942 2:945—946 6:4245
Color film      4:2651
Color imaging      2:819
Color in machine vision      4:2401
Color of asteroids      4:2587
Color of minerals      4:2573 4:2578
Color photocopying      5:3053
Color photography      5:3060—3061
color temperature      3:2108 3:2109
Color vision      2:942 6:4238
Color, chameleons and      1:814
Color, characteristics      2:942—943
Color, complimentary      2:944
Color, diffraction      2:941
Color, electromagnetic spectrum and      2:1403—1404
Color, influence of      2:944—945
Color, interference      2:941
Color, mixing      2:942
Color, phosphors and      3:1645
Color, primary      2:944
Color, quarks and      5:3309
Color, refraction      2:940—941
Color, secondary      2:944
Color, spectrum      5:3064—3065 6:3755—3758 6:3755t 6:3756t
Color, vision and      2:942
Color, wavelengths      2:940
Colorado River      5:3720 6:3862
Colorants      2:943 2:1299—1301
Colt, Samuel      1:320
Colubr oidea      5:3672
Colubridae      5:3672
Colugos      2:946—948
Columba fasciata      See Band-tailed pigeons
Columba leucocephala      See Whitecrowned pigeons
Columba livia      See Rock doves
Columbia space shuttle      3:2169—2170 5:3729 5:3732—3734 5:3735 5:3737 5:3738 5:3739
Columbigallina passerina      See Ground doves
Columbus, Christopher      4:2855 5:3602 5:3617
Column chromatography      5:3298
Com (Maize)      2:1066—1068 2:1067 3:1857—1858 5:3117
Com borers      5:3040
Com poppies      5:3188
Com smuts      5:3493
Coma Supercluster      6:3908
Comas (Comets)      2:960
Comas (Mental state)      2:948—951 2:949 2:1214
Comatulids      3:1585—1586
Comba, Paul      2:820
Combination locks      4:2367
Combinatorics      2:951—954
Combine machines      1:77 1:78
Combustion      2:909 2:954—956 4:2926.
Combustion aerosols      1:61
Comeal transplants      6:4082
Comet Hale — Bopp      2:956—957 2:960
Comet Shoemaker — Levy 9 collision      3:2226
Cometary dust particles      3:1906
comets      2:956 2:957—962 2:959
Comets, astrobiology and      1:329—330
Comets, astroblemes and      1:331
Comets, meteor showers and      4:2537
Comets, NEAR-Earth Object Hazard Index      4:2719—2720
Comets, Oort cloud      5:3100
Comets, planetary geology      5:3104
Comets, x rays from      6:4354. See also Halley's comet
Commelina      6:3764
Commensalism      2:962
Commercial composting      2:982
Commercial hunting      3:1672—1673
Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX)      3:2174
Commercial whaling      1:812—813
Common American moles      4:2618—2619
Common barberries      1:432
Common buzzards      1:659
Common canaries      3:1614
Common carp      1:583—584 1:734—735 1:735 4:2584
Common chaffinches      3:1614
Common cold      See Colds common
Common cuscuses      4:3034
Common denominators      4:2302—2303
Common factor, greatest      3:1872
Common figs      4:2663—2664
Common flamingos      3:1621
Common fractions      3:1690—1694
Common gallinules      5:3360
Common ginger      3:1816—1817 3:1817
Common green bee-eaters      1:469
Common hamsters      3:1914—1915
Common hippopotamuses      3:1992—1993
Common kingfishers      3:2244
Common lilacs      4:2339
Common liverworts      4:2357
Common logarithms      4:2370
Common loons      4:2372
Common marmosets      4:2445
Common meadow mushrooms      4:2679
Common mynahs      4:2695—2696
Common nighthawks      3:1840
Common peafowl      See Blue peafowl
Common quails      5:3296
Common silverfish      1:620
Common starlings      1:585
Common tenrecs      6:3994
Common terns      6:3998
Common tree shrews      6:4091
Common turkeys      6:4140
Common zebras      6:4371—4372
Commoner, Barry      2:1490
Communicating hydrocephalus      3:2052
Communication, diode lasers in      4:2284
Communication, fiber optic      3:1601—1602 3:1603
Communication, Internet      3:2174
Communication, microwave      4:2558—2560 4:2559
Communication, optimal wavelengths      3:1603—1604
Communication, satellites      1:799
Communities, climax      2:898—899
Communities, composting and      2:982
Communities, fossil      3:1685—1686
Community ecology      2:962—963
Commutative groups      3:1883
Commutative property      2:963
Commutators      3:1762
Compact bone      2:1016
Compact disc-read only memory      See CD-ROMs
Compact discs (CDs)      2:963—969 2:964 2:964t 2:965t—967t 2:968t
Compact discs (CDs), digital recording      2:1238 2:1239
Compact discs (CDs), lasers and      4:2284
Compact radio galaxies      3:1725
Comparative anatomy      1:190
Comparative genomics      1:514
Comparative physiology      5:3082—3083
Comparative psychology      5:3276
Compasses      2:1025 2:1407
Competition (Ecology)      2:969—971
Competitive displacement      2:970
Competitive release      2:969—970
Compiler program      2:994
Complement system      3:2097
Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)      2:971—972
Complementary metal oxide semiconductors      See CMOS technology
Complementation, genetic      6:4222
Complete migration      4:2563
Complex carbohydrates      3:1665
Complex chlorinated hydrocarbons      2:853—854
Complex Number Calculators      1:674
complex numbers      2:972—975 2:973t 2:974t 3:2092
Complex programmed behavior      1:482
Complexes      2:972
Complimentary colors      2:944
Compositaceae      See Composite family
Composite family      2:975 2:975—978 2:977 3:1638
Composite materials      2:978—981
Composite numbers      3:1573
Composite volcanoes      4:2275 4:2660 6:4252—4253
Composting      2:981—984 2:983 2:1165 4:2273 5:3178 5:3384—3385 6:4279—4280 6:4280.
Composting with worms      2:984
Composting, commercial      2:982
Composting, organic farming and      4:2891
Compound lenses      4:2319
Compound loci      4:2368
Compound machines      4:2405—2406
Compound microscopes      4:2550 4:2554
Compounds, chemical      See Chemical compounds
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)      2:1026 2:1027 3:1928
Compression engines      See Diesel engines
Compression strokes      3:2165—2166
Compression tests      6:3828
Compsognathus      2:1243 2:1248
Compton effect      2:988 4:2985
Compton Gamma Ray Observatory satellite      3:1730 3:1732
Compton, Arthur H.      1:362 2:988 4:2338
Compulsions      2:988—990
Computational biology      1:513—514 1:524
Computer aided engineering (CAE)      1:665
Computer cryptography      4:2826
Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)      1:665
Computer languages      2:993—995 2:997
Computer memory      2:995—996
Computer micro technology      4:2556
Computer numerical control (CNC)      1:394 4:2395 4:2396 4:2397
Computer software      2:996—998
Computer software in virtual reality systems      6:4225—4229
Computer software, artificial intelligence      1:303—306
Computer software, bugs      3:2172—2173
Computer software, geographic information system      1:743
Computer software, open-source      4:2871—2872
Computer viruses      2:998—1000
Computer vision      See Machine vision
Computer-aided design (CAD)      1:617 1:664 1:664—665 2:998
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)      1:664—665
Computer-generated images, in motion pictures      4:2653—2654
Computerized axial tomography (CAT)      2:1000—1002 2:1001 4:2807 5:3196 5:3351 5:3357—3358 6:4357
Computerized photography      5:3061—3062
Computers, analog      2:990—991
Computers, artificial intelligence      1:303—306
Computers, automation and      1:393—394
Computers, digital      2:991—993 2:992
Computers, microcomputers      4:2556 5:3471
Computers, N-body problem and      4:2702—2703
Computers, neural      2:1136
Computers, optical      2:992
Computers, quantum      5:3301—3302
Computers, radiology      5:3357
Computers, virtual reality systems      6:4225—4229
Computers, weather forecasting      6:4305—4306
Computers, Y2K      6:4368—4370
Comstock Law of 1873      2:1044
Concentration      2:1002 4:2515
conception      5:3 28 6
Concordant ages      3:1796
Concorde supersonic aircraft      1:97
Concrete      1:640 1:643 2:1002—1003 2:1003
Condamine, Charles Marie de      See La Condamine Charles
Condensation polymerization      4:2630
Condensers      5:3177
Conditioning      1:482 2:1003—1006 4:2302
Condoms      2:1043
Condon, Edward Uhler      6:4133
Condors      1:551 1:709 2:1006—1008 2:1007 5:3369 6:4261 6:4262 6:4263
Conduction      3:1950 3:1951 3:2077.
Condylura cristata      See Star-nosed moles
Coneys      See Rock hyraxes
Confabulation      3:2248
Conference on Weights and Measures      6:4175
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)      4:2510
Congenital cataracts      6:4243
Congenital disorders      2:843 2:1008.
Congenital heart defects      1:557—558 3:1943
Conger eels      6:4118
Congeridae      6:4118
Congestive heart failure      2:1240
Congo clawless otters      4:2918
Congo peafowl      4:2997
Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever      3:1964
Congruence (Numbers)      4:2601 4:2825
Congruence (Triangle)      2:1008—1010 2:1009t 2:1010t 3:1800
Conic sections      1:185 2:1010—1014 2:1011t 2:1012t 2:1013t
Conies      See Pikas
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