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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) |
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Herodotus on solar eclipses 2:1337
Herodotus, cotton and 4:2710—2712
Herodotus, oceanography and 4:2855
Heroin 1:45 4:2640 5:3433
Herons 1:562—563 3:1980 3:1980—1982 3:1981
Herophilus 3:1940
Heroult, Paul L.T. 1:149
Herpes virus type 6 6:4232 6:4234
Herpes zoster See Shingles
Herpestes javanicus See Indian mongooses
Herpesviruses 3:1983 6:4232
Herpetology 3:1982—1983
Herring gulls 3:1894
Herrings 3:1983—1984
Herschel, William, fingerprints and 3:1668
Herschel, William, infrared detectors and 3:2134
Herschel, William, infrared spectrum and 2:1405
Herschel, William, Saturn and 5:3515
Herschel, William, star counts 4:2566
Herschel, William, Sun and 3:1957
Herschel, William, Uranus discovery 1:336 1:774 5:3099 6:4180
Hershey, Alfred 3:1775
Hertz cycles 2:1403 2:1405 4:2907
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph 2:1403 4:2337 5:3055 5:3333
Hertzsprung — Russell diagrams 1:338 3:1984—1988 3:1984t 3:1985t 3:1986t
Hertzsprung, Ejnar 1:338 1:490 3:1985
Hesperiphona vespertinus See Evening grosbeaks
Hesperomyinae See New World mice
Hess, Harry 5:3142
Hess, Henri 2:955
Hess, Victor 2:1074
Heterostichus rostratus See Kelpfish
Heterotrophs 3:1988
Heterozygosity 6:4359
HEV (hepatitis E virus) 3:1968 3:1969
Hevea brasiliensis See Para rubber trees
Hevelius, Johannes 2:958 4:2502
Hevesy, Georg von 4:2807
Hewelcke, Johannes 2:958 4:2502
Hewish, Antony 4:2755 5:3288
Hewitt, Peter 1:260
Hexabrominated biphenyls 5:3178
Heyerdahl, Thor 5:3635
Heywood, Karen J. 6:4138
HFCs See Hydrofluorocarbons
HFIR (High Flux Isotope Reactor) 4:2814
hGH (Human growth hormone) 3:1886 3:1887—1888
HGP See Human Genome Project
HGV (Hepatitis G virus) 3:1969
Hiatal hernias 3:1978
Hibernation 3:1988—1990 3:1989
Hickories 6:4269—4270
Hierochloe odorata See Sweet grass
High blood pressure See Hypertension
High density lipoproteins (HDL) 1:285
High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) 4:2814
High performance composites 2:979—980
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 2:868
High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) 3:2024 3:2025
High voltage transformers See Transformers
High-definition television (HDTV) 2:1238 2:1239 6:3987
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) 5:3384
High-pressure liquid chromatography 2:868
High-temperature superconductors 6:3911—3912
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) 1:87
HII regions 4:2567
Hijaz Mountains 1:315
Hildebrand, Alan 3:2227
Hill mynahs 4:2695
Hills, vs. mountains 4:2657
Himalayan primroses 5:3232
Himalayas 1:314 1:316 1:318—319 3:1990—1992
Himalayas, erosion and 2:1512
Himalayas, monsoons and 4:2633
Himalayas, tectonics and 1:325
Himantopus himantopus See Blackwinged stilts
Himantopus melanurus See Blackwinged stilts
Himantopus mexicanus See Blacknecked stilts
Himantopus mexicanus knudseni See Hawaiian stilts
Hindbrain 1:608
Hindenburg 1:94 1:101 3:2057 4:2926
Hindu Kush 1:318
Hindu-Arabic numbering system 1:277 4:2828
Hiodon tergisus See Mooneyes
Hiodontidae 4:2637—2638
Hip replacement 4:2904 5:3253—3254
Hipparchus 1:338 1:680
Hipparchus, equinoxes 5:3211
Hipparchus, steelar magnitudes 6:3835—3836
Hipparchus, trigonometry 6:4095
Hipparcos satellite 1:334—335 4:2971
Hippocampus ingens See Sea horses
Hippocrates 1:222 1:691 3:1940
Hippocrates on carcinogens 4:2686
Hippocrates on dental care 2:1183
Hippocrates on malaria 6:4108
Hippocrates on mental illness 5:3273
Hippocrates, epilepsy and 2:1501
Hippocrates, intentional hypothermia 3:2076
Hippoglossoides platessoides See American plaice
Hippoglossus hippoglossus See Atlantic halibut
Hippoglossus stenolepis See Pacific halibut
Hippopotamus amphibius See Common hippopotamuses
Hippopotamuses 3:1992—1994 3:1993
Hiroshima 4:2799 4:2803 4:2809 4:2817 4:2818 5:3345
Hirschmann, Ralph 5:3454
Hirudinea 5:3575
Hirundo rustica See Bam swallows
Hismanal See Astemizole
Histamines 1:134 1:187 3:1994—1995 3:2095—2096
Histiopteridae 1:585
Histochemistry 1:795
Histones 2:867 2:877
Historic archaeology 1:267
Historical geology 3:1796 3:1797 3:1995
Hitter, Adolf 1:171
HIV 1:85—87 5:3608 6:4058 6:4229—4230.
HIV, dementia and 2:1180
HIV, estimates 6:4112
HIV, pneumonia 5:3156
HIV, retroviruses 1:578—579 5:3444 6:4236
HIV, T cells 1:578—579
HIV, therapies for 1:88—89
HIV, vaccines 5:3609—3610
HLA (human leukocyte antigens) 1:227 4:2992 5:3450
HM.S.Beagle 2:1544
HMD (Head-mounted display) units 6:4226-—4227
HMSN (Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy) 4:2739
hnRNA 5:3464—3465 5:3466
Hoary marmots 4:2447 4:2447
Hoatzins 3:1995—1996
Hodgkin's cells 3:1997
Hodgkin's disease 3:1996—1998 3:1997 4:2388
Hoes 1:75
Hoff, Ted 1:675
Hoffman's two-toed sloths See Twotoed sloths
Hoffmann, Klaus 1:516
Hoffmann, Paul Erich 5:3606
Hofmann, Albert 3:1907
Hog-badgers 1:420
Hog-nosed skunks 5:3648
Hogbacks 4:2275
Hokkaido 1:316
Holbrook, Stephen R. 5:3465
Holbrookia maculata See Lesser earless lizards
Holland, John 6:3880
Holland, tulips in 4:2341
Hollerith, Herman 2:991
Holley, Robert W. 2:927
Holly family 3:1998—2000 3:1999
| Hollywood 4:2651
Holograms 3:2000—2002 3:2001
Holographic interferometry 3:2161
Holography 2:1229 3:2000—2002
Holometabola 4:2532
Holstein calves 1:552
Homarus americanus See Northern lobsters
Homarus vulgar is See European lobsters
Hombills 3:2011—2013 3:2012
Homed larks 4:2280
Homed screamers 5:3540
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) 3:1971
Homeopathy 1:147 3:1971
Homeostasis 3:2002—2004 3:2003t 5:3081 5:3082—3083
homer 6:4208
Homer, Jack 6:4149—4150
Hominids 3:2032—2034 5:3230
Homo erectus 3:2034
Homo ergaster 3:2034
Homo habilis 3:2034
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis See Neanderthal man
Homo sapiens sapiens 3:2034—2035
Homogeneous catalysis 1:752
Homogenization 6:4157
Homozygosity 6:4359
Homworts 1:628
Honey bees 1:472 1:473
Honey dews 3:1846
Honeycreepers 2:1460 2:1462 3:2004—2005
Honeyeaters 3:2005—2006
Honeypot ants 1:246
Hong Kong flu 3:2133
Hong River 1:318
Honshu 1:316
Hooded mergansers 5:3442
Hooded parakeets 4:2950
Hooke's law 2:1366
Hooke, Robert 2:958 2:1121 2:1146 2:1366 3:1808
Hooke, Robert, on crystal structure 4:2575
Hooke, Robert, on microscopy 4:2552
Hooker Chemical Company 3:1927
Hooker process 5:3686
Hookworms 6:4110—4111
Hoolock gibbons 3:1813 3:1814
Hoopoes 3:2006
Hoover dam 2:1150
Hoover, Herbert 4:2580
Hoover, J.Edgar 3:1668
Hoover, Lou Henry 4:2580
Hope well burial mouonds 4:2656
Hope, James 3:1942
Hopper, Grace Murray 2:993 6:4369
Hordeum sativum See Six-rowed barley
Hordeum vulgare See Barley
Horizon coordinates 1:771
Horizon problem 2:1079
Horizons, soil 3:2006—2007 5:3688—3689
Horizontal band saws 4:2399
Horizontal disease transmission See Autosomal recessive diseases
Horizontal drills 4:2398
Horizontal milling machines 4:2395
Horizontal plain shapers 4:2398
Hormonal regulation 4:2919—2920
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 4:2497
Hormone therapy 1:697
Hormones 3:2007—2011
Hormones, adrenal glands 1:53—55
Hormones, aging and 1:72
Hormones, anterior pituitary 5:3416
Hormones, cardiac cycle and 3:1938
Hormones, diethylstilbestrol 5:3418
Hormones, endocrine 2:1464—1465
Hormones, fetal 1:552
Hormones, growth 3:1886—1888 5:3285 5:3286
Hormones, in metabolism 4:2514—2515
Hormones, in metamorphosis 4:2532 4:2533
Hormones, mitosis and 1:791
Hormones, plants 5:3114
Hormones, sex change 5:3600—3601
Hornbeams 1:544
Horse chestnuts 3:2013 3:2013—2014
Horse flies 3:1628 6:4120
Horsehair worms 3:2014
Horsehead Nebula 6:3801—3802
Horses 3:2014—2016 3:2015 4:2360
Horseshoe crabs 3:2016—2018 3:2017
Horsetails 3:2018—2019 3:2019
Horsley, Victor 4:2745
Horticulture 3:2019—2021 3:2020.
Horvitz, Robert 1:789
Hot extrusion 4:2524
Hot spots 3:2021—2022 4:2794 6:4251
Hot working 4:2524
Hot-dip galvanizing 4:2525
Houdini, Harry 1:511
Hour angles 1:772
House finches 3:1612
House mice 4:2543—2544
House wrens 6:4350
House, Royal E. 6:3972
House-dust mites 4:2595
Houseflies 3:2627 6:4120—4121
Household hazardous wastes 3:1927
Household laundering 1:571
Houston, Edwin 1:259
Housz, Janlngen 1:719
Hover flies 3:1628
Hovercraft 3:2022—2023
Hovey, CM. 5:3118
Howard, Albert 2:982
Howard, Luke 2:905
Howe, Elias 3:2121
Howler monkeys 4:2759—2760
Hoyle, Fred 1:491 2:1073 2:1078 2:1431 6:3816—3817 6:3838
HPLC (High performance liquid chroma tography) 2:868
HPUS (Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States) 3:1971
HPV (Human papilloma viruses) 6:4232
HRS (High Resolution Spectrograph) 3:2024 3:2025
HRT See Hormone replacement therapy
HST See Hubble Space Telescope
HTLV (Human T-cell leukemia virus) 5:3444 6:4236
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 3:2175
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 3:2174—2175
Huanacos See Guanacos
Huang Hai 1:316
Huang Ma 3:1971
Huang River 1:316
Hubbard Glacier 3:2524
Hubbard, William 5:3103
Hubble age 2:1077
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 1:337 3:2023—2026 6:3983.
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astrometry and 1:334 4:2729—2730
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astrophysics and 1:340
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), black holes and 1:567 5:3724
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Cat's Eye Nebula 5:3105
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), cosmology and 2:1076
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), event horizon and 2:1538
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), extrasolar planets and 2:1567 2:1568
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), parallaxes 4:2971
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Pistol star 6:3803 6:3833
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Pluto 5:3152
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), repair of 5:3731
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Saturn 5:3515 5:3517
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), star evolution 6:3833
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), starburst galaxies 6:3804
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), ultraviolet observations with 6:4160
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Uranus 5:3109
Hubble's constant See Hubble's law
Hubble'slaw 1:490—491 1:493 2:1077 2:1275 3:1723 6:3816
Hubble, Edwin 3:1959
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